

Hollow Earth: Evidence of FantasyLand (Must See !)

Topic started on 9-7-2010 @ 06:46 PM by Megiddodiddo

Location: District of Chihuahua, Mexico. The Naica Mines.

In 1910, at a depth of 120 meters, workers of the Penoles Mining Corporation involved with the extraction of base metal ores blasted into a cavity of untold amazement. Realizing the discovery, the tunnel that was being excavated was redirected, and the cavity sealed. What was it that caused the company to seal this cavity?
Several decades later, in 2002 and at a depth of 320 meters, the Penoles Mining Corporation, again, blasted into a broad reaching cavity that spanned off into darkness. The difference with this discovery is that the workers were blasted with a wave of air from the cavity that scalded thier skin, as the temperatures there rose to 160 degrees Farenheight!
This location too, was sealed with a huge Iron door, and the excavation rerouted.
The Mexican government has taken control of these locations, even though they are still "owned" by the Mining corporation, by enacting laws protecting these sites. What is the big deal here? What was so special about these locations, and why is it that the government had to step in?
Because these two locations were declared by the Mexican Government as National Treasures!
What was the "treasure"? Let's pay a visit in images, to find out! Welcome to the Cavern of the Crystals, The Queen's Eye Cavern, and Cave of Swords - Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico!
有什麼“寶藏”?讓我們在圖像中探訪去找出!歡迎去到水晶洞、王后之眼洞、劍窟 - 墨西哥奇瓦瓦州奈卡!


A little understanding... The location these caverns were discovered also sits atop a broad reaching batholith of molten lava, so the temperatures here altered the minerals that formed in these caves. Normally, you'd see the usual travertine, calcitic, and onyx based minerals in caverns consisting of Stalactites, Soda Straws, Stalagmites, and Rock Curtains. The heat index in these caverns however changed everything, forming complex paterns in the forms of Gypsum and Selenite Crystals.
At 160 degrees Farenheight, visiting the Cavern of the Crystals can be rather opressive, thus the exploratory crew prepares with cooling suit apparati and cooled oxygen breathing apparati.
Without any knowledge about where this cavity goes, a Base of Operations is set up ,

Special note: These images are copyright of Penoles Mining Corporation © 2010. A grant has been graciously provided by them to display these images here.

MODS: I understand that there may be a limitation on posted imagery, however I haven't had time to review all of the rules related to that. With that stated, I'd like to plead a special case be granted for this thread as these images are RARE, and can only be seen on one place on Earth. That given, please make an exception for the amount of images provided, to give your viewers the maximum effect to take back with them after thier reviewing such a marvel as these images alone reveal!

Thank you!

Lights, Cameras, Action!

WHOA! I'm sure that at this point this crew member got real dizzy! I know that I was. At this point, My narration will end, and I will allow you to take in the full scope of this stand alone Marvel of our World, above, and beyond anything the World has ever seen until now. Enjoy the view!

These are images from the Cave of Swords, and the Queen's Eye Cavern, which is alot cooler, thus workers are out of suit in these images.

WELL!... This tour of Hollow Earth has truly been amazing! One can only imagine how many other places in Earth's crust that exist that have the magesty of these caverns... It's no wonder the Mexican government declared these locations National Treasures! While tourism will most likely not be a factor of these caverns anytime in the foreseeable future, I'm sure that as mankind progresses technologically these wonders will be worked into a tourable location that will both give mankind the glimps into the Greatness of our Universe and Our planet this represents, as well as preserve for us this treasure that can only continue to boggle the mind, and stretch our imaginations to thier limit.

I hope you've enjoyed your trip to FantasyLand!

