Catholic Church Silences Exorcist Priest
January 24, 2011
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Translation by Autumnson Blog
"Humanity is being modeled after a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of Lucifer. The mass media and education system are dedicated to inducting us into this cult. That's why outspoken Christians who present a positive example, like Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, are silenced. They interfere with our programming."
“人類正被仿照一個撒旦邪教組織,致力於崇拜路西法。大眾傳播媒體和教育系統是專門用於誘導我們進入這個邪教組織。那就是為什麼直言不諱的基督徒,表現正面榜樣的像托馬斯 Euteneuer神父,都被壓制,他們干擾我們的編程。“

Satanically possessed? Fire the exorcist!
The Catholic Church recently silenced one of its most eloquent voices and suppressed his two books on exorcism. This is more evidence that the church has been subverted by satanists.
Since 2000, Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, 48, was the president Human Life International, the world's largest pro-life organization with affiliate offices in seventy-five countries. On Aug. 27, 2010 Bishop Gerald Barbarito ordered Euteneuer to resign and return to Parish duties in Palm Beach FL.
自2000年以來,48歲的托馬斯 J Euteneuer牧師,是國際人類生命的主席,世界上最大的反墮胎組織,有下屬機構在72個國家。在2010年8月27日,主教杰拉爾德 Barbarito下令Euteneuer辭職,並回到佛羅里達州棕櫚灘的教區職責。
He is bound not to discuss the reasons for his "resignation" nor the fact that he still has no diocesan assignments. His two books, Exorcism and the Church Militant, and Demonic Abortion have been pulled from shelves and sell for as much as $1000 on the Internet.
Euteneuer graduated as a Marine at the top of his class at Quantico but felt called to the Church rather than the military. He was ordained in 1988 and became active in pro-life activities. He is reminiscent of Marine Cpl. Pat Tillman who was "silenced" by friendly fire in 2004; or Rev. Charles Coughlin, the radio priest who the Pope silenced in 1936 at the request of FDR.
All major social institutions are controlled by cabalists or satanists belonging to the Illuminati. Humanity is being modeled after a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of Lucifer. People at the lower rungs will be exploited mercilessly or exterminated. The mass media and education system are dedicated to inducting us into this cult. That's why outspoken Christians who present a positive example, like Rev. Thomas Euteneuer are silenced. They interfere with our programming.
Euteneuer was trained in a specific Catholic exorcism ritual, in which the priest orders demons to leave a possessed person or place.
In his Book Demonic Abortion, Euteneuer explains that an abortion is a ritualistic sacrifice of a baby to Satan and it has been practiced from a long time ago.
He wrote that "..programs of sex education in the schools change how the youth of a country behave in matters of human sexuality. Sex education is the systematic values and behavior modification program of the culture of death, and it is very effective when it is implemented in the public school systems, far from the watchful eyes of parents."
He also advocated that exorcisms be performed outside abortion clinics, which he described as "temples of a demonic religion."
His other book Exorcism and the Church Militant, criticizes Vatican II for watering down the exorcism rules.
He exposes Freemasonry as "a false religion that requires absolute secrecy for its members and draws them through a system of ever-tightening strictures in order for them to advance in order. It is based upon a relativistic value system that sees no moral absolutes and recognizes no eternal destiny of the human soul. As a false religion which stands opposed to and even attacks the Church that Christ founded, Freemasonry is pernicious to the salvation of those who adhere to it." (p.91)
他暴露共濟會為一“假的宗教,要求其成員絕對保密,並提請他們通過一不斷緊縮狹窄的制度,以便他們能夠有秩序地前進。它是根據一相對論的價值體系,看不見有道德的絕對性,和沒有認知人類靈魂的永恆命運。作為一種虛假的宗教,它站立反對和甚至攻擊基督創立的教會,共濟會是有害的,對依附它那些人的救贖。“ (臨 91)
On page xxvii, he writes: " Whole industries (TV) and power groups are dedicated to its promotion and dissemination [of evil], and sometimes the sheer power of these industries of immorality defies imagination. They target the younger generations with an immense seductive force...with unparalleled attacks on faith, marriage, family and innocent human life...The 21st century is a moral and spiritual battlefield of such immense proportions that no era of human history has seen a war like it."
