

Government entices broke Americans to join Schutzstaffel-style Community Healthcare Corps to earn cash, track and monitor fellow citizens
U.S. government reaches new level of extreme nationalism, contact tracing plan mimics formation of Adolph Hitler's ϟϟ
May 25, 2020

(INTELLIHUB) — The United States government has completely and totally overstepped its bounds and is now enticing unemployed Americans who’ve had their proverbial backs broken by the state-ordered COVID lockdowns to join the Community Healthcare Corps so they can get paid to track and trace their fellow man in an all-out bid to decimate what’s left of this once great nation.
In what can only be considered an extreme nationalist agenda to the like of which have not been seen in the world since the formation of Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Party Schutzstaffel or ϟϟ, the U.S. government is enrolling up to 300,000 contact tracers that will be policing your every move.
In fact, the state-sponsored corps of healthcare workers will be working hand in hand with military personnel to essentially trace, track down, and even snatch-and-grab anyone who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or anyone who has merely come in contact with an individual displaying symptoms.
From CBS News:
As U.S. unemployment soars to historic levels, the hottest job of the year could be a lifesaver: contact tracing. Containing the coronavirus as the economy gradually reopens has created an urgent need for hundreds of thousands of people trained to identify infected individuals and track down anyone and everyone they could have exposed to the virus.
In the absence of a federal plan, some city and state health departments are already seeking to fill thousands of these positions. Experts estimate that between 100,000 and 300,000 contact tracers — who can earn up to $65,000 per year — will be needed nationwide based on state populations and projected COVID-19 infection rates.
“I do think that it’s a fantastic job for people who have been furloughed, and it’s something that people can be trained to do,” said Roger Shapiro, a professor of medicine at the Harvard School of Public Health. “It takes some training, but it’s not impossible to train almost anybody with reasonable social skills, who can work off a script, begin a conversation with people, convey a few key messages and collect data,” he said.
Additionally, as I reported last week, a Rockefeller Foundation white paper released in late-April reveals a dastardly plan that once adopted by state governments will require all Americans to be inoculated for COVID-19 at which point they will then subsequently be assigned a tracking number and tag which will reflect their current antibody status in order for them to be able to work, attend school, make use of shared or public transportation, attend movies, concerts, sporting events or purchase tickets and if that’s not enough to make you sick the plan entails hiring an army of 300,000 COVID Community Healthcare Corps workers to carry it all out.
The white paper titled National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan: Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities plans to sell the sinister plot to the “private and public sector leaders across the country, and of individual Americans” by telling them that “they and their loved ones will be safer when we begin to return to daily life” forcing them to give up their freedoms for a false sense of security.
The plan, which is nothing more than a pretext to roll out the mark of the beast, insists it’s “bad news” that the United States is not conducting enough coronavirus testing on a weekly basis and insinuates it’s “good news” that the government will eventually have the tools needed to contact trace, tag, and track its populace.
“This will be a delicate balancing act,” the white paper states. “Reopening the economy will be most successful if we move decisively to both increase testing capacity and optimally deploy testing supplies.”
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H/T: Jason Rivera on Facebook

