


Bill Gates and the Pansexual Agenda

2011年2月3日 下午 12:20:15
by Zen Gardner
Translation by Autumnson Blog
It seems one of the requirements for being an elite globalist is throwing your moral compass to the dogs.
But no one notices. The elite have their exclusive clubs and playgrounds to revel in while the media tells us how righteous and good they are.
Only the elites know how corrupt and vile they really are. But that's Luciferianism. Ultimately there are no morals to the "truly enlightened". Those of us who draw the line between good and evil, and good and bad behavior are considered dumb cattle. Their only creed is ultimately greed for power, and it's fueled by lust.

The Gates Foundation Agenda
Bill Gates is hardly a "people person". He and his Gates Foundation fund everything against humanity you can imagine. From deadly flu shots and possible involuntary airborne flu mists, to dangerous genetically modified foods and animals, including the newly released "modified mosquitoes" in Malaysia, the impact of which is completely unknown.

He's even promoting a mega data base tracking the progress of these life-crippling vaccines to further "techno-sterilize" the image of what they're doing...much like the IBM data cards used in the Nazi death camps. All the while he's also supporting serious tampering with the environment funding geoengineering techniques including persistent contrails or "chemtrails" as well as "cloud ships" to so-called mitigate the illuminist-inspired false "global warming" threat.
他甚至在推動一大型的數據庫,跟踪這些嚴重損害身體的疫苗的進展,以進一步“技術消毒”他們在做一切的形象 ...很像IBM的數據卡被用於納粹的死亡集中營。一直以來他亦在支持嚴重損害環境,資助地球工程技術包括持續的一般拖曳或“病毒拖曳”以及“雲船”,以減輕所謂的光明會眾啟發的虛假“全球變暖”威脅。
He and Melinda even announced "vaccines are our favorite" as if it's a candy shop of goodies to throw at the groveling people of the earth. "Let them eat vaccines..." Surreal but true.
他和梅琳達甚至宣布“疫苗是我們最鐘愛的”,彷彿它是一家有好吃東西的糖果店向在地球上卑躬屈膝的人拋擲。 “讓他們吃疫苗...”超現實主義但卻是真的。

Gates is the Name, Depopulation their Game

Anyone connecting the dots can tell this is nothing but pure eugenics at work, a depopulation program of mega proportions, sanitized by the do-gooder image of this enabled former computer geek turned "benevolent benign benefactor" and with a free pass to strongly promote whatever he wants without regard to consequences.
Not well known is that his father, former head of Planned Parenthood, is the third leg co-chair of this mega-foundation, a foundation that is five times larger than the second place Ford Foundation, along with Bill and his wife Melinda. Think he might have an agenda?
When you don't need money, influence and power are the name of the game. And the game is world domination by these same elites. And you're watching the current popularized front runners of the agenda mind swill we're expected to swallow.

The Social Agenda

This same agenda has vast social as well as scientific applications. While Bill's credibility is based on the assumption that he's somehow "scientifically savvy" by an unwary world sucked into this philanthropic con, he's also into substantially supporting seemingly "social" causes. One of these is gay porn, and gay activism.
This is from a magazine concerned about the moral decay of America.
Bill Gates Among Investors with $26 Million Share in Homosexual Activist Publishing Company

(LifeSiteNews.com) - The UK Independent revealed today that Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has acquired a major stake in a homosexual activist publishing company. SEC Filings reveal that Cascade Investment, which invests Gates’ money, is among a group of investors that has bought a $26.2 million share in PlanetOut, a publishing company which runs Out magazine as well as the dating website Gay.com which is used primarily for sexual "hook-ups" and all-gay RSVP Cruises.

According to Pink News, the new investors, including Mr Gates, will collectively own a majority of the shares in PlanetOut, likely to total 56.3 per cent of the company.

