Rihanna’s Next Video “S&M”…More One-Eye Illuminati
By VC January 26th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A reader sent me sneak peak pics from Rihanna’s next video entitled “S&M”. And…ummm..I’ll let the pictures do the talking.
一位讀者寄給我從下一部Rihanna視頻名為“S& M“偷上高峰的照片,和...唔,我會讓圖片來說話。
Read what’s written in the background…
閱讀背景寫什麼...You know by now what the one-eye thing represents right?
你現在知道單眼東西代表什麼,對嗎?Will the video “address the rumours” but still perpetuate the same symbolism?
Rihanna’s Sex-Kitten Photoshoot
By VC January 27th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Rihanna’s photoshoot for the February issue W Magazine contains classic symbols of Sex Kitten Programming. Here are some of the pictures.
Rihanna為W雜誌二月號的拍攝圖片, 載有性愛小貓編程的古典象徵,下面是一些照片。Leopard skin covering her head, a code for Beta (aka Sex Kitten Programming). She forms the shape of a gun with her fingers, placing an extremity in her mouth, making the weapon phallic.
豹皮覆蓋她的頭,一個測試版(又名性愛小貓編程)代碼。她的手指形成槍狀,把一隻手指放入她的嘴中,使武器變成陽具。More emphasis on feline prints.
更多的強調在貓科照片。 http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=6683
Rihanna- 粗魯男 迴響2010年現場
Tiffany Evans 宣稱 Rihanna 是撒旦教徒
Christina Aguilera的“今夜不是我自己”:入會和性化