

在阿肯色州的 I-40公路被用來作為未來事件的軍事中轉站?

I-40 in Arkansas Being Used as Military Staging Point for Future Event?
The Intel Hub
December 27, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Unconfirmed News Tip

The Intel Hub has received multiple tips that indicate that Interstate 40 in Arkansas may be being used as a loading point for some sort of military operation that has been going on for a better part of a year.
Intel Hub 已收到多重提示,指出在阿肯色州的40號州際公路,可能會被用於作為某種軍事行動的裝卸點,那已經持續了一年。
Eyewitness report:
Not a trucker but regularly on the transportation hub of I-40 in Arkansas. I’ve been watching truck after truck loaded with military equipment on this stretch for the better part of a year.
It’s mostly humvees with gun turrets and what appears to be urban assault vehicles and troop transports. They all have gun turrets and some sort of shield on the front that holds a weapon.
The thing that struck me was that some are desert colored but most are traditional camouflage. Just wondering where we are sending all of these vehicles if we are supposedly winding down wars.
After responding to this tip, the eyewitness further stated:
Anyone traveling the stretch of 40 between Memphis and Little Rock sees this every time they travel.

They all seem to be fitted for urban warfare rather than battle equipped. I travel a lot of interstates and, in our are of the country, you seem to see this on East/West roads. I really don’t see a lot on I-55.
它們全都看來適合城市戰多於裝備的戰鬥,我遊歴了大量在我們國家的州際公路,你似乎看到這在東 /西道路,但我在I-55看不到很多。
Considering the fact that Indefinite detention of Americans by the military is now the law of the land, this information is very startling.
While many within the military are on the side of the American people, the fact remains that the powers that be are clearly attempting to use them against the people.

