


Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States
Mac Slavo
December 7th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
For the better part of two decades FEMA detention camps were believed to be a figment of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. As more information over the years has been made available through alternative news researchers like Alex Jones in his full length documentary Police State 4 and former governor Jesse Venutra’s FEMA camp exposé, it is becoming increasingly clear that the government has been taking steps for quite some time to ensure a rapid and effective response in the event of a national disaster or U.S. military deployment on American soil.
二十年來聯邦緊急措施署的集中營,被認為是一頂憑空想像的錫箔帽子扣在陰謀論者頭上。由於多年來有更多信息已通過另類新聞研究人員像亞歷克斯-瓊斯提供,在他的全長紀錄片警權國家4和前州長傑西 Venutra的聯邦緊急措施署營地揭露,它變得越來越清楚有一段時間政府已一直採取步驟,在全國性的災難或美國軍方在美國領土上作部署的事件中,確保作出迅速和有效的的響應。
As many of our readers know, the U.S. Senate recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which, it has been argued, authorizes the establishment of domestic war zones and the subsequent detention of those who are suspected of engaging in terrorist-related activity - including, arguably, U.S. citizens. What you may not know, however, is that just days after the passage of the act reports are surfacing that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security, is requisitioning private contractors to provide services for government, defense & infrastructure pertaining specifically to FEMA activities with respect to emergency services.
正如很多我們的讀者知道,美國參議院最近通過的國防授權法“,其中一直被爭論,授權建立內戰區域和繼後那些涉嫌從事恐怖主義有關活動的人被拘禁 - 包括可以雄辯地是美國公民。然而,你可能不知道的是,衹在通過法例幾天後,報導浮出水面聯邦緊急事務管理署在國土安全部的主持下,正在徵用私人承辦商來提供服務給政府,國防和基礎設施特別是聯邦緊急措施署有關緊急服務的活動。
At first glance, this may seem like no big deal. Why shouldn’t the government prepare for emergencies?
However, a review of an email made available through Info Wars from Kellogg, Brown & Root Services (KBR), a subsidiary of mega government contractor Haliburton, notes that the contracting opportunities available through the government and KBR are specifically for “temporary camp services and facilities.”
Key Excerpts from the email and Project Overview:

-Kellogg, Brown and Root Services (KBR) is seeking subscontractors on a national basis to provide temporary camp services and facilities as part of its current and future emergency services contracts for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and state/local government agencies.

-The continental US will be broken up into five regions – Services will be required in each State within each region.

-Establish services listed below within 72 hours for initial set-up and respond within 24 hours for incremental services. This is a CONTINGENCY PROJECT and it should be stressed that lead times will be short with critical requirements due to the nature of emergency responses. Subcontractors must be flexible and able to handle multiple, shifting priorities in an emergency environment. Supply lines needed must be short but not necessarily pre-positioned.

-The personnel on site to be covered by these services will depend on the size and scope of the recovery effort, but for estimating purposes the camp will range in size from 301 to 2,000 persons for up to 30 days in length.
The full RFI from KBR is available for your perusal via SHTFplan and details, among other things, the host of services that are required for temporary camp facilities:
來自KBR公司的全部RFI通過 SHTFplan給你細讀,和細節,除其它事項外,臨時營地設施要求的主人服務是:
■Catering Services
■Temporary Fencing and Barricades
■Hand Washing Stations
■Laundry Services
■Medical Services
■Office Trailers / Administration Areas
■Potable Water
■Power Generation, Fuel Delivery / Supply and Electrical Distribution
■Refuse Collection
■Shower and Toilet
■Tentage, Flooring, Electrical & HVAC
■Waste Water Removal
For more please click:


傑西文圖拉的陰謀理論- 警權國家、聯邦緊急事務管理局集中營

小時記錄片:警權國家 4:聯邦緊急事務管理局崛起





匿名 - 訊息給美國人民 “國防授權法”


震驚視頻 - FEMA棺木、集中營、萬人坑

