


Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology

June 6, 2010
by Christian Soderberg
(for henrymakow.com)

Nikola Tesla, 1856-1943, the man who invented the "flying saucer"

In 1911, Nikola Tesla revealed he was working on an anti gravity "flying machine".

"My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of "holes in the air" or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action." - Nikola Tesla in New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 15, 1911
“我的飛行機器既沒有翅膀也沒有螺旋槳,您可能會看到它在地上,和你絕不會猜到它是一架飛行機器。然而它將能隨意願移動,有完善的安全穿過空氣往任何方向,以更高的速度較仍未達成的,不論天氣和不以為意的“空氣中的洞”,或向下的氣流;它將會在這種氣流上升如果想要,它能在空氣中保持絕對靜止很長的時間,即使在風中。它的舉重力量將不依賴任何脆弱的裝置有如鳥類要使用的,而是倚賴正確的機械動作。“ - 尼古拉特斯拉在紐約先驅論壇報,1911年10月15日


What happened to this anti-gravity craft of Tesla's?

When we understand that Tesla's "flying saucer" was powered by a so called "free energy system", a.k.a. 'over unity'-system (you get more energy out than you put in) at a time when the fledgling aviation and motor car industry was based on the oil and petroleum, it is quite easy to understand what happened to these inventions.
Extracting energy from the Aether, and the so called 'aether physics', is based on the cosmos being 'all filled with substance', which is in constant, perpetual motion.

Because there is no empty space in the cosmos, every time the "aether" gets disturbed, which is all the time, 'replacement' takes place, and so the whole cosmos is in constant motion, energized by the so called Zero Point Radiation (ZPR), the electromagnetic-radiation between all particles of the cosmos, which comes in various frequencies, effecting the different particles accordingly.

The same way the atoms of our bodies are in constant motion, oscillating, and being 'kept together and separate' by electromagnetism, so it is also with this 'all permeating medium', the aether, which transmits the ZPR to the atomic matter, so energizing it.
同樣的方式我們身體的原子是在固定運動、振盪、和被電磁'保持一起及分開,所以它亦有賴此'完全滲透中介' - 乙醚,它傳輸ZPR到原子物質,因此動量它。
In "layman's terms"; the craft excludes itself from the gravity of planetary bodies with high frequency and high voltage electromagnetic radiation, and propels itself in the aether-medium with these HF-electromagnetic waves. Because the craft is excluded from the planetary gravity, the crafts are capable of fantastic acceleration and sharp turns in high speed without the crew inside the craft feeling any G-force effects.
Not only did the so called Illuminati (industrialist-banking cabal) steal this "aether physics"-technology, they also changed the "human knowledge of physics", replacing the knowledge of this aether-cosmos with Einstein's theories, now promoted everywhere.
不衹所謂的光明會(工業家-銀行陰謀集團)確偷去這“乙醚物理學”科技,他們還改變“人類物理的知識”;取代這宇宙 - 乙醚的知識以愛因斯坦的理論,現在在四處推廣。

..to name few benefiting from this theft.

- J P Morgan (banking, energy, railroads, US Steel)
- JP摩根(銀行,能源,鐵路,美國鋼鐵)
- Edison & General Electric (oil &energy, railroads, aviation, war industrials, banking)
- 愛迪生與通用電氣(石油與能源,鐵路,航空,戰爭工業,銀行)
- Rockefellers (oil, banking, Nazi connections through IG Farben)
- 洛克菲勒(石油,銀行,納粹關係通過 IG法爾)
- Rothschilds (banking, oil & natural resources ..connections to Kuhn Loeb & company through Jacob Schiff )
- 羅富齊家族(銀行,石油和天然資源 ..通過雅各史切夫連繫到庫思洛布公司)
- Ford motors (motors, war industrials)
- 福特汽車公司(摩托,戰爭工業)
- Brown Brothers Harriman & Co (banking, ship yards, railroads, IG Farben)
- 布朗兄弟哈里曼&公司(銀行,船廠,鐵路,IG法爾)
- Du Ponts (chemicals& war industrials, General Motors, IG Farben)
- 杜邦(化學品與戰爭工業,通用汽車,IG法爾)
- Vanderbilts (railroads, ship yards)
- 范德比爾特(鐵路,船廠)
- Boeing Company (aviation)
- 波音公司(航空)
- Lockheed (aviation)
- 洛克希德(航空)

... Oil & energy, steel and other natural resources, railroads, ship yards, aviation, car industry, spare parts, logistics, banking & finance, war industrial complex ..are some of the reasons to steal and keep this technology hidden.
...石油與能源,鋼鐵和其它自然資源,鐵路,船廠,航空,汽車產業,零部件,物流,銀行與金融,複雜軍工 ..是一些原因去竊取並保持這種隱藏技術。
The official excuse behind this technology theft by this industrialist-banking cabal would be, of course; "In the interest of national security" .."if Al CIA-da got hold of these..".
在這被工業 - 銀行陰謀集團的科技盜竊背後的官方辯解當然會是這樣,“為國家安全利益”..“如果Al 中央情報局-達掌握這些 ..”。
Hiding this technology "for national security" has cost humanity trillions and trillions of dollars and wrecked the health of humanity and the planet.

科学"超人" 尼古拉·特斯拉
實踐科學家尼古拉•特斯拉(Nikola Tesla 1856-1943)
秘密的美國宇航局變速器:證據確鑿 (長片)

德媒稱納粹曾造飛碟 首次試飛時速達2000公裡

UFOTV: 尼古拉特斯拉的秘密 - 解僱通知版


星門、巴別塔和蘇美爾眾神的回歸 - Stan Deyo



量子磁懸浮 (必看特斯拉的Ufo科技)

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