

Afghanistan : The "Graveyard of Empires" Strikes Back. Coalition Forces are in Retreat
by Felicity Arbuthnot
Global Research,
July 7, 2010
As Britain's new Prime Minister struggles with reality and attempts to dress abject defeat up as resounding success - and whilst ordering the troops to leave Sangin, delusionally calls it: "Consolidation", a very brief return to the whole woeful Afghan disaster seems timely. As Iraq, a course embarked on blindly by his predecessor Charles Anthony Lynton Blair, QC., in blind, puppy-like determination to obey His Master's Voice.
當英國的新首相在與現實鬥爭,並試圖將赤貧擊敗打扮成圓滿成功 - 而且同時下令軍隊離開桑金,欺騙地稱之為:“鞏固”,一個非常簡短的返回到整個可悲的阿富汗災難,似乎正合時宜。至於伊拉克,一個過程盲目地開始,由他的前任安東尼查爾斯林頓貝利雅,QC,在盲目的、小狗般的決心去聽從他的主人的聲音。
It seems some serious lobal affliction strikes those who enter No 10 Downing Street. But not since its previous incumbent stated: "I'm a pretty straightforward sort of guy", has such a departure from reality occurred as David Cameron declaring today: "Any suggestion that British troops have been beaten in Sangin and are retreating with their tales between their legs, is not just wrong, it's disgusting."
它似乎有些嚴重的肺葉浸潤折磨,打擊那些進入唐寧街 10號的人。但不是因為它先的前任在位者所聲明:“我是一個頗簡單直接的那種人”,有這樣的一件遠離現實的事,發生當大衛卡梅倫今天宣布:“有否任何建議,英國軍隊已在桑金被打敗和正在撤退,以他們捏造的話在他們的雙腿之間並不僅是錯誤的,它是噁心的。“
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. In another (nineteenth century) British folly in Afghanistan (where they again met their match in Sangin, in spite of: "better guns, better communications, better everything..") Sir Lepel Griffin, wrote to The Times:
"This policy consists in spending a quarter of a million annually on a post of defence and observation which defends and observes nothing, and on the maintenance of a road which leads nowhere".
“這項政策包括每年花費 25萬,在一國防的職位和觀察,以防護和觀察什麼都沒有,並在維修一段走向不知那裡的道路。”
How history repeats.
On the death of the three hundredth British soldier, Britain's new boy Prime Minister opined:

"The truth is that we are there because the Afghans are not yet ready to keep their own country safe ... That's why we have to be there. But as soon as they are able to take care of security ... that is when we can leave." Here, on planet earth, they seem to be doing pretty well at defeating invaders in "their own country."

General McChrytal is sacked, General Petrayus has fainted, David Cameron's flight was diverted on his last visit to Afghanistan, due to the base he was going to visit being under sustained attack. He turned tail, so to speak, in mid-air and fled, whilst committing others to potential death sentences.

The sign at the entrance to the British base at Sangin reads: "Welcome to Sangingrad." The name of David Loyn's excellent new book on Afghanistan, from which the Lepel Griffin quote is taken, is: "Butcher and Bolt." A recent newspaper heading read: "We can beat something in Afghanistan - a retreat."

Tony Blair has failed to cover up one monumental folly, and may yet be charged with war crimes. International law experts, worldwide, are working on it.

David Cameron should take heed and be big enough not to compound another. Defeat in an invasion which should never have been undertaken or enjoined, is writ large.

For politicians to continue to ignore that, is to - willfully - have uncounted more British, "coalition" and Afghan deaths, more grief and indeed more global hate, generating, maybe, more bombs on home soil (subway, airport, iconic building) haunt their tenure, retirement and, indeed, the rest of their lives.


