

The 2009 VMAs: The Occult Mega-Ritual
By Vigilant
September 25th, 2009
Category: Movies and TV, Music Business

From unexpected drama to shocking performances, MTV’s 2009 Video Music Awards managed once again to raise eyebrows and get people talking. What most people missed, however, were the occult meanings encoded in the VMAs. The TV event was in fact a large scale occult ceremony, complete with an initiation, a prayer and even a blood sacrifice. We’ll look at the symbolism that appeared during the show.
由令人意外的戲劇至震驚的表演,MTV的 2009年音樂錄影帶獎設法再次令人愕然和談論不休。不過大多數人錯過的,是編碼在頒獎晚會內的神秘含義。電視活動事實上是一項大規模的神秘儀式,以一入會儀式、祈禱、甚至血祭完成。我們將看看在晚會期間的象徵意義。

MTV’s Video Music Awards have often incorporated dark and strange acts, containing some occult symbolism. This year’s version, however, outdid itself. The show left most people wondering what was wrong with Kanye West or trying compute the madness of Lady Gaga’s performance. The only way to understand the full meaning behind those performances is to look into esoteric teachings. The fact is that the whole awards show took the most common rituals of occult orders and re-enacted them in a show witnessed by the entire world.
MTV的音樂錄影帶獎通常納入黑暗、奇怪的行為,包含一些神秘的象徵主義。但今年的版本超越它本身。節目遺下令大多數人奇怪的,Kanye West究竟發生什麼事或試圖計算加加夫人的表演的瘋狂。唯一的方法去充分了解那些表演背後的含義,是去探討深奧的教義。事實是,整個頒獎晚會採取神秘秩序的最常見禮儀,和重新制定他它們在一項整個世界目睹的表演。
This year’s VMA’s were very different from other awards shows. They focused on a very limited number of artists (Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga), while ignoring many others who were equally successful. The “chosen” artists became characters in the VMA’s ceremony and acted out different ritual dramas. This might sound totally crazy to the average MTV viewer but those acquainted with the practices of occult orders (such as Freemasonry) can decode the references to sacred rituals. There are numerous types of fraternities and rituals, from the most noble to the most infernal, and they have existed throughout History. The VMAs were decisively inspired by dark, sinister and even Satanic ceremonies. Let’s look at those rituals.
今年的VMA是與其它頒獎節目有很大出入,它們集中在數量非常有限的藝人(碧昂絲、泰勒斯威夫特、加加夫人),而忽略許多其他人他們同樣是成功的。“被選中”的藝人變成 VMA頒獎典禮的角色和出演不同的儀式劇,這對一般的MTV觀眾聽起來是完全的瘋狂,但那些熟悉神秘秩序做法的(例如共濟會員),能解碼神聖儀式的引用。有許多類型的兄弟和儀式,從最高貴至最地獄的,和它們已在整個歷史存在。頒獎晚會是決定性地由黑暗、邪惡及甚至撒旦儀式啟發,讓我們看看那些儀式。

The High Priestess’ Words of Wisdom
Madonna’s sermon

Madonna, the music industry’s High Priestess, the revered “elder” of MTV, opens the show with a very solemn eulogy for Michael Jackson. She admitted never really knowing or “connecting” with him, but she was still chosen to pay him tribute. Madonna is a well known and publicized adept of the Kaballah, the esoteric school of Judaism which is studied in most occult orders. Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok explained how she uses (or abuses) Kaballah symbolism in her music:
“I discovered that Madonna’s famous dabbling with sacred Jewish mysticism has
taken an interesting turn. In her latest music video for the theme song of a new
James Bond movie, the “material girl” of old is transforming herself into a
“Kabbalah girl.” Aside from the traditional Madonna blend of music and
sensuality, in this video we see Madonna has a Holy Name of G-d tattooed onto
her right shoulder. Tattooing, mind you, is a practice forbidden under Torah
Law, all the more so abhorred by the Kabbalah. Granted the tattoo may not be
real or only temporary but nonetheless, any expression of performing a forbidden
act is itself forbidden and inexcusable. Unfortunately, Madonna’s abuse of
Kabbalah and traditional Torah Judaism does not stop here.

