

Shapiro Accuses Pope of being a Pagan
April 26, 2020

Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to the airwaves on his Daily Wire program blasting Pope Francis for promoting what Shapiro considered pagan after the Pope commemorated Earth Day which Shapiro said was a “Pagan holiday.”

The full monologue of the April 22 broadcast was as follows:
This morning, I’m starting to see the pagan awakening of some members of the radical — many members of the radical left, suggesting that this is nature’s revenge. Nature’s revenge. Now, I have been informed by reliable sources that nature does not actually have intent. I have been informed by reliable sources on the left that God doesn’t exist, number one, and then even if God did exist, nature doesn’t have intent, right? I mean, evolutionary biology suggests that basically it’s survival of the fittest out there, that nature is trying to kill you, and that those who survive, survive. So the idea that nature is having her revenge because we were mean to nature, and now Mother Nature is coming out and just blasting us. Mother Nature has decided to release a virus, unleash a plague upon us, pretty pagan. Pretty pagan crap. And frankly, I’m a bit upset with the Pope for pushing it. 
So Pope Francis actually pushed this nonsense yesterday, or today rather. He made an impassioned plea, according to Reuters, for protection of the environment on Wednesday’s 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which again is a pagan holiday. 

This is nothing new in the Catholic Church - it's called syncretism. And yes, it's pagan. I pray these bizarre statements that he makes will make more Catholics wake up to the fact that they are not worshipping God in the way that God has set out for His people. I was raised in that tradition and I praise God everyday for opening my eyes. Baruch HaShem - I once was blind but now I see.


