

Exploding H-Bombs In Outer Space

A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space -Code Name: Starfish Prime
一個很嚇人的光節目:在太空引爆氫彈 - 代碼名稱:海星壯年
The Americans launched their first atomic nuclear tests above the Earth's atmosphere in 1958. Atom bombs had little effect on the magnetosphere, but the hydrogen bomb of July 9, 1962, did. Code-named "Starfish Prime" by the military, it literally created an artificial extension of the Van Allen belts that could be seen across the Pacific Ocean, from Hawaii to New Zealand.
美國人展開他們在地球上空的大氣層的第一次原子彈試驗於 1958年,原子彈對磁層的影響不大。但在1962年 7月9日的氫彈就確有影響,被軍方代號為“海星壯年”,它字面上創造了一個範艾倫帶的人工伸延,那可在橫跨太平洋區看到,從夏威夷到新西蘭。
In Honolulu, the explosions were front page news. "N-Blast Tonight May Be Dazzling: Good View Likely," said the Honolulu Advertiser. Hotels held what they called "Rainbow Bomb Parties" on rooftops and verandas. When the bomb burst, people told of blackouts and strange electrical malfunctions, like garage doors opening and closing on their own. But the big show was in the sky.

Source: NPR


