

Scientists develop 'fake' genetically-engineered blood for use on the battlefield

By Niall Firth
Last updated at 3:59 AM on 10th July 2010

American scientists have developed 'artificial' blood that could soon be used to treat wounded soldiers in battle.

The genetically-engineered blood is created by taking cells from umbilical cords and using a machine to mimic the way bone marrow works to produce mass quantities of usable units of red blood cells.

Known as 'blood pharming' the programme was launched in 2008 by the Pentagon's experimental arm, Darpa, to create blood to treat soldiers in far-flung battlefields.

The firm Arteriocyte, which received $1.95 million for the project, has now sent off its first shipment of O-negative blood to the food and drugs watchdog in the US, the FDA
U.S. soldiers carry a wounded soldier in Iraq. The breakthrough could help provide enough blood for battlefield transfusions

The blood is made by using hematopoietic cells taken from umbilical cords in a process called ‘pharming’ – using genetically engineered plants or animals to create mass quantities of useful substances.
One umbilical cord can be turned into around 20 units of usable blood. A wounded soldier in the field will require an average of six units during treatment.
Blood cells produced using this method are 'functionally indistinguishable from red blood cells in healthy circulation', the company claims.
‘We’re basically mimicking bone marrow in a lab environment,' Arteriocyte boss Don Brown told Wired magazine.

‘Our model works, but we need to extrapolate our production abilities to make scale.’
If approved it could revolutionise battlefields where a shortage of blood donors can hamper treatment of wounded soldiers.
The process of giving transfusions in war zones is also made more difficult because donated blood has to be transported long distance before it reaches the field hospitals where it is urgently needed.
Darpa launched a search for a renewable blood supply in 2008

Some blood is already 21 days old before it reaches patients, meaning it only has around a week-long shelf-life before it must be discarded. There are increased risks of infection or organ failure if blood is too old.
Mr Brown said: ‘Until now, the military’s strategy has mainly been contained to basically using stale blood,’
‘And they’ll set up mobile blood banks in a war zone, but even every troop rolling up their sleeve might not be enough when you’ve got a crisis with dozens or more injuries.’

Human trials are not likely until 2013, but the firm predicts the ‘pharmed’ blood could be used by the military within five years if the Pentagon calls for it sooner.
A unit of blood is around a pint and the human body contains between eight and ten pints of blood in total.

Currently, each unit made by Arteriocyte costs $5,000 to produce. If approved, the firm expects to bring this down to around $1,000 per unit by scaling up the production process.

As well as being needed by the military, 'pharmed' blood could also be used in hospitals to make up for shortfalls in blood donations if it is approved.

The 'pharmed' blood is type O negative which is the most sought after variation because it can be used with any patient, regardless of their own blood type.

Last month the US Red Cross issued an urgent appeal for blood donors to come forward after it said that its supply of O Negative blood was hitting 'critically low levels.'

美研製人造血 五年內可行
Sat, July 10 2010 5月29日

這項被稱為「血液製藥」(blood pharming)的計畫,由美國國防部的「國防先進研究計畫局」(DARPA)在○八年展開,目的是要製造能用來治療偏遠戰地傷兵的血液。獲得一百九十五萬美元(約台幣六千兩百五十萬元)經費進行該計畫的Arteriocyte公司,已將所製造出來的O型陰性血液,送交美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)檢驗。





臍帶抽細胞 適合任何血型


用人造血救人,不再是科幻小說情節。美國科學家利用基因改造技術,成功研製首批人造血,功能與天然紅血球完全一樣,最快可於 2013年進行活體實驗,預計五年內可面市,供醫院和戰場傷兵使用,解決血庫供不應求的老問題。

美國國防部前年委託醫療用品公司 Arteriocyte,利用名為「養殖業」( Blood Pharming)技術,從臍帶( umbilical cords)抽取造血細胞,再利用生物反應器,模擬骨髓造血功能,製造出大量紅血球( red blood cells)。
每條臍帶的造血細胞,足夠製造 20個單位、適用於任何血型病人的負 O型血( O-),而每單位血液約有 473毫升,人體共有 8至 10單位血液,每名傷兵救治期間則需約 6個單位的血液,換言之,一條臍帶的造血細胞,最少可救活三名傷兵。

Arteriocyte發言人布朗( Don Brown)指,整項人造血計劃耗資 195萬美元( 1,521萬港元)開發,每單位血液成本高達 5,000美元( 3.9萬港元),但量產後預計成本可降至 1,000美元( 7,800港元),與輸血成本相若:「人造血是模仿骨髓反應器的製成品,所以輸入身體後,功能與天然紅血球沒有分別。」

科學界鑽研人造血,皆因戰場血漿供應非常緊張,傷兵要輸血並不容易。有專家指,捐血者捐出的血漿,保鮮度通常只有四周,但通常要長途跋涉 21天才輾轉抵達戰地醫院,所以血漿通常只能存放醫院七天,之後便要銷毀。
布朗指出,美軍現時仍依靠不新鮮血漿拯救傷兵,最新研製的負 O型血,則是唯一適合各類血型人士,血庫又經常短缺的一種血型,因此人造血有望成為安全血漿,在全球各地醫院源源不絕地使用。美國食品及藥物管理局( FDA)審批之後,最快三年後進行活體實驗,五年內在美軍全面使用,協助拯救戰場傷兵。

人造器官 豬心瓣續命
失明人士生活極不方便,英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥大學 2006年研製的微型電子儀器,功能像數碼相機一樣,植入眼球便如同人工視網膜,以電極刺激視網膜轉化成影像,令失明人士重見光明。
但不是所有人造器官都合法可行。美國康奈爾大學華裔女科學家 Hung-Ching Liu, 2002年利用子宮內壁培育細胞,製造人造子宮,成功孕育受精卵,但便因違反法律規定而停止。
供人食用的豬隻,其實也是人類救命豬,其中豬心瓣植入人體技術已有 30年歷史,可以用來治療心瓣感染病人,不過由於豬心瓣容易損壞、鈣化或被人類免疫系統排斥,一般只可用 7至 10年,較適合年長病人使用。

負 O型血液最「百搭」
科學家這次炮製出「負 O型」( O-)的人造血,主要是因為不同血型有不同的相容性,而以「負 O型」血液最「百搭」,能夠輸送入任何血型的人體內,但這種人極少,白種人只有 8%,亞洲人更只有 0.3%,他們亦只能接受同型的血;而「 AB正型」( AB+)的人,無論那種血型都接受(見表)。但輸入太多異種血型的血,可能會造成嚴重溶血反應,因此還是輸同型血液較理想。

沒有血,人就沒命,日本人更深信血型決定一切,不只是性格,連可否做戀人、賺錢能力強弱等都與血型有關。日本前年十大暢銷書中,就有四本關於血型和性格。有企業連聘人都看血型,相對於個性奔放熱衷於個人有興趣的事的 B型人、批評多多兼有疏離感的 AB型,謹慎又守規矩的 A型人和執行能力團隊意識超強的 O型人,都較為吃香。據報連日本國家棒球隊教練也相信血型與打擊力有關,在前年北京奧運根據這理論排列球手擊球次序,但結果以 2: 6敗於南韓。
南韓人也瘋迷血型性格論,近年網上熱傳南韓漫畫《血型小將 ABO》,就讓四個血型的角色,處身在同一情境下,透過他們不同的反應作對比,展示四種血型的個性分別,相當爆笑,因而大受歡迎。

