

US faces deadliest month in Afghan war
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 12:51:59 GMT
US-led forces are experiencing their deadliest days in t Afghanistan.

With 63 US service members killed, July has become the deadliest month for American forces stationed in war-torn Afghanistan.
隨著 63個美國軍人喪生,7月已成為美國軍隊駐紮在飽受戰爭蹂躪的阿富汗的最死亡月份。
June's record of 60 US fatalities was surpassed this month after separate bomb blasts killed at least three US soldiers in southern Afghanistan over the past 24 hours.
6月份創紀錄的美國60個死亡人數這個月被超過,在分開的炸彈爆炸殺害至少3名美軍士兵後,在過去 24小時在阿富汗的南部。
The latest deaths brought to 86 the number of fatalities among foreign troopers in war-ravaged Afghanistan this month.
The tally is based on military reports compiled by news agencies and websites tracking coalition casualties in Afghan and Iraq wars.
More than 400 foreign soldiers have been killed in the war-torn country so far this year, with nearly US-led troops 2,000 people killed since the 2001 invasion.
今年到目前為止,多於400名外國士兵在戰亂的國家被殺死;以幾乎是美國為首的軍隊, 自2001年入侵以來有2,000人死亡。
Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama signed a 37.1-billion-dollar spending package for the unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, while unemployment and domestic problems at home are on the rise.

The increasing number of foreign casualties in Afghanistan has drawn widespread public anger in the US and other NATO member states.



美國為首的士兵殺死 3名阿富汗孩子 部隊最死亡的一年

