Etten-Leur & Zavenbergen, The Netherlands,
Reported 26th June.

Time: 1:00 am
Place: Field between Etten-Leur & Zavenbergen, The Netherlands
Crop: barley (?)
Formation Characteristics: 11 circles & 11 rings, interspersed; approx. 70m long
Description of Event: While at his home in southern Holland Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke has again, as in the past (see:,
suddenly become aware of a strong "energy" which he has learned indicates a new crop circle is occurring somewhere in his general area of Holland. At about 1:00 am, while still at home, he "saw" in his mind's eye a clear image of what the new formation would look like and also clearly saw a street sign, which he recognized. He called his neighbour, Ellen (who has a car), & together they drove several miles to the area Robbert had "seen," and did eventually find the new formation in a field where none has appeared before:
The next day Robbert and his friend Roy Boschman, and many other Dutch crop circle enthusiasts, went back to the field. While Roy was busy trying to document the new formation, Robbert walked away from the crowd, down to the far end of the circles--accompanied by another good friend, Stan. Both Robbert and Stan then saw (with their eyes) a "blue mist or aura" and Robbert began to take photos. Just as occurred last summer (see: "UFO" images began to appear in the shots--13 of them in a row--all around Stan. In many Robbert is no more than 3m away from Stan and in all the shots Stan is looking squarely at Robbert.
Here are a few of these new 2010 "UFO" photos, taken by Robbert, using Roy's camera and aimed directly at Stan the entire time:

In the weekend we had the first Dutch crop circle of 2010. It was found close to Etten-Leur. It is described as resembling the snow circles (rings) we had during winter. Eleven circles and eleven rings.
Bert Janssen
The next day Robbert and his friend Roy Boschman, and many other Dutch crop circle enthusiasts, went back to the field. While Roy was busy trying to document the new formation, Robbert walked away from the crowd, down to the far end of the circles--accompanied by another good friend, Stan. Both Robbert and Stan then saw (with their eyes) a "blue mist or aura" and Robbert began to take photos. Just as occurred last summer (see: "UFO" images began to appear in the shots--13 of them in a row--all around Stan. In many Robbert is no more than 3m away from Stan and in all the shots Stan is looking squarely at Robbert.
Here are a few of these new 2010 "UFO" photos, taken by Robbert, using Roy's camera and aimed directly at Stan the entire time:

In the weekend we had the first Dutch crop circle of 2010. It was found close to Etten-Leur. It is described as resembling the snow circles (rings) we had during winter. Eleven circles and eleven rings.
Bert Janssen
不明飛行物盤旋在加拿大上空製造麥田怪圈?? 2010年6月11日!