Michael Jackson’s New Album Cover: Rife with Symbolism
By Vigilant
November 6th, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Since Michael Jackson’s untimely death, we have observed some rather insidious “tributes” to him, which, once decoded, were in fact thinly veiled references to his ritual sacrifice. His memory has indeed been hijacked by those who, in my humble opinion, killed him. This fact becomes obvious when looking at his posthumous releases. His latest album cover is another striking proof.
Sony Music (a company MJ spoke against – see this當內幕人士暴露娛樂行業醜陋的一面) is releasing a new album entitled Michael, which is said to contain some unreleased material. Here is the album cover:
索尼音樂公司(一間MJ針對的公司 - 看警惕市民當內幕人士暴露娛樂行業醜陋的一面這篇文章)在發佈一題為米高的新專輯,那據說會包含一些未經發布的材料。這是專輯的封面:

The Monarch ButterflyProbably the most obvious and disturbing symbol is the Monarch Butterfly on his left shoulder, which represents in pop occult symbolism, Monarch programming, a form of trauma-based mind control. Many details about Michael Jackson’s life remain obscure. He is however a prime example of a young star being recruited by the Industry and most probably submitted to Monarch programming. In his last years however, MJ broke out from his control and even started to speak out against the evils of the industry. This breakout might explain his “mysterious” death.
The Moonwalker Robot
Looming ominously at the top right side of the album cover is a MJ android with glowing red eyes. This is taken from Moonwalker, a movie produced during the height of Jackson controlled state, in which he turns, quite symbolically, into robot.
Michael Jackson - Robot Transformation Scene
米高積遜 - 機械人改變的場景
Regular readers might notice the similarity between this transformation and the one of Maria from Metropolis and many other pop stars under Illuminati control. In the context of the album cover, the presence of the android might be a references to his alter, programmed persona, in contrast with the “old MJ”, depicted at the opposite side of the album cover.
常規讀者可能會注意到,這種轉變和受光明會控制的瑪麗亞來自Metropolis的一個,和許多其他流行歌星之間的相似。在專輯封面的背景中,機械人的存在可能是他改變的引用 - 被編程的人物,相比於“舊的MJ”,描繪於專輯封面的背面。
Black and White/ Day and Night Duality
Michael is crowned by a Black and a White angel, alluding to the ritualistic nature of his crowning, an occult union of opposing forces. The same concept is exploited in Kanye West’s Runaway, where a big (and rather horrid) head of MJ is surrounded by black and white angels with gruesome faces.
米高積遜由一黑色和一白色的天使加冕, 轉彎抹角地說出他的加冕的儀式性質,一種神秘學反對勢力的聯盟。同樣的概念被用於Kanye West的Runaway,在那一個大的(和相當可怕的)MJ頭被有恐怖面孔的黑和白天使所圍繞。

來自Kanye West的Runaway的場景, MJ的頭有一黑色和一白色的天使,暗指獻祭儀式。
In a case of strange synchronicity, here’s Kanye’s cover art for “Power”:

正如我們已在文章Kanye West的“權力”:神秘的符號意義中看到的,這種影象可能是指“王殺33”的共濟會儀式。
Was MJ’s ritual sacrificed planned? You might want to take a look at this album cover.

Kanye West’的“權力”:它的符號的神秘意義
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米高-積遜新專輯封面2011 / 光明會象徵主義