The Occult Interpretation of the Movie “Black Swan” and Its Message on Show BusinessBy Vigilant
January 15th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Black Swan” is an intense psychological thriller describing a ballet dancer’s metamorphosis into the “Black Swan”. Behind the movie’s freaky facade lies a profound commentary on the cost of fame, the sacrifice of artists and the hidden forces behind the shady world of high-stakes entertainment. We will look at the occult symbolism of the movie and its themes relating to the dark side of show business.

I often point out that great works of art can be interpreted in numerous ways, depending on the knowledge and experiences of each viewer. This movie is no exception … there are indeed numerous ways to interpret the plot of the movie. Through the use of meanings and symbols, however, the movie clearly alludes to many issues previously discussed on The Vigilant Citizen: the dark and occult side of fame, duality, trauma-based mind control, the forced creation of an alter persona and more. The main character, Nina, goes through a metaphysical change – by getting in touch with her “dark side” - in order to become a better performer. This change is imposed on Nina by her “handler”, in this case, her ballet director. The movie uses subtle references to trauma-based mind control to explain the creation of an independent alter-person in Nina’s psyche.
Although Black Swan is fiction, it nevertheless explores hidden realities of high-stakes art and performance. There are numerous examples of artists who have embraced darker alter egos to take their art to “another level” … and many who ultimately are consumed by them. We will look at the occult and mind-control elements of Black Swan and see how they relate to some of the realities of the world of professional entertainment.
Warning: Major spoilers ahead!
Movie SummaryBlack Swan is a modern retelling of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet, Swan Lake. In the movie, the ballet director, Thomas Leroy (played by Vincent Cassel), describes to his dancers the basic plot of the ballet:
“We all know the story. Virginal girl, pure and sweet, trapped in the body of a swan. She desires freedom, but only true love can break the spell. Her wish is nearly granted in the form of a prince. But, before he can declare his love, the lustful twin, the Black Swan, tricks and seduces him. Devastated, the White Swan leaps off a cliff, killing herself and, in death, finds freedom”.
Nina, a shy and fragile young woman is chosen to play the role of the Swan Queen and must therefore embody both the pure White Swan and the evil Black Swan. Her quest for perfection as a ballet dancer leads her to experience, in her everyday life, the transformation experienced by the White Swan in the ballet’s story. The events of Nina’s daily life therefore mirror the story of the character she takes on as a ballet dancer, ultimately leading to confusion and, as the line between reality and fiction blurs, to apparent insanity.
The director’s use of mirrors and reflections in numerous scenes are a constant reminder of Nina’s altered perception of reality. Mirrors in the movie are often misleading and Nina’s reflections seem to have a “life of their own”. As Nina becomes haunted by the Black Swan, this alternate persona takes a life of its own and acts outside of Nina’s conscious control. We will explain later how this relates to trauma-based mind control.
If you have not read other articles on this site, trauma-based mind control – also known as Monarch Programming - is the process in which an individual is subjected to intense trauma and dehumanization in order to cause a mental dissociation. This causes a fragmentation of the slave’s personality and enables the handler to create an alternate persona that can be programmed at will. Some researchers claim there are occult elements at work in this process.
“Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). Of course, most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim, negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs.”
- Ron Patton, Project Monarch

Let’s now look at some central themes of the movie.
Nina and her Trauma
Nina lives in a small New York apartment with her mother, Erica, about whom the least we can say is that she is overbearing. Many allusions to trauma-based mind control can be found in Nina’s living environment and her mother’s controlling behavior.

Nina’s mother, a retired ballet dancer who failed to become a star, acts more as a mind-control handler than a mother. She obviously has boundary issues and keeps tight control over all aspects of Nina’s life. Real-life Monarch slaves often start their difficult lives as victims of ritual abuse in their own household. Symbols relating to mind control in Nina’s house probably reflect this sad reality, including her pink, childlike bedroom.

