


“現在是發癲的時候…...除了只有我親眼目擊的事實我從未提過什麼。 我看過醫院周圍築起為從未來過的病人
而設的空帳篷; 我觀察到商業為一個騙局結束; 我看到屍體從家中移走,因為由於隔離檢疫,他們太害怕去醫院;我看到我們的領導人粉碎選出他們的憲法。



CONFIRMED POST😳👇🏻👇🏻see comment

“The real GEORGE FLOYD died 3 years ago!

This is from a lawyer in Texas.
Written by Timothy D. Japhet, Attorney at Law

“Now is the time to get mad… Now is the time to approach your leaders and ask them how much more before they stand up and fight for us I have never mentioned anything but facts witnessed with my own eyes. I saw the vacant tents set up around the hospitals for the sick that never came. I watched as businesses closed to a hoax. I saw bodies removed from homes Because they were too afraid to go to the hospital because of quarantine. I saw Our leaders shred the constitution that elected them.

Now I saw a black man who I played college football against allegedly killed on camera 30 years later...but guess what....They messed up...that’s not the same guy. I remember this guy and he died a few years ago right here in Corpus Christi. 

I was his lawyer.....Dumbasses can’t even pick a good fake dead guy. 

Back when he played it was Texas A&I, It was the original junior college for kids who couldn’t get into the major schools. This guy and Johnny Bailey played together. I played for Abilene Christian University as a walk on. I was not good and didn't last a few cuts each year. My freshman year we played them in Abilene, Johnny Bailey single-handedly beat us on two toss sweeps and a punt return. Sadly, He abruptly passed after a stellar year with the Chicago Bears.

However, The name of the man they are using who died? He died here in Corpus Christi three years ago. He did play for Texas A&I and he did live on the streets here and he did die here. However He didn’t die in Minnesota.

To top it off I was his Court Appointed Guardian Ad Litem before he passed at Spohn Memorial. .....Before he died me and him talked about that game with Johnny Bailey and Abilene Christian and Texas A&I in 1989.

So What I’m telling you is that the man they claim who died in Minneapolis at the hands of the police did not die there......that man died in Corpus Christi, TX in Christus Spohn Memorial ICU with me as his Guardian Ad Litem and he is buried at the paupers cemetery in Flour Bluff. His sister flew down here from Minnesota saying she was going to give him a proper burial but she never came back officially. Though since then that body could’ve been removed, Nobody keeps too much of an account of the cemetery anyhow.

So now what are we gonna do about this?”

Also, if these photos are legit, it looks like a certain “Floyd” has previous acting experience...in porn.

Included in the pics is a portion of the contract that crisis actors use.

Why is France seeming to be using the same script?

Are those “cops” really connected?”


I had actually heard or read some prior things that had also mentioned something about the real George Floyd passing away in TX as well a few years ago but where it didn't necessarily state exactly where or how and it also had seemed to lack other proper pieces of evidence to really say or show that that was what had really happened to the real George Floyd and when. But this one seems to now verify that.


George Floyd的最新死因報告終於在6月1號有結果,證實他的死因是「頸部與背部受壓迫而窒息」,驗屍官更指他的死是「謀殺」。

這份由死者家屬委託進行的獨立驗屍報告與由Hennepin County驗屍官執行的官方初步相驗結果明顯不一致。官方初步驗屍報告指出「未發現任何可支持診斷為創傷性窒息或勒死的物理發現」,並稱「George Floyd受到被警員壓制、冠狀動脈疾病、高血壓以及身體中潛在毒物的綜合作用,可能是導致他死亡的原因。」