Despite Gates’ extensive funding of population control, he had until this point been considered relatively conservative. With this move, however, he has crossed over into areas that are highly controversial even in the mainstream media. The online material put out by the company features hard core homosexual pornography. Source

Well what do you know, ol' Bill doesn't mind seeing society decay a little further either. Right on the agenda.
No biggie, you say? Where's the tolerance?
Ric Weiland, left, and Bill Gates at the Microsoft table during the 1976 National Computer Conference in New York City. Ex-Microsoft employee and benefactor, Weiland, an ardent gay activist, had his estate donate $65 million to gay charities following his 'suicide' in 2006. Gates "followed suit".
在1976年紐約市的全國電腦會議里克韋蘭德(左)和比爾蓋茨在微軟的枱。前微軟員工和恩人韋蘭德是一個熱心的同性戀活動家,隨著他於 2006年的'自殺'已將他的遺產捐贈6,500萬美元給同性戀慈善機構,蓋茨亦步亦趨。“

The Pansexual Agenda

While people are obviously entitled to their own preferences in life, there are boundaries. If suicide and murder became the rage in schools, would parents just stand idly by? If there were demonstrations proclaiming the benefits of suicide and murder, would everyone just lay down and feel bad for not allowing others their right to choice and encouraging the same bad choice for other people?
You decide what's right. Not the media. Or professional agenda pushers.
Madonna "passing the torch" VMA ceremony to two Disney-hatched teen music-porn stars

That's exactly how society has been manipulated, and the cowed people of the world just take it all in as one social ill leads to another. The family has been virtually dissolved in today's world. Dysfunctional is cool, men have been feminized and women have become more masculine. Age old norms of kindness and unselfishness have now been reversed and are considered signs of weakness.
We've been corrupted, and corruption is the new standard.
And on purpose.
In a perceptive article, "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt," in order to weaken society to accept a socialist tyranny, one of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. 'Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness'. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture. [14] (Source)
在一篇敏銳的文章“法蘭克福學派:腐敗陰謀論,”為了削弱社會以接受一社會主義的專制,其中一個法蘭克福學派的主要想法是利用弗洛伊德的思想'泛性論' - 搜尋樂趣、利用性別之間的區別、顛覆傳統男人和女人之間的關係。為進一步達到他們的目的,他們會否認父親和母親的指定角色,並從家庭奪取他們作為他們孩子的基本教育者的權利。學校認為有兩種類型的革命:(一)政治和(二)文化,文化革命破壞來自內部。 “現代屈從的形式是由溫和標誌'。他們視它為一個長期項目和保持他們的目光清楚地集中在家庭、教育、媒體、性別與大眾文化。 [14](源Source

You don't risk throwing 26 million dollars into the smut industry without knowing the consequences, financially and socially. Sorry.
你不會冒險擲 2,600萬美元入黑穗病產業而不知道後果,無論是經濟地和社會地。抱歉。
Something's seriously amiss here, yet it falls in the "protected category" of homosexuality. "Don't question, or you're bad!" Sound a little fishy to you? It should. You're being corralled into a completely false paradigm of what reality should be.
有些地方是嚴重地不對勁,但它屬於同性戀的“受保護類別”。 “不要質問,否則你是壞的!”聽起來對你有點腥嗎?應該是的。你正被捕入一個完全虛假的現實應該是什麼的模式。
Columbia, American Illuminati goddess with her Luciferian torch of enlightenment--under the guise of righteousness
美國光明會女神哥倫比亞與她的路西弗教徒啟蒙火炬 - 在正義的幌子下

The cloak of the elites is adorned with fine art and apparent beauty, similar to our nation's goddess above. However, it is just that, a cloak. Their agendas fall within this seemingly unknown line of little-known reality. While the earth may be a battlefield scattered with broken bodies, the elite have always ridden high in the background, toasting victory in their jeweled garments and fabulous estates, enmeshed in their vile lusts and dark pursuits.

國際“名人“ 的波希米亞小樹林集會 - 這有問題嗎?
Bohemian grove assembly of international "luminaries"--gotta problem with this?

Gates and the Illuminati Call to Arms
Worse yet, Bill's become a fundraiser for all of these same causes. In what appears to be a "last call" to fellow oligarchs, Gates, and Buffet, are asking the "haves" to throw in and make this Illuminist takeover thrust become reality.
Buffett, Gates persuade 40 billionaires to donate half of wealth

SEATTLE -- (8/10) Forty wealthy families and individuals have joined Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and billionaire investor Warren Buffett in a pledge to give at least half their wealth to charity.

Six weeks after launching a campaign to get other billionaires to donate most of their fortunes, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. released the first list Wednesday of people who have signed what he and Gates call the "giving pledge." Source
Charity? You decide. They invest. Does it include you?
I don't believe a word of it.
Since when have the selfish rich elites been concerned with humanity, except to dominate and exploit us for their own ends.
Don't be fooled. - Zen
不要被愚弄。 - Zen



神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈 (上)














ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC 全想要你們的病毒拖曳照片


以疫苗集體屠殺 - 比爾蓋茨的挪威夥伴