Other people in Nina’s life, apparently preying on her weakness and “victim energy”, take advantage of her sexually.

Nina’s mother has, therefore, subjected her daughter to trauma-based mind control in order to make her a submissive woman who would realize her mother’s failed dreams. This has trained Nina to disassociate to make her existence bearable, which in turn makes Nina the perfect subject for the creation of a dark alter persona: the Black Swan.
Bringing out the Black Swan
Getting back to the storyline, Thomas, the ballet director, is looking for a new ballet star play the role of the Swan Queen. Nina’s meticulous dancing is perfect to play the role of the White Swan, but she must also be able to play the Black Swan, a role that requires the dancer to be twisted, sexual and dangerous. Nina’s frigid style is not suitable for the Black Swan, but Thomas chooses her as the Swan Queen anyway. He knows she has it in her, and he will bring it out.

At one point, Thomas tells Nina:
“Perfection is not just about control. It is also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence. Very few have it in them.”
Watching Nina dance, he later says:
“I knew the White Swan wouldn’t be a problem. The real work would be your metamorphosis into her evil twin.”In order to obtain perfection, or in alchemical terms, to accomplish the Great Work, Nina must master both good and evil – light and darkness. The occult concept of duality becomes therefore extremely important (more on this later).
Thomas’ job is to create in Nina a new, agressive and sexual alter-ego. He therefore becomes Nina’s new mind-control handler. Whereas her mother “programmed” her daughter to be a submissive ballet dancer who never questions her mother/handler, Thomas requires her to embrace the exact opposite. He represents the “big league”, the next level of Monarch programming.

In order to become a Black Swan, Nina must be able to be somewhat comfortable with sex, and even enjoy it. So Thomas gives Nina homework: to “touch herself”. Ready to do everything to become a better dancer, Nina tries to masturbate but her mother causes a blockage. Sexual pleasure becomes therefore a form of emancipation from her mother’s control and her initiation to the “big league”.
As the Black Swan grows in power, Nina starts hallucinating physical mutations on her body. The only other person that can see these mutations are Nina’s mother, who, as a handler, has the “key” to her psyche. She is aware of Nina’s gradual transformation and tries to repress it, knowing it will cause the lost of her “little girl”.

This situation reflects the ugly truth behind real-life ritual abuse. Children, who are already dissociative due to their parent’s abuse, are handed over to “higher instances” who continue the programming process. In this case, Nina is handed over to the entertainment world (known to use Monarch programming on celebrities) to create in her an alter persona destined to be a world-renowned star.

In order for Nina to become the new Swan Queen, however, someone must step down.
Beth MacIntyre: The Ageing Star Who Was Pushed Aside

Beth MacIntyre (played by Winona Ryder) is the previous star of the ballet company. However, she is growing old and “losing her edge”. As a veteran, Beth already went through the “Black Swan process”, and, as some people might say, she “sold her soul to the devil”. Although this deal gave her years of great performances, in the end, the process completely destroyed her. She has become a bitter, conceited and hateful person who is incapable of existing without being the Black Swan.
There are many real life cases of celebrities suffering the same fate. After being recruited, programmed and primed by the industry to become a superstar, they are suddenly dropped and forgotten. Being psychologically damaged, not knowing who they really are, the fallen stars sink into depression, drugs, alcoholism and even suicide.So the “spirit”, the alter ego that consumed and destroyed Beth, was also the hidden force behind her great performances. The public has always been fascinated by intense and inspired performers who touch them on a primal and visceral level. Depending on the performance, this source of artistic transcendence has been attributed to the divine or to the devil. Controversial and groundbreaking performers have often dwelt between brilliance and insanity – tapping into a mysterious force at the source of artistic greatness and, on the other hand, imminent self-destruction. Religious people might say this force is nothing less than spirit possession; scientists might say that psychological torment leads to creativity. No matter the term one uses for this “force”, it certainly exists and it is tapped into by some of the world’s most influential artists. Beth hosted this force and it completely destroyed her … and now it can move on to Nina.
Thomas, who was Beth’s handler (he called her “my little princess”, a mind-control trigger) no longer needs the alter-ego he created in her. It is however impossible to “deprogram” her, so she completely loses her mind. The next day, the ballet company learns she got hit by a car. Thomas says:
“You know what, I’m also sure she did it on purpose. Everything Beth does comes from within, from some dark impulse. I guess that’s what makes her so thrilling to watch … so dangerous … even perfect at times. But also so damn destructive.”
The Black Swan Takes Over (Black Wings and Mirrors)

