


Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed
Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV
傑西文圖拉的陰謀論新電視劇,證明美國聯邦緊急事務管理局為美國公民而設的集中營存在,它星期五播出,11月12日東岸晚上10點 /中部晚上9點 只在TruTV

Aaron Dykes
November 10, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
“Police State,” the Bombshell New Episode from Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM Eastern / 9 PM Central on TruTV.
“警權國家”那來自傑西文圖拉的重頭陰謀論新劇集在星期五播出,11月12日東岸晚上10點 /中部晚上9點 TruTV。

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew at Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program’s second season on TruTV. The “Police State” episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost. Tune in this Friday, Nov. 12 at 10 PM Eastern/ 9 PM Central and leave the denial at the door.
前州長傑西文圖拉和他的隊員們在陰謀論已將聯邦緊急措施署吹開,在 TruTV以一套真正地突破性的劇集自節目的第二季。 “警權國家”劇有史以來第一次證明,聯邦調查局已培訓去對付美國公民,為騷亂和災難計劃和作好準備,不惜一切代價去維持秩序。在這個星期五11月12日東岸晚上10點 /中部晚上9點推出,和遺下否認在門外。
This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date– and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more.

Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed

At one of many real and verified FEMA locations, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones approach a “Residential Center” run by Homeland Security in central Texas where they find locked doors, double-fences and escape warnings around the entire perimeter. Further inside the facility, they witness a playground complex, swings and slides for children. The crew walks up to the front door and attempts to get some answers. But the officials refuse to either confirm or deny the facility’s purpose, including whether or not American citizens are being held inside. However, our past investigations into this facility reveal that it has confined both children and adults, including immigrants, refugee seekers and American citizens.
Despite hundreds of government documents identifying emergency and contingency plans, including plans to deal with mass fatalities, insurrection, internment and quarantines, Ventura and his team repeatedly encounter outrageous denial and avoidance by officials at every level. The mainstream media have avoided and downplayed these on-the-record plans for FEMA Camps and Homeland Security Emergency Facilities for years. Clearly, it is not meant to be a public relations talking point, and it is no surprise that members of Congress, including those who wrote the bill to create FEMA camps in America, are reluctant to discuss the matter.

So, Jesse Ventura, former Mayor and Governor, descends upon Washington to confront two important figures behind H.R. 645, the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act. Despite going through official channels, Ventura finds that Jim Gerlach (P-Pennsylvania) repeatedly “ducks” TV cameras and refuses to answer questions about H.R. 645.

Another Congressman who co-sponsored the bill starkly admits that FEMA camps exist, but rationalizes that they were put in place to deal with “happy children.” This bizarre admission is another confirmation that Congress and the leadership in Washington are out of touch with the oppressive measures that have been authorized against the American people.

Later, Ventura and Jones visit the Deep South and discover what appears to be an active cover-up to keep them from the truth. Outside the Atlanta, Georgia area is another confirmed location in FEMA’s disaster preparation network. They pay a visit to a facility storing thousands of plastic coffins where video has already confirmed the coffins in large numbers. Ventura and Jones discover upon arrival that a convoy of trucks has just left hauling away the evidence– thousands and thousands of liners the facility wanted to keep out of the way of cameras and public knowledge.

Various plastic coffin locations affiliated with FEMA, as well as plans for mass graves and large-scale fatalities, have been previously exposed and reported upon– including photographs sent by an Infowars listener of an Alabama facility in 2009 with thousands and thousands of plastic coffin liners. Why then would the officials in Georgia engage in such a desperate and hurried cover-up?

Further, the plans are already confirmed. DMORT and other divisions of Homeland Security have a contingency-structure in place to deal with mass fatalities and outbreaks in times of pandemics, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, national emergency or other disasters. Elements of these plans are in place on record, and coordinated via the 10 FEMA regions in the United States and via the “Fusion Centers” that are popping up at the Federal, State and Local levels all across the nation to spy on ordinary citizens.

National Guard to be deployed over 10 FEMA regions within the United States.
國民警衛隊被部署在美國之內超過 10處FEMA區域。

Concerned about the fact that these programs admittedly monitor ‘returning veterans,’ ‘Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin supporters’ and beyond, the TV show contacted a Fusion Center spokesman to find out more about why they are targeting ordinary Americans. Spokesman Lance Clem told the show point blank that these domestic intelligence gathering centers have no oversight. Clem shockingly admitted, “We police ourselves.”

The show’s producers have told Alex behind the scenes that this episode turned out to be the most exciting from its entire Second Season line-up. It not only confronts the FEMA camp issue head on, but uncovers significant reason to worry about the actions of Homeland Security and other agencies. At location after location, it is clear that its administrators are nervous to discuss what they are preparing, but it is clear from their records and public documents that they are preparing for something big.



2小時記錄片:警權國家 4:聯邦緊急事務管理局崛起


美國要在以色列大量增加庫存武器 以色列大建集中營

傑西文圖拉的陰謀理論- 警權國家、聯邦緊急事務管理局集中營



傑西文圖拉陰謀論 - 51區






