

Flu vaccine may be available soon

Thu, 08 Jul 2010 17:39:36 GMT
The discovery of 17 atypical anti-flu antibodies helps target flu viruses, raising hopes for the development of a flu vaccine, a research has found.
Theraclone, a biotech company in Seattle, hopes its discovery will end up ending the dilemma with flu viruses which are in rapid mutation which makes them immune to vaccines designed to defend the individual against flu viruses, making them ineffective and expensive.
The basis of the research was to find something in common in all types of flu viruses that could be targeted with a vaccine.
The study benefited from the assistance of the University of Tokyo, University of Wisconsin in Madison and John Hopkins University, where researchers looked at fit subjects and their antibodies, body's natural defense against infections.
研究獲益於東京大學、麥迪遜的威斯康星大學和約翰霍普金斯大學的協助,那裡的研究人員研究適合的主題和它們的抗體 - 人體針對感染的天然防禦。
They found areas that were ignored previously but had universal commonalities that were even found in dangerous H5N1 and N1H1 viruses.
When the antibodies were tried on laboratory mice in large doses, the subjects were protected against flu viruses such as H5N1, the research reported in the online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Matthew Moyle, study researcher and Chief Scientific Officer at Theraclone says, "The ultimate solution for flu is a vaccine."

The present study is a cornerstone in new trails including testing the antibodies on human subjects which is at least one year away.

Once these trails are also successful, other tests will follow and hopefully a vaccine will be developed against the virus.

Moyle says that the use of antibodies is a "stopgap measure," and if available in large quantities, they can help provide a temporary defense against "extremely lethal flu outbreak," reported Sun Sentinel, a Tribune company website.

A vaccine however provides long-term protection by assisting the individual's body to produce the relevant antibody which will in turn work against the common part of the virus termed as the "conserved" region.

"We found a new part of the virus that nobody else has found that's highly conserved and protective," Moyle says.

The study worked on 140 subjects and found 100,000 antibodies out of which only 17 had the required specifications.

"It was a needle in a haystack," Moyle added.


(商台)2010年7月1日 星期四 16:16
最先爆發甲型H1N1流感的墨西哥,解除去年四月起發出的衛生疫情警報。墨西哥衛生部 長科爾多瓦說,甲型H1N1流感的傳播率已經非常低,而自去年十月以來,流感的死亡率、發病率以及住院率都持續下降,決定解除情報。 自確診第一宗甲型H1N1流感患者以來,墨西哥共有七萬二千多宗確診個案,一千二百多人死亡,至今有二千七百萬人接種了疫苗,衛生部將繼續為民眾注射。科爾多瓦說,墨西哥共投入了三億五千萬美元 ,應對新型流感,包括購買藥品、疫苗以及其他防控措施。