The Black Swan is the artistically brilliant yet spiritually destructive force Thomas wants to see born in Nina. He obviously knows about the Black Swan’s devastating powers, but he doesn’t care and never did: he is after the ultimate performance. Once Nina has been “used” up by the Swan, he will find another dancer to replace her. He is a representation of the entertainment industry, which manipulates artists into becoming Black Swans, ultimately trashing them when the Swan’s effects have faded.
Black Wings
The “force” of the Black Swan is symbolically represented by black wings at different stages of the movie.

MirrorsMirrors are used throughout the movie to symbolically reflect the true state of Nina’s psyche.

The Magnum Opus and the Sacrifice
At the show’s premiere, Nina gives a stellar performance. She successfully plays the sweet and timid White Swan, and, when the time came, she was overtaken by the “force” to become the twisted, yet thrilling, Black Swan. By marrying the white and the black, the good and the evil, the light and the dark, Nina has accomplished the alchemical Great Work, the occult path to illumination.
The process, however,consumed her. By allowing the Black Swan to completely possess her, Nina gave the performance of a lifetime, but she has become a different person. Thomas and the audiences are in love with Nina as the Black Swan – the same way the prince of the ballet falls in love with the White Swan’s evil twin. But this is not the “real” Nina. The Black Swan is a destructive force she cannot live with: it is tormenting her on a physical and psychological level. Not able to go on, the only way Nina can free herself, is by killing herself. And this is what she does.

Does this remind you of anyone else’s self-sacrificing performance?

Lady Gaga的“獻祭”,在她2009年VMA的表現中。
Real Life Black Swans

There are real (and tragic) examples of brilliant artists who have been consumed by an intense role. Either they self-destroyed or they HAD to die as a ritual sacrifice. Is Black Swan a commentary on this mysterious phenomena?
A recent example of a self-destructive role is Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight.

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on ‘Joker’ role
Heath Ledger thought landing the demanding role of the Joker was a dream come true – but now some think it was a nightmare that led to his tragic death.
Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989 – and who was furious he wasn’t consulted about the creepy role – offered a cryptic comment when told Ledger was dead.
“Well,” Nicholson told reporters in London early Wednesday, “I warned him.”
Though the remark was ambiguous, there’s no question the role in the movie earmarked as this summer’s blockbuster took a frightening toll.
Ledger recently told reporters he “slept an average of two hours a night” while playing “a psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy …
“I couldn’t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.”
Prescription drugs didn’t help, he said.
- NY Daily News, Source
For more on Heath Ledger, read this article I wrote on his last movie and symbols regarding his sacrifice “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” and Heath Ledger’s Sacrifice.
Another example of an actor dying in mysterious circumstances after playing the role of a devilish and twisted character is Brandon Lee as The Crow.

