
布魯塞爾罰我們 1.5億英鎊因為未能在資助項目懸掛歐盟國旗

布魯塞爾罰我們 1.5億英鎊因為未能在資助項目懸掛歐盟國旗
Brussels fines us £150m for failing to fly the EU flag at funded projects

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:31 PM on 8th July 2010

Brussels has fined Britain more than £150million for failing to display the EU flag on a string of projects part-funded by Europe.
布魯塞爾已罰英國款項超過 £ 1.5億,因為未有展示歐盟旗幟在一繩的項目上,部分由歐洲資助。 Several schemes were also penalised for failing to use the flag on their letterheads.
The fines relate to £3.8billion given to the UK by the European Regional Development Fund over a seven-year period.
罰款涉及 給予英國的38億英鎊,由歐洲地區發展基金在一超過 7年的時期。
The fund has contributed to dozens of projects including the Eden Project, in Cornwall, the Millennium Bridge, in Gateshead, and the redevelopment of Liverpool’s King’s Dock.

Funding from the ERDF usually has to be matched pound for pound by Government cash.

Britain is a net contributor to the EU budget and critics have long complained that ERDF funding is essentially recycled taxpayers’ money.

UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage called the fines an ‘outrage’.

He said: ‘The ERDF is using British taxpayers’ money to tell us what a great job the EU is doing. It is a rotten deal for Britain – and in return we have to plaster the country in horrible blue flags.’
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles condemned the ‘over-bureaucratic rules’ surrounding ERDF money.
He said he would be pressing the European Commission to cut back on ‘needless bureaucracy’.

The ERDF lays down strict rules on the display of the EU flag. Any project accepting cash has to display the flag on a permanent plaque in a prominent position.