Euteneuer was an effective defender of the faith and this is why he was silenced. Here is how one newspaper article described him:
"After criticizing Fox Television commentator Sean Hannity for being soft on the abortion issue, Rev. Thomas Euteneuer said he would deny Hannity communion because of his views.
"Wow," said Hannity, a Catholic and former seminary student, rendered temporarily speechless by the rebuke.
That was three years ago. Euteneuer was the president and the very public face of Human Life International, a worldwide anti-abortion organization. Friend and foe alike knew him as blunt-spoken when it came to defending his Church. He was a captivating public speaker, comfortable in the role.
His fierce and highly publicized 1999 campaign against a Fort Pierce abortion clinic became the subject of an HBO documentary, "12th and Delaware.
Here is a selection of views expressed by this genuine teacher:
Gay marriage 同性婚姻"distorts the very concept of parenting as well as marriage. Even if you overlook the fact that gay marriage is by definition sterile, every child of a gay marriage has to be adopted or artificially inseminated, and that in itself is a violation of the whole concept of family. In the 80s, the Vatican actually said that the adoption of children by homosexuals "does violence" to the child. Pretty strong language, but true nonetheless. In its simplest terms, kids need a mom and a dad, and are forever stigmatized by being the child of a gay marriage. Kids model their lives, their concept of family, their morals and oftentimes their whole worldview on their parents' attitudes and values. These kids get a totally distorted view of all these basics."
The "Family Guy住家男人" defamation [ Of Terri Schindler Schiavo] is a piece of satanic cultural trash, and it needs to be called what it is. Any producer, artist, sponsor, advertiser, public relations agent or salesman who has or had anything to do with it should be utterly ashamed of their connection to this piece of filth."
Oprah奧普拉. "Our country's richest woman is easily one of the most spiritually bankrupt people in America and also one of the most shockingly popular. How does a New Age con artist like Oprah get so many people to literally adore her? She did not make $260 million last year by feeding people solid food. She deals in fads, feelings and frauds - it's that simple - and apparently she is very effective at convincing people to follow her well-packaged crock of nonsense."
Death by Sex and Death因為性的死亡和死亡: "The ideologically-motivated fanatics in control of Congressional committees have done it again: in the face of clear evidence that abstinence is the only - I repeat - the only way to successfully beat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Third World, they have zeroed out all funding for abstinence in the 2008 budget."
Excerpts from Fr. Euteneur's article "The Spiritual Toll of Pervasive Occultism":
"Vampires, witches, Ouija boards, Satanic rock music and video games -- innocent fun? I don't think so. The proliferation of these dark forces is creating a subculture of youth who are suffering the effects of occult involvement. The sheer magnitude of these demonic influences has already left us with a wounded generation of youth, many of whom will receive liberation and healing only through the priestly ministry of exorcism. The problem of demonic infestation has already become, shall we say, "legion" in our culture, and priests need respond to it with the love of Christ and the authority of the Church militant...
"A whole generation of teenage girls is absolutely swooning about the new vampire flick, Twilight, and its sequel,New Moon. Some are going to this movie in prom dresses, fantasizing about what it would be like to fall in love with a vampire! This is anything but a fantasy. It is a potential gateway to grave spiritual danger for lonely, isolated kids who are "spiritually hungry" enough to explore the occult...
"The number of lost sheep is increasing. In one exorcism I performed, the demon screamed out from the mouth of the young woman it had possessed, "Lost! Lost! Lost soul!" Ah, I countered, she was lost, but Christ found her and sent her to His Church...
"...Exorcism is a field of battle -- only men enter there. It is a place of testing where light meets darkness in mortal combat, where pure goodness clashes with pure evil. Into this arena an incarnate priestly spirit throws himself with prayer, fasting, and a little ritual book against a purely evil entity who dares to violate the temple of God. Roman gladiators and modern metro cool guys haven't the courage to go there, but priests do. I would say that it is our natural field of battle -- for the souls of God's people..."
It is easy to see why Thomas Eutenueur was silenced. He is an exorcist and humanity has been possessed by a satanic spell. The only question is when will he leave the Catholic establishment? People would flock to him in the millions.
它不難理解為什麼托馬斯 Eutenueur被迫沉默,他是一位驅魔人和人類已經被一撒旦的咒語擁有。唯一的問題是,他何時會離開天主教會呢?以百萬計的人們會湧向他。
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