


與楊潔箎會面完不到一天,蓬佩奥馬上又向中共發炮, 證明剛結束的「蓬楊會」是不歡而散。


US' Mike Pompeo warns Europeans against 'rogue actor' China .

華盛頓(法新社)——美國國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)週五(6月19日)警告歐洲人,如果他們擁抱中国,他們將放棄民主。"在不放棄我們是誰的情況下,也沒有辦法跨越這些替代方案。 依賴威權主義的民主政體不值得得名, 蓬佩奧在丹麥的一個論壇上通過視頻會議表示。 蓬佩奧是週三在夏威夷與中国高級官員楊潔篪就美中緊張關係不斷升級一次近9小時以來的首次公開講話。

蓬佩奧在講話中表示,這次會議並沒有改變他對中国的強硬看法, 他稱中国是世界舞臺上的"流氓演員"。 他再次呼籲歐洲人避開中国電信巨頭華為(Huawei)的呼籲,稱華為是共產黨「監察國」的分支,並稱中国政府正通過在希臘和西班牙的港口投資「公然侵犯主權」。 他說:「我們必須擺脫經濟聯繫的金盲,看到中国的挑戰不僅僅是在門口,而且它發生在每一個首都。 "中国國有企業的每一項投資都應該受到懷疑。

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday (June 19) warned Europeans they are abandoning democracy if they embrace China, in a scathing denunciation of Beijing two days after he held talks on trans-Pacific friction.

"There's also no way to straddle these alternatives without abandoning who we are. Democracies dependent on authoritarians are not worthy of the name," Pompeo told a forum in Denmark by videoconference.

Pompeo was speaking publicly for the first time since meeting for nearly nine hours Wednesday in Hawaii with a top Chinese official, Yang Jiechi, on the soaring tensions between the United States and China.

In his speech, Pompeo indicated that the meeting did little to change his hawkish views on China, which he called a "rogue actor" on the world stage.

He renewed calls on Europeans to shun Chinese telecom giant Huawei, which he called the arm of the communist "surveillance state," and said Beijing was "flagrantly attacking sovereignty" through its port investments in Greece and Spain.

"We must take off the golden blinders of economic ties and see that the China challenge isn't just at the gates - it's in every capital," he said.

"Every investment from a Chinese state-owned enterprise should be viewed with suspicion."



