
內幕人士:病毒拖曳 KC-10噴灑器空對空 - 證明 ====✈

The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====✈
內幕人士:病毒拖曳 KC-10噴灑器空對空 - 證明 ====✈

A pilot shots a chemical plane from his cockpit: the video shows an aircraft that spread chemtrails over Canada from the nozzles. The footage is the irrefutable proof of a chemical and clandestine operation that a bold pilot offers to the public in order to demonstrate that chