
2小時記錄片:警權國家 4:聯邦緊急事務管理局崛起

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length
警權國家4:聯邦緊急事務管理局崛起 全長
Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner -- it's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
紀錄片製片老手亞歷士瓊斯確鑿證明,存在着一個秘密網絡的聯邦緊急事務管理局營地,目前正在擴展至全國。軍工綜合體正在改變我們一度自由的國家,成為一個巨大的監獄。一個無現金的社會控制網格,建於打擊恐怖主義之名,其實是建立去奴役美國人民。身體掃描儀、聲音大砲、公民間諜、 分期的恐怖和在每個街角的相機 - 它只是新世界秩序的地獄計劃的開始。
This film exposes how the "Continuity of Government" program has established an all powerful shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression. Then watch as Alex Jones takes on corrupt mercenary police and exposes mainstream media brainwashing.

Endgame:Obama Deception: Fall of the Republic

Alex Jones電影:隱形帝國


傑西文圖拉的陰謀理論- 警權國家、聯邦緊急事務管理局集中營



