


It is perhaps no longer meaningful to do further consolidations and herding now. But there are a few things to interpret a bit.

1. 恰恰進行的記者會其實成個色調同論調都好怪
1.1. 林鄭佢平時一定係女性化,着恤衫都至少有一條領巾,今日係完全男性化、着褲,唔打呔,女強人風格
1.2. 今次係全體官員最齊人
1.3. 盧偉聰風向着西裝打呔,而唔係着返警服
1.4. 講元朗事件多過講中聯辦
1.5. 全部官員都係以黑色同深藍色統一服飾
1.6 明顯地元朗事件係對好哂對白,而國徽涂鴉則比較上不太放在心上
1. The colours and tones of the most recent Press Conference are very strange:
1.1. Lam-Cheng has been very feminine in all her appearances, until today. She used to always at least wear a scarf or a shawl. But this time, she is very masculine, with trousers and a shirt, no scarf or shawl, becoming Cersei Lannister in the fashion sense
1.2. The whole cabinet of top officials is very complete this time, lining up right behind her.
1.3. Lo Stephen Wai Chung, this time isn't wearing his police uniform, but following the dress code - black suit with blue highlights.
1.4. And somehow they have talked more about Yuen Long than the Liaison Office.
1.5. All the officials have a common theme - black suit with blue hints.
1.6. Very clearly, the comments regarding the Yuen Long incident have been well rehearsed. But about the Liaison Office, not so much.

2. 如果我單純地估計... 就係其實林鄭真正實權在握,而不再係被中聯辦及警察架空
2. If I am a betting man, which I am, I would bet my money on that Lam-Cheng has got all her power back, no longer being just a figurehead behind the Police and the Liaison Office.

3. 而出動黑社會,其實等於政府已經完全放棄任何剩餘的民意、文字戰線。加埋立法會休會,就更加可以完全咁做。
3. When they sent in the Triads, it means they have already forsaken everything about images or "opinions". When the Parliament is not holding meetings, they can fully do that without repercussions.

4. 用黑社會做事,係統戰警隊剩餘矛盾的手段,原理同迫良為娼一樣,係心理技巧:令警隊受黑社會恩惠,令警隊的「維護法紀」的內在價值觀完全消除,變成單純以外在動機推動的玩偶部隊
4. Using the gangs to do things, it is a way to further condition the Police Force. It is the same thing about forcing good women into prostitution, a psychological method. The Police has been benefited by the gangs, so that what remaining within their hearts about "serving justice" is eradicated. The Police Force is now further conditioned to only subject to external pushes, by the political forces, as puppets.

5. 係時候泛文明呢一邊,去用「泛文明」的名義,去統戰一下淺藍同埋富豪:黑社會可以俾錢打發得走,但佢可以轉頭收多筆錢搞返你,而維穩勢力可以俾得起好多錢
5. It is perhaps time to use "Pro-Civilisation" to gather supporters in the wealthy circles. They can pay the gangs to piss off, but the Chinese shadows can pay more to mess with you.

6. 不要再想像政府消資源的問題了,政府其實資源過盛,平時養兵千日用在一時,就係想派多D錢出去俾人做野
6. Let's also disregard the trains of thoughts about resources. The government now has too much to spend actually. They would rather spend the money for the hooligans to do their dirty jobs.




這次 7.22 記者會,顯示一件非常清晰和重要的事:特區政府失去管治能力,確實已嚴重到快要被推翻的地步——它已經連開一場記者招待會的能力都喪失了。我們眼前的是,連開記招都要敗走的官員團隊和警務署。