Later in the
video we see Madonna winding leather straps around her left arm in the exact
same format and style as holy tefillin are worn by religious Jewish men.
Tefillin consist of a small leather box containing scared parchments. These are
then strapped to one’s left biceps, and the strap is wound down the left arm and
around the hand. Granted Madonna did not go so far as to defame the tefillin
boxes themselves. Yet, it is quite clear that the wrapping of the straps around
her arm is done in orthodox Torah style. This act of hers is pure sacrilege.”

-Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, Madonna’s Kabbalah – Not Kosher http://www.koshertorah.com/PDF/madonna%20kabbalah.pdf

Madonna’s tribute focused on the fact that MJ was “otherworldly” and “a king” but she insisted on the fact that he was also a human being. It was wisdom that could only be imparted by the High Priestess. Members of the audience bowed their heads and meditated on her words. They had a deep Kabbalisitic resonance. The speech was followed by a video tribute to Jackson, beginning oddly with ‘Thriller’ and displaying the face of MJ as a decaying zombie, risen from the dead, on a huge screen. We then hear Price’s verse in the song saying:
“Darkness falls across the land
The midnite hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize yawls neighbourhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpses shell
foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzy
ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you
fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can
The evil of the thriller”

It is only fitting that MJ’s greatest was included in his tribute, but this did seem a rather gruesome way to start a posthumous tribute. Someone, somewhere made some odd choices, but this somehow fitted the “vibe” of the rest of the show.

Taylor Swift’s Initiation

“I’mma let you finish!”

Taylor Swift wins the “Best Female Video” award and goes up on stage to give her thank yous. Kanye West pops out of nowhere, taking the mic from her hand, and informs her that Beyonce has “one of the best videos of all time“. This scene has caused much controversy and has earned Kanye the title of “Douchebag of the year” plus a the honor of being called a “jackass” by the President of the United States. I might shock some people by saying this… but this “unexpected” event was… STAGED! There I said it. Did you ever watch a crappy reality show and had the gut feeling that the whole thing was scripted? Well, I’ve got an overload of that feeling while watching this scene. None of the people involved (not even Beyonce making her “I can’t believe this is happening” face) are good actors. Furthermore, I’ve been following Kanye’s career since his beginnings and I’ve retained one important fact about him: the only thing Kanye West cares about, is Kanye West. So if he had to throw a hissy fit about something, it would had been about him not winning. Not Beyonce. Him.
泰勒斯威夫特贏得“最佳女藝人視頻獎”和走上舞台去給她的感謝。肯伊威斯特從不知處彈出,從她的手裡取走咪高峯,並告知她碧昂絲有“全時候的其中一套最佳影片”。這一幕已引起不少爭議和肯已賺得“全年沖洗袋”的名銜,加上一名譽被美國總統稱為“傻瓜”。我說這可能會震驚一些人 ...但這“沒預期”的事件是...編排的!我說的。你有沒有看過一蹩腳的現實表現,和有那直覺覺得整件事情是有劇本的?嗯,我有那種感覺過載當觀看這一幕的時候。涉及的人全不是(甚至碧昂絲也不做出面孔:“我不能相信這事發生”)好演員。此外,我一直在跟進肯的事業生涯自他開始時,和我保留一個重要的事實關於他:肯伊威斯特唯一關心的事是肯伊威斯特。所以如果他要拋出一嘶嘶聲的發作關於什麼事,它會已是關於他未贏獎,不會是碧昂絲,他。
This scene is in fact Taylor Swift’s initiation into what I call “The Circle of Chosen Artists”. The pupil is humiliated in front of her peers and told that she is not worthy to be on the same stage as Beyonce, the queen of the ceremony. Almost all groups, fraternities and gangs carry out an initiation process to test the recruit’s character, strength and worth. Swift’s ordeal was to have Kanye ruin her first award ever and to be told that she didn’t deserve this recognition. The rapper is known for bitching during award shows so he was the perfect candidate to make it all seem “unexpected”.
這一幕其實是泰勒斯威夫特的入會儀式,進入我稱之為“獲選藝術家圈子”。學生是在同行前面被侮辱,並被告訴她是不值同台的茹碧昂絲 -儀式的王后。幾乎所有群體,兄弟會和幫派進行招聘一入會儀式程序,以測試新招募的性格、力量和價值。斯威夫特的考驗是有肯毀掉她從來的第一個獎項,和被告知她不值得有這認許。唱歌手是以在頒獎典禮上發牢騷著名,所以他是最合適的人選去使這看似是“意外”的。

The Prayer
“Who wants to pray to the devil with me?”

