

Hannah Montana 爸爸家庭破裂指責撒旦教


Hannah Montana Dad Blames Satanism in Family Break-Up

February 15, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

When asked if he thinks his family is under attack by Satan, Billy Ray Cyrus says, "no doubt. There's no doubt about it."
當Billy Ray Cyrus被問到他是否認為他的家庭受到撒旦攻擊,他說:“無疑問,毫無疑問。“

"And there, driving to work each day in the City of Angels, was this sign. A physical sign [Adopt-A-Highway Atheists United]. It could have easily said 'You will now be attacked by Satan.' 'Entering this industry, you are now on the highway to darkness..." -Billy Ray Cyrus
“還有,在天使之城每天開車上班,是這跡象。一個實體的跡象 [領養公路無神論者合眾國]。它可以很容易地說:'你現在將被撒旦攻擊。' '進入這行業,你現在在往黑暗的高速公路上...“
- Billy Ray Cyrus說。

If he only knew the extent of it and what would happen to his daughter. But too late.
The Hannah Montana sensation has a back story we've heard before. Father Billy Ray Cyrus, country singer, sacrificed his daughter to the Disney machine and it's chewing up their lives. Nothing new about that.
漢娜蒙大拿轟動事件背後有一個我們已經聽說過的故事, 鄉村歌手父親Billy Ray Cyrus犧牲自己的女兒給迪士尼機器,和它咀碎他們的生活,沒有新料。
Only he's saying something.

GQ's recent interview with Cyrus has this intro:
"These days Billy Ray Cyrus's life is imitating a bad country song: He's headed for a messy divorce, his record company just delayed his latest comeback, and his cherished 18-year-old daughter seems destined to rip bong hits at every party in the U.S.A. No wonder he's muttering about the end times."
“這些天Billy Ray Cyrus的生命在模仿一首差的鄉村歌曲:他朝向一段混亂的離婚,他的唱片公司剛推遲他的最新復出,和他珍愛的18歲女兒似乎注定要大擂大鼓地浪蕩在每一個美國舞會,難怪他在嘀咕有關末日。“


Billy Ray apparently understands what's happened and tells of his inability to get past Miley's "handlers." He "spoke to one of the handlers" asking what's going on. He was referring to a You Tube showing Miley using the the drug Salvia.
Billy Ray 顯然明白已發生什麼事,並說及他的無能讓麥莉的“處理者”成為過去。他“與其中一位處理者對話”問怎麼回事。他指向一條You-tube片,顯示麥莉使用藥物Salvia。
"They told me," he says, his contempt and despair still naked and fresh, "it was none of my business."
He goes on later, anguishing over her apparent sequestration: "I feel like I got to try. It's my daughter. And some of these handlers are perhaps more interested in handling Miley's money than her safety and her career."
"I'm scared for her. She's got a lot of people around her that's putting her in a great deal of danger. I know she's 18, but I still feel like as her daddy I'd like to try to help. Take care of her just a little bit, to at least get her out of danger."
When asked if he thinks his family is under attack by Satan, Billy Ray says, "no doubt. There's no doubt about it."
當被問及他是否認為他的家庭受到撒旦攻擊,Billy Ray說,“無疑問,毫無疑問。”
"I'll tell you right now -- that damn show ['Hannah Montana'] destroyed my family. I hate to say it, but yes, I [wish the show never happened]. For my family to be here and just everybody okay, safe and sound and happy and normal, would have been fantastic. I'd erase it all in a second if I could."
“現在我將即告訴你 - 那該死的節目 ['孟漢娜']毀去我的家人。我討厭說,不過是的,我[希望該節目從未發生過]。為了我的家人會在這裡和衹是大家都好、安全和完整及快樂及正常,會將是太棒了。如果我能,我想一秒鐘內抹掉這一切。“
In fact, it is this late-in-the game, hands-off attitude that Billy Ray regrets the most. He claims he didn't profit from his daughter's success, except for his role as an actor.

"I should have been a better parent. I should have said, 'enough is enough.' But I didn't."

How sad, but he knew better, and admits it. The price of doing business in that industry is your soul....and your mind.


The interview then takes an eerie detour as Billy Ray tells his own tale of needing to get away from it all, prompted by the death of Kurt Cobain, with whom he was friends. He also mentions trying to help Michael Jackson and Ana Nicole Smith, two definite MK Ultra subjects.

The TV series Hannah Montana stars Cyrus as a girl who lives a secret double life - an average schoolgirl by day, and the titular, pretty-in-pink (and occult purple) pop star by night.

The splitting of Miley is demonstrated by her alter's name - Hannah is the same backwards as forwards, reminiscent of the constant mirroring we see in pop videos - and by their different hair colors (further dark/light checker­board symbolism).

The fact that Miley/Hannah has often been seen sporting butterfly symbols on her clothes, access­ories and website pretty much clinches it for one blogger:

"She is literally (in terms of her MK programming) some form of corporate global Lolita robot" being used to socially engineer teenage girls for their role as Illuminati sex slaves and ... breeding stock.


The Cyrus interview is somewhat disjointed, and you get the sense he may be playing out his scripted role and personality for the interviewer. It's not dishonest sounding, but there's this haunting sense that something is being staged. Is he also a subject?

When that good ol' boy country stuff meets Hollywood, you don't have to guess who's gonna come out on top.


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