

UFO Truth Revealed

Topic started on 5-7-2010 @ 09:10 PM by MolecularPhD

“The following thread is based upon my own personal experiences and research over the course of some twenty five years, and my personal involvement in areas of this nature. I will state; that if you are a true believer of “UFO’s” this thread probably will upset many of you, and for that all I can say is “I’m sorry” that is not my intention here. If for some reason I do not cover everything well enough in detail it is because, there is so much information to cover, to back up my claims below; as to post it on a forum site. If you have further questions to ask me please do not post those questions here, I would ask that you send them in a U2U; as I do not want the questions to clog up the thread, once again thank you and enjoy the read.”
“以下的線程是根據我的個人經驗和研究約25年期,和我個人涉及這性質的領域。我將聲明,如果你是一個真正的'UFO'信徒,這線程將可能令你們中很多沮喪,和為那所有我能說的是“我對不起”,那不是我的用意。如果由於某種原因,我沒有足夠詳細覆蓋一切,它是因為,有如此多的資料報導,去支持我下面的宣稱,如將它貼在一個論壇的網站。如果您有進一步的問題要問我,請不要張貼這些問題在這裡,我想請你用U2U發送它們 ,因為我不想問題阻塞線程,再次感謝你和享受閱讀。“

My Personal background:
For the past twenty five years I have been involved in advanced technologies design, advanced weapons engineering, advanced energy design, and materials engineering. I began my career as a Science Officer in the US Army Corps of Engineers; under the guidance of the US Army Science Board and the NRO; SSB or the Strategic Support Branch; I performed my undergrad studies at MIT and my graduate studies there as well, while attending the US Army Officers course at MIT; receiving my doctorate in the field of Molecular Physics with an emphasis in Hydrogen Engineering in 2001. I have served as a consultant for many different US Army Units throughout my career as a Military Officer, as well as a consultant for the DEA, and Homeland Security. I resigned my commission in early 2003; and went to work designing advanced hydrogen technologies; and work as a consultant in the field of hydrogen engineering. (I have submitted my credentials to Johnny Anonymous for anyone to ask for verification) but, as for my personal information none will be given.
在過去的 25年我一直在參與先進科技的設計、先進的武器工程、先進的能源設計、及物質工程。我開始我的職業生涯作為一個美國陸軍工程兵部隊的科學主任,在美國陸軍科學委員會和國家偵察局(NRO)、SSB或戰略支持處的指引下工作。我在麻省理工學院完成我的學士研究以及我的研究生課程,在出席美國麻省理工學院陸軍軍官課程的時侯,在2001年收到我在分子物理學主修氫工程的博士學位。我整個職業生涯作為一名軍官,我曾為美國陸軍的許多不同單位服役作顧問,以及作為緝毒署和國土安全的一名顧問。我2003年初辭去我的委員會,和開始工作設計先進的氫技術;及在氫氣工程界作為顧問(我已提交我的憑據給Johnny Anonymous ,讓任何人要求驗證)。但是,我的個人資料則不會給予任何人。