Jack Black comes out dressed as a heavy metal guy on steroids to promote a video game. At one point he asks the audience to put their devil horns in the air and the proceeds to pray to the “darklord Satan”. The whole thing is light-hearted and comical but I don’t see any other way a prayer to Satan can be inserted into a primetime show without getting a truckload of complaints from “concerned parents”. The scene starts off semi-funny but Jack Black finishes off on a more serious note by saying: “I ask you to grant tonight’s nominees with continued success in the music industry“. This last phrase actually reveals a dark truth about the entertainment business.

So the net result of this scene is this: everybody threw up their “devil horns” hand sign, then took each other’s hands and prayed to Satan. This piece of pre-rehearsed comedy might have been an insignificant skit in another show. But in the context of this one, with its many recreations of occult rituals, the skit takes on a whole other, sinister meaning.

The Blood Sacrifice

Lady Gaga’s performance was hailed as “brilliant” by many music fans. If you however ask them what it symbolizes, their expression becomes questioning. Here’s what Gaga said about her performance during an interview at gagadaily.com

“Do you think it will be one of those defining moments people will remember at
the VMAs?”
“I know it will. I sort of have this philosophy about things:
there’s never a reason to do something unless it’s going to be memorable, unless
it’s going to change things, unless it’s going to inspire a movement. With the
song and with the performance, I hope to say something very grave about fame and
the price of it.”

“Something grave? What?”
“You’ll have to see.”

“What are you going to wear? “
“I would say that the fashion for the
performance is a representation of the most stoic and memorable martyrs of fame
in history. It’s intended to be an iconic image that represents people. I think
after watching the performance and maybe studying it after you watch it on
YouTube, you’ll see the references and the symbols come through.”

The setting for the performance is very symbolic. Gaga performs in a temple or maybe an aristocratic mansion, complete with columns, chandeliers and paintings. Occult rituals, mind control experiments and even human sacrifices have constantly been rumored to take place in those kinds of settings. One feature I cannot ignore is the presence of two massive pillars beneath an arch.

Decor of Gaga’s performance. Notice the two pillars and the arch above

They are unmistakable Masonic symbols, as depicted on this lithograph:

This obvious reference to Freemasonry hints to the occult and ritualistic aspect of Gaga’s performance. Masons are known to carry out ritual dramas in their lodges; live re-enactments of allegorical stories. Gaga’s performance symbolizes her rise to fame and the sacrifice she had to make in order to succeed.

When the bloody Gaga is lifted into the air, an eerie light comes out from between the pillars and the dancers lift their arms in the air in praise. Many ancient religions carried out ritual sacrifices to please the gods. Blood sacrifices have also been viewed by black magicians as the ultimate way to collect spiritual energy. The final scene of the performance conveys the presence of this mysterious “force” after a sacrifice.

Rising star

Right after her performance, Gaga appears dressed all in red, with her face completely covered in red. She is basically a walking, talking blood sacrifice. It represents the aftermath of fame, the hellish life that follows the sacrifice, the selling of the soul for success in the music industry.
“This if for God and the gays”

Pink’s Masonic Initiation

There is no way a Mason could watch this performance without recalling his initiation into the First Degree. Here’s a description by Mark Stavish:
沒可能一個共濟會員能看到這表演而不回憶起他進入第一度的入會儀式。這裡有馬克 Stavish的一項說明:

“The candidate for initiation is stripped of all material possessions and
dressed in a strange and peculiar garb (…). This includes a blindfold and a
length of rope called a cable tow.”

He continues
“The blindfold used represents secrecy, darkness and ignorance as well as trust.
The candidate is led into the lodge room for initiation but is not able to see
what is happening. He is bound about the waist and arm with the cable tow.”
-Mark Stavish, Freemasonry: Rituals, Symbols and History of the Secret
The initiate is blindfolded and attached to a cord with the left breast and left leg exposed

Pink is blindfolded and bound with ropes. Her costume exposes her left breast, as is the case with Masonic initiates. Instead of having her left leg exposed, Pink’s costume bears a diamond pattern which is very reminiscent of the floors in Masonic lodges.
Masonic First Degree
Eastern Star Lodge

Pink’s performance was a dizzying display of acrobatics which undoubtedly left her (and the viewers) totally disoriented. This is also a feature of Freemasonry’s First Degree initiation:

“He is then blindfolded and a cord in the form of a noose is passed round his
neck. At this point the novice is entering the marginal stage, associated
ordeals; he cannot see, his sense of direction has been confused and he
has been
dressed like a victim for execution.”
-J.S. La Fontaine,
Initiation – Ritual

Drama and secret knowledge across the world
Pink’s performance was yet another blatant reference to ritual dramas in occult orders.