In addition to those two extreme cases, there are many cases of artists who, after years of brilliance, mysteriously self-destroyed. Drugs and suicide are often blamed for the tragedies but who really knows what happened with Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison, just to name a few?
除了那兩個極端個案,有許多藝人的情況,經過多年的光輝歲月,神秘地自我毀滅,悲劇常被歸咎於毒品和自殺,但誰真的知道 Jimi Hendrix、Kurt Cobain 和 Jim Morrison發生什麼事,衹是提出其中幾個?
In Conclusion
Black Swan is a profound movie that can be interpreted on many levels. We looked at the occult and mind-control elements of the movie and examined its messages on the shady world of show business. The movie’s commentary on the entertainment world’s marriage with occult forces is something that has been discussed numerous times on the Vigilant Citizen. Although the concept is rarely discussed or even noticed by the average person, insiders in the entertainment world often attest to strange forces of varying kinds at work in the industry.
Through Nina’s metamorphosis from a shy nobody to a possessed superstar, the viewers experience the dark side of entertainment. Mind control, manipulation and immorality collide with success and recognition. Dark impulses, addictions and self-destruction arise with artistic genius and creative brilliance. Those who are “running the show” know how to bring the Black Swan out of up-and-coming artists … and they know very well it will destroy them in the long run. And they are OK with that. The same way Beth was pushed aside to welcome a new Swan Queen, the public will always welcome the elite’s newest star with applause and acclaim. Because, as they say, the show must go on.
通過 Nina的蛻變,從一個害羞的人成為佔有慾的超級巨星,觀眾體驗到娛樂的黑暗面。精神控制、操縱和不道德與成功及認許的碰撞。黑暗的衝動、毒癮和自我毀滅與藝術天才及創造的光輝的冒升。那些“經營表演節目“的人知道如何從預備爆紅的藝人帶出黑天鵝 ...,和他們深知道它長遠而言會毁滅他們,和他們對那沒問題。同樣的老路貝思被推開去迎接新的天鵝皇后,大眾將以掌聲和喝彩永遠歡迎精英的最新明星。因為,正如他們所說,表演必須繼續。
'黑天鵝' - 荷里活傳揚撒旦主義
'Black Swan' - Hollywood Preaches SatanismMonday, 17 January 2011 08:47

'黑天鵝'是一個撒旦教徒使用的符號 - 這就是為什麼四隻黑天鵝被引入一個湖,在那黛安娜王妃據稱是被埋葬的,在北安普敦郡奧爾索普的史賓沙邨。她的哥哥說他從夢中得到靈感。

"Black Swan"-- Hollywood Preaches Satanism
January 16, 2011
by Marcos
Do we need additional proof that mankind is controlled by a satanic cult?
The Illuminati uses movies (and entertainment in general) to spread its occult dogma. Most critics are simply too dense to recognize the truth and sound the alarm.
Christianity is forbidden in the public sphere but spreading Satanism is OK? So that's "secular" society.
One woman we know who saw this movie was so disturbed, she broke down at work the next day.
BTW, doesn't Portman look ridiculous in this picture?

The movie stars Natalie Portman (née Natalie Harshlag, from Jerusalem), directed by a Jew from Brooklyn who lived in a kibbutz in Israel, Darren Aronofsky and produced by a company named "Phoenix". Aronofsky had his debut with the movie "Pi", whose main theme kaballah and Jewish occult numerology.
電影明星娜塔莉波特曼(來自耶路撒冷的nee' Natalie Harshlag),由來自布魯克林但住在以色列基布茲的猶太人達倫阿羅諾夫斯蓋執導,和由名為“鳳凰”的公司製作。 阿羅諾夫斯的首次是電影“皮”,其主題是猶太卡巴拉和猶太神秘命理學。
PLOT (SPOILER ALERT!)Nina (Portman) is a ballet dancer in New York. The movie starts with a dream where Nina dances with a seductive male dancer, an Antonio Banderas type who suddenly changes into a demon, horns and all.
Nina still sleeps in her childhood bedroom, surrounded by plush dolls and pink decorations. She is anorexic, has no boyfriend, is possibly schizophrenic and scratches herself until she bleeds. Her mother is a disciplinarian who wants Nina to be the first dancer in the company.
Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) is the French director who has just fired the first dancer from the company, Beth (Wynona Rider, nee Horowitz), after having seduced her.
Beth is approaching 30, and is disposable. After being fired, she is hit by a car and goes to the hospital. Thomas decides that he will produce the ballet "Black Swan" with the same dancer playing good white swan and the evil black swan. Nina is his choice, but he thinks she is too good and sweet and, although she can be the best white swan, she needs to find her evil nature in order to play the black swan.
Nina meets a bad girl named Lily (Mila Kunis, another Jewish actress), a dancer and competitor for the role. She has a tattoo of black swan's wings on her back, meaning she already belongs to evil.
She takes Nina to a bar and a disco, introduces her to drugs, casual sex with men and has lesbian sex with her afterward. Because of the wild party, Nina is late to the rehearsal and almost loses the role to Lily herself. In the movie, we don't know if Nina is imagining everything or if it really happened.
During opening night, Nina plays the White Swan and falls on stage. At her dressing room, during interlude, she is mocked by one of the dancers, who tells her she will fail and starts a fight.
Nina pushes her to a wall mirror, which shatters. She then proceeds to stab the dancer with a glass piece and changes into a demonic black swan. She performs wonderfully and, at the end, we find that in reality she stabbed herself and is dying. Her last words are: "Now I am perfect."

