
8年的醜聞後 布殊尋求匿名

8年的醜聞後 布殊尋求匿名
After 8 years of scandals, Bush seeks anonymity

Sat, 27 Feb 2010 08:22:05 GMT
Former US president George W. Bush

Former US president George W. Bush says he is "trying to regain a sense of anonymity” and therefore does not intend to be a thorn in the side of his successor, Barack Obama.
"I have no desire to see myself on television. I don't want to be on a panel of formers instructing the currents on what to do. I'm trying to regain a sense of anonymity," he told a group of his White House aides at a breakfast Friday.
"I didn't like it when a certain former president — and it wasn't 41 or 42 — made my life miserable," Bush added in a direct reference to former president Jimmy Carter.
“我不喜歡當某前總統 - 這不是41或42 - 使我的生活悲慘,”布殊補充,直接提到美國前總統卡特。
In the twilight years of the Bush presidency Jimmy Carter had emerged as a vocal critic of US policies and had gone as far as describing it as the "worst American administration in history" in view of its "adverse impact on the nation around the world.

According to Carter, the Bush and then vice president Dick Cheney had “deliberately misled the American people about the danger in Iraq to begin with, the causes for going to war in Iraq, and they have also misled the American people about what is happening in Iraq" since the US invasion of 2003.

Efforts by Bush to seek 'anonymity' come at a time his administration is still under fire for a wide array of issues and scandals, including the use of torture against terror suspects, the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens and, last but not least, economic policies that have pushed the US financial system to the point of no return.

In remarks delivered later at the Friday breakfast meeting, Bush also poked fun at his own intelligence, saying that the fact that he is working on a memoir “is going to come as quite a shock to people up here that I can write a book, much less read one."



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