Taylor Swift’s Acceptance into the Order

“Can we try this again now?”

After Swift’s public humiliation, Beyonce, the queen of the ceremony, calls her up on stage to let her “have her moment”. She appears from backstage (as if awaiting her cue) in a red dress which is strikingly similar to Beyonce’s. A reader of this site has noticed that, at the moment the two singers hug, a strange phrase appears on the screen behind them saying “RDFO IL 40 PRO DEL ATO”. I have no idea what that means, but it was there. If you solve this enigma, be sure to post it in the comments. **Editor’s note** Pretty sure it means “Ilford Delta Pro film”.
斯威夫特的公開羞辱後,儀式的王后碧昂絲叫她上舞台,讓她“有她的時刻”。她從後台出現(好像等待著她的提示)在身穿紅色裙,那是驚人地相似碧昂絲的。一位本網站的讀者已注意到這,在兩位歌手擁抱的時刻,一段奇怪的詞組出現在營幕,在她們背後說:“RDFO IL 40 PRO DEL ATO”。我不知道那意味什麼,但它是在那裡。如果你解決這個謎,請務必將它貼在評論中。 **編者按 **頗確定它的意思是“伊爾福德三角洲支持電影”。
Is this a computer glitch or a coded message?

Taylor Swift being called on stage represents the fact that she has now been accepted as an equal to Beyonce and has become one of the “chosen ones”. The matching dresses also convey this sense of belonging to a new group. She has “passed the test” – the ordeal of being humiliated – and she can now reap the rewards of being an insider.
泰勒斯威夫特被喊上舞台代表那事實,她現在已被接受作為一位等於碧昂絲的,和已成為其中一位“被選之人”。匹配的衣服亦傳達這對一新組別的歸屬烈感。她已“通過測試” - 被侮辱的考驗 - 和她現在能得到作為內幕人仕的回報。

In Conclusion
Award ceremonies like the VMAs define and crystallize the pop culture of an era. They consecrate the chosen artists while leaving the others dwelling in the shadows of anonymity. As shown above, the whole show was heavily permeated with occult symbolism, primarily focusing on the “initiation” aspect of it. Why is MTV exposing young people (who know nothing about occultism) to such rituals? Is there a subliminal effect on the viewers? Are we educating the new generation to accept these symbols as part of popular culture? There is definitely a second layer of interpretation in many of MTV’s products. To decode the symbols is to understand the inner-workings of the entertainment industry.
頒獎典禮如VMAs界定和凝聚一個時代的流行文化,他們尊崇被選擇的藝人而讓其他人棲身在匿名的陰影中。如上所示,整個節目嚴重地滲透神秘的象徵主義,主要集中在它的“入會”方面。為什麼MTV暴露年青人(他們不知道神秘主義的),對這樣的儀式?是否對觀眾有潛意識影響?我們是否在教育新一代去接受這些符號作為流行文化的一部分?有一定的第二層解釋在許多的 MTV產品,要解碼符號是要了解娛樂產業的內部運作。
I know there’s a bunch of details I didn’t cover – Be sure your to record your findings in the comments section!
我知道有一堆細節我沒有包括到 - 確保您記錄您的發現在評論部分!

Lady Gaga's Shocking MTV VMA 2009 Fashion
加加夫人令人震驚的2009 MTV VMA 時裝


Kanye West InterruptsTaylor Swift's Speech at 2009 MTV VMAs
Kanye West 打斷泰勒斯威夫特的2009年MTV 頒獎晚會上的演說




Lady Gaga - 光明會木偶

Lady Gaga的“電話”中的隱藏意思

Lady Gaga的 “Alejandro”: 神秘學意義

Lady Gaga:Alejandro的光明會象徵主義


Christina Aguilera的“今夜不是我自己”:入會和性化


Tiffany Evans 宣稱 Rihanna 是撒旦教徒


奧巴馬 : 是的我們能 = 多謝您撒旦










第54屆格林美 Nicki Minaj的光明會神秘學撒旦入會儀式和表演!

1 則留言:

  1. About RDFO IL 40 PRO DEL ATO :