Throughout the early 90’s through the late 90’s, I was part of an Advanced Scientific Research Team; a reverse engineering think tank; comprised of approximately 185 Research Scientists from many different fields of study. My Specialty as a Scientist is Hydrogen Core Engineering and Development with a focus in Hydrogen Energy potential, and application.
穿越 90年代初至 90年代後期,我是一個先進科研隊伍的部份;一個逆向工程的智囊團;包括約 185名來自許多不同研究領域的研究科學家。我作為科學家的專長是氫核心工程和發展,重點在氫能源的潛力和應用。
I first became aware of this information while doing back ground studies on the Scientist involved in the first project that we were reverse engineering and developing for TARDEC; a new advanced fuel source for military application. This fuel source was to be reverse engineering from technology that was originally engineered by German SS Officer; Hans Kammler and Austrian Engineer Viktor Schauberger; Kammler and his research team disappeared in 1945 or so the official record states, although it is my belief that is not the case; later my personal involvement in follow up projects would give me this belief.
我第一次意識到這一信息,在做科學家參與第一件項目的幕後研究的時候,我們在逆向工程和發展 TARDEC - 一種新的先進燃料來源作軍事用途。這種燃料的來源是來自科技的逆向工程,源自德國納粹黨衛軍軍官的工程; 漢斯卡姆勒和奧地利工程師維克多 Schauberger;卡姆勒和他的研究小組在1945年消失,或官方紀錄也是,雖然我相信並不是如此,之後我個人參與的跟進項目給我這個信念。
In the fall of 1939, Dr. Kammler approached Viktor Schrauberger ; to work on developing the secret teachings of Pythagoras (the utilization of inner world energies for out world potentials) into a viable military solution for the war effort this was always Viktor’s dream to achieve such a feat. Viktor was forced to work on this project through threat of death by Kammler and the Reich, and so a deal was struck with Hitler who agreed to fund the project; in return for Kammler’s service to the Reich; he would be allowed to do his research in secret while developing the V-1, V-2, and the A9/10 first ICBM. Schauberger would later in 1941; go insane while under the guidance of Kammler and he was placed in the mental institution Mauer-Öhling under constant guard by the SS; later he would go on to work on the Messerschmitt engine cooling system.
在1939年秋天,卡姆勒博士接觸Schrauberger; 去發展畢達哥拉斯的秘密教授(內世界的能量為外世界使用的潛力)進入一為戰爭努力的可行軍事解釋,這一直是維克多的夢想去實現這樣的壯舉。維特被迫工作在這個項目上,通過由卡姆勒和納粹帝國的死威脅亡,和因此一項協議達成有希特勒同意資助該項目; 以換取卡姆勒對帝國的服務;他將被允許秘密地做他的研究,當發展那V - 1,V-2,和A9/10第一代洲際彈道導彈時。 Schauberger後來在1941年變成瘋狂,在卡姆勒的指導下時和他被安置在茂爾 - Öhling精神病院,經常由黨衛軍警衛下。之後他繼續工作,研究梅塞施米特發動機冷卻系統。
Kammler however would take Viktor’s work to a whole new level; developing the Die Glocke Machine; which later would lead to project “Fairfield” and the “Rainbow” projects, often times confused with the Philadelphia Experiment which was simply a test of Die Glocke; through use of its chemical called Xerum525. Although Dr. Kammler was the third in Command of the Reich very few people have ever heard of him; or for that matter, know of his work or existence. I believe through follow up research; that I have done, that in April of 1945 Dr. Kammler after murdering his team of 60 research scientists and burying them in the woods, accept for his fellow SS Scientist and US Contact Wernher Von Braun both of which were brought to the United States; under the guise of a mass suicide committed by he and his team. So that he could continue his research and development of the Die Glocke Machine and Xerum 525; which he had already been leaking documents of to his US contacts; these contact were working on this project in secret here in the US; a culmination of which was the first test by Navy Intelligence August 25, 1943; and the second test which took place in Oct. of that same year.

The tests of these devices were starting to attract the attention of the public; Kammler along with his front man Von Braun put together a round table of intelligence officers from several different branches of government in order to come up with the perfect cover story.

During this round table meeting, the then young Marvel Whiteside Parsons; the founder of JPL made the mention of the Oct. 30, 1938 airing of “War of the Worlds” by his then friend Orson Welles; and the effects that it had on the mass populace listening to the broadcast. Parsons put forth the plan to use these events to cover up their work on secret propulsion systems; and their work in anti-gravity technologies.

It was also decided at that time they would need to build three separate base facilities outside of normal government channels; to add in their ability in keeping these advanced technologies a secret from the public, and out of government control. All three facility locations were chosen for their energetic properties, ease of concealment, and their proximity to large water supplies.

The first of these to be built was in 1946 in the Northern Mountains of New Mexico by Bechtel Corp. near El Vado Lake, NM. On July 2, 1947 one of the first DNF’s took place due to a radar anomaly that affected the energetic magnetic properties of the Xerum 525 contained within the core generator. A Second DNF took place outside of Aztec, NM 1948 and throughout 1949 and 1950’s in the Farmington, NM Press reports of seeing these test vehicles; the second site was built at Raven Rock, PA. referred to by SOC Special Operations Command as “Site R” in 1950; the third base was built in 1953 and run by Army Intelligence near Ft. Greely Alaska; to this day; I would say this is the most secure and established advanced technologies center that the US Government has to offer; having worked there myself on many occasions.

So many of you right now, are probably saying out loud; “What about AREA 51, S1, S4 or the Groom Lake Facility?” this facility is referred to by the Puzzle Palace as a “Shamurai”. This facility was a decoy base, used to draw the attention away from the real sites; as well as a test flight facility for more standard advanced aircraft.
The first complete description of Kammler’s Bell by the public, took place Dec. 9, 1965 in Kecksburg, PA; eye witnesses from four different states as well as, eye witnesses on the ground described Kammler’s Bell almost in perfect detail.

I hope, I am making myself as clear as I can possibly be; these crafts although very real in nature are not other worldly in the least, on the contrary they are designed by us. This is an example of the standard propulsion core used on-board these crafts.

Propulsion System
Fluid Substance
Xerum 525
Thorium Hydroxide (Th(OH)4)
Beryllium Fluoride
Cinnabar Mercury (mercury (II) sulfide (HgS)
Silicone Dielectric Gel
Lithium Fluoride
Deuterium Oxide

The above materials have changed over the years, this is not the original formula of the mixture first conceived by Dr. Kammler and his research team; however these substances when combined show the highest potential of particle energetics and is the current mixture of the substance. The mixture above when tuned to the proper fermionic field; creates three major outputs, (.1 Mass amounts of Kinetic Energy, .2 An outer-core Spinor Field equal to 0, .3 A Flux Inverse Quantum Magnetic Field) this fluid however has to be extremely shielded during operation, because of the massive amount of radiation that is emitted from the core generator.

Inner Core Structure
The inner-core structure is comprised of an alloy mixture of, magnesium, beryllium, and barium. It can range in sizes from very small (diameter of .5’) to very large, the biggest of which I have personally seen (diameter of 18’)or; this is an estimated guess on my part as I was not given the chance to physically measure the device. The inner-core contains the fluid solution as described above.

Outer-Core Structure
The outer-core is comprised of a strontium phosphate glass insulator with a vacuum space in between the inner-core and outer-core; depending on the application of the core this can vary in thickness; the propulsion cores insulator is several inches thick; with maximum vacuum gap in between. This outer shell is impregnated with (NMR) Nuclear Magnetic Lasers; which are utilized as the tuning forks for the inner core. The intensity level (resonance) of the NMR regulates not only the amount of kinetic and magnetic energy released but, depending on which NMR’s are fired in specific sequences gives you direction as well.

Power Source
The power source for the unit is a specially designed battery system comprised of finely made lattice silicon sheets riddled with pits 40 microns thick; they are then cutout and constructed into hollow dodecahedrons and coated with iridium-192. You then stack them on-top of each other placed inside a hermetically sealed cylinder. The cylinder is then filled with radioactive tritium gas; this is the equivalent of taking several hundred solar panels and dropping the sun into to the center of them. The number of battery cells needed depends on the size of the core generator you are using.

Because, I realize many of you members will not understand the technology or the science I just described above, you may dismiss this all together or simply claim that this is made up science fiction. All I can say is, “Find a Physicist” any decent physicist will understand the principles being used and the process that are being used.

The outer-casing of the craft depends on its function; there are ABU’s Airborne Units; UBU’s Underwater Based Units; and DMU’s or Dimensional Units. I will not go into full detail with anyone in particular just for the plain reason it would take too long to explain each one separately.

I was going to go into people who have been abducted and the purposes behind such abductions but, I just looked down and noticed this paper is six pages long already. Therefore I will go into that at a later date, after I see the response of this thread. I know this will only open more questions than answers for most of you on ATS but, I hope there are some out there that got some answers as well.



You may read these supporting documents at your leisure:






http://www.ufocasebook.com/Kecksburg.html(this site got the date wrong)