Black Swan is a movie about mind control and demonic possession. Its main message is that you can't achieve greatness without selling your soul to the devil and connecting with the evil inside.
Nina's controller is her mother. She was unable to develop and is still a child psychologically and sexually. Her bedroom's wallpaper is covered with butterflies, a reminder of Monarch programming.
When she is ripe and technically disciplined, her handler, Leroy ("The King" in French) enters her life and introduces her to evil, with the help of Lily (Lilith?).
He seduces her but doesn't have sex with her. He just awakens her lust and greed. In a key scene, we see Leroy and Nina at his flat, where a stylized Baphomet is displayed on the wall.
Her gala night also takes place in a building where we see a huge statue of a black angel, obviously Lucifer. Nina is being invited to Satan's side, and the reward is fame and success.
There are occult signals all over the movie, starting with the black and white duality and going through mirrors.
Nina and her mother have their mirror images switched in one scene, meaning the mother has to program the daughter to be a replica of herself.
In the end, when Nina shatters the mirror, it means she broke her personality in multiples and is ready to be possessed. She graphically changes into a demon in the screen.
It is very possible that Portman will get an Oscar for the role, in confirmation of what the movie teaches. She is an insider. That would make the movie more a ritual than fiction, much like Madonna's kiss on Britney Spears. On the internet, Portman is well known as a mind control puppet.
Perhaps we should pay attention to the "failed" dancer Beth, who Nina replaced. Like other mind control slaves, she loses her programming as she gets near to age 30, and is discarded or killed.
After Nina tells Beth that she wanted to be "perfect" like her, Beth says: "Perfect? I am nothing." That's the fate of those who believe Satan's lies.
榮獲五項奧斯卡提名的電影《黑天鵝》( Black Swan),在拉脫維亞( Latvia)釀成血案。一名男子在戲院看這部電影時,因吃爆谷吵聲大,令另一名觀眾光火,開槍將他轟斃。
吃爆谷太大聲這宗槍擊案,在首都里加( Riga)一間戲院發生。上周六晚,影片播到末段,戲院內持續傳出嘈吵的雜音,擾人看戲。原來是一名 42歲男子,正在大口大口吃着爆谷,一名 27歲男觀眾不滿受騷擾,跟他理論。一言不合, 27歲男觀眾亮出手槍,更向爆谷男連轟四槍,殺死他。看戲看到殺死人,原來那 27歲男子是一個擁有法律博士學位的律師,是國家警校畢業生。他面臨謀殺控罪。
拉脫維亞是前蘇聯加盟共和國,人口約 220萬,罕有發生槍械血案,上月 25日曾發生警匪槍戰,後來證實劫匪原來都是警員。
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