Police State at the Brit Awards 2011
February 16th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Continuing with the trend established some years ago, police state imagery was definitely in full force during the Brit Awards 2011.

Take That performed “Kidz” surrounded by police in riot gear who then unclothe themselves to become sexy men and women dancing around in underwear. As seen in the article The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music and Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro”: The Occult Meaning , there seems to be a constant effort to make sexy and trendy the concept of police oppression.
表演取那的“Kidz“被全副武裝的防暴警察包圍,他們隨後脫衣服變為穿著內衣的性感男人和女人四圍跳舞。正如見於文章 The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music 和Lady Gaga的 “Alejandro”: 神秘學意義 ,似乎是一個不斷的努力,去使警察壓迫的概念變得性感和時尚。
Take That - Kidz - The Brit Awards 2011 www.takethatfansite.com
取那 -Kidz - 全英音樂獎2011 www.takethatfansite.com
The lyrics of “Kidz” are also quite interesting.
Kings and Queens and Presidents
Ministers of Governments
Welcome to the future of your world
Through talking heads that took liberties
The monkeys learnt to build machines
They think they’ll get to heaven through the universe
They say nothing
Deny everything
And make counter accusations
My friends, my dear, my love, my God
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out (come out)
There will be lots for them to talk about (about)
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
What you looking at
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You want a bit of that
Hey, hey, hey, hey
There will be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all?
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly or the Beautiful
Because it’s up hill and against the wind
With no-one there to let us in
Leave your thoughts and save yourself you fool
The daggers of science
Evolving into violence
We’re not sure where the fallout blows
But we all know ·
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out (come out)
There will be lots for them to talk about (about)
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
What you looking at
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You want a bit of that
Hey, hey, hey, hey
There will be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out
Out on the streets tonight
They’re making peace tonight
They’re making peace
La, la, la, la…
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out
There will be lots for them to talk about
There’ll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out
The group were due to perform the song live on the December 13, 2010 X Factor final. However the dance routine featured protesters fighting with police with riot shields, forcing Simon Cowell to make the band switch to “The Flood” instead as there had been some quite violent student protests going on at the time.
該組人到期在2010年12月13號 X Factor的決賽現場表演歌曲,然而舞蹈慣常動作以對抗有盾牌的防暴警察作號召,迫使西蒙科威爾使樂隊轉為“洪水“代替,因為當時出現一些頗暴力的學生抗議活動正在進行。
Police in riot gear also made another appearance during award show.

Plan B’s performance featuring police in riot gear beating on thugs
Whether or not there is a spirit of contestation in these songs is debatable, the fact remains that police oppression is increasingly visible in mainstream pop acts. Are the masses getting accustomed to this imagery?
2010年皇家綜藝表演Robbie Williams 取那-“SOS救命“ - 有趣歌詞:核戰後末日...
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