


Lovejoy 2012 Omen: 13th century prophecy of comet heralding great destruction?
Posted on December 20, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
This morning in New Zealand, Minoru Yoneto photographed the ghostly tail of Comet Lovejoy shining through the twilight
今天早晨在新西蘭,Minoru Yoneto拍到彗星愛樂幽靈般的尾巴,照耀穿過暮光

“A comet will be seen in heaven – a star, that is, with a tail or appendage—and this apparition will signify destructions and tumults and hard strifes, and withholding of rains, and dryness of the Earth, and mighty battles, and the flowing of blood upon the Earth of the east, and from beyond the River Harbor it will reach to the very end of the west. And the just and the truly righteous will be oppressed and will suffer persecutions, and the house of prayer will be destroyed.” – Rigord of St. Denis 12th century – The Extinction Protocol, page 18
“一顆彗星將會在天上看到 - 一顆明星,那就是帶著一條尾巴或附屬物 - 而這幽靈將意味著破壞和動亂及硬的衝突、及降雨抑制、並乾燥的地球,和強大的戰爭、及地球東方會血流成河、並且從越過內河港將達到西方的非常盡頭;而公正和真正正義的人將被壓迫,並會遭受迫害,和禱告的殿將被摧毀“ - 12世紀聖丹尼斯的Rigord - 滅絕議定書第18頁
December 20, 2011 – SPACE - Left- Lovejoy, the only sun-grazing comet known to have survived a close encounter with the Sun. Space Weather says:
2011年12月20日 - 太空 - 左 - 愛樂,唯一已知放牧太陽的彗星,與太陽有近距離接觸仍倖存空間天氣說:
“Noted astronomer John Bortle urges observers (especially in the southern hemisphere) to “begin searching for Comet Lovejoy’s bright tail projecting up out of the morning twilight beginning at dawn. The tails of some of the major sun-grazing comets have been extraordinarily bright. Comet Lovejoy’s apparition has been so bizarre up to this point that it is difficult to anticipate just what might happen next … including the exact sort of tail it might unfurl in the morning sky.”
The visibility of the tail could improve in the days ahead as the comet moves away from the sun and the background sky darkens accordingly. Early-rising sky watchers should be alert for this rare apparition.”




