

Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten Nicaragua
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Jul 8, 2010, 00:20
(WMR) -- After conducting its successful coup dtat in Honduras against President Manuel Zelaya, the imperialistic Barack Obama administration is now bent on ousting Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega by massing a huge U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps presence in neighboring Costa Rica, a base of operations for Reagan administration-backed CIA operations in the 1980s in support of the Nicaraguan contras.
(WMR) - 在對洪都拉斯總統塞拉亞成功進行政變後,帝國主義的奧巴馬政府現在一心要推翻尼加拉瓜總統奧爾特加,以集結龐大的美國海岸衛隊和海軍陸戰隊,出現在鄰近的哥斯達黎加,一個行動的基地在20世紀 80年代,給列根政府支持的美國中央情報局行動去支持尼加拉瓜反政府武裝人員。
Costa Rican government officials, including President Laura Chinchilla, Vice President Luis Lieberman Ginsburg, Security Minister Jose Maria Tijerino, counter-narcotics Commissioner Mauricio Boraschi, and the Costa Rican Congress agreed to Operation Joint Patrol, which will see 7,000 US Marines, 46 mainly U.S. Coast Guard vessels, and 200 helicopters and 10 combat aircraft descend on Costa Rica, which does not have a military force, from July 1 to December 31.
哥斯達黎加政府官員包括總統勞拉龍貓、副總統路易斯利伯曼金斯伯格、安全部長何塞瑪麗亞 Tijerino、禁毒專員毛博拉斯基,和哥斯達黎加國會同意聯合巡邏行動,將看到 7000名美國海軍陸戰隊、 46艘主要是美國海岸警衛隊船隻、和200架直升機及10架戰鬥機降落到哥斯達黎加(本身沒有一支軍隊),由七月一日至十二月三十一日。
At a time when the Coast Guard vessels could be used to assist in the clean-up of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, they will be used in an operation widely believed to be targeting the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, which incurred the ire of Israel and its Zionist ally in San Jose, Costa Rica, Vice President Lieberman, by severing relations with the Tel Aviv regime over the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla.

The official reason for Operation Joint Patrol is to combat drug trafficking but few in the Costa Rican opposition and in Nicaragua believe that to be the sole reason. The Joint Patrol operation is being likened to Plan Colombia, which has targeted the governments of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa from Colombian territory. The Costa Rican opposition has denounced Chinchilla government for militarizing Costa Rica.

It is also believed by WMR sources in Costa Rica that Costa Rican Vice President Lieberman, a noted Zionist, has arranged for Israeli special forces to enter Costa Rica in order to participate in operations directed against the government of Nicaragua.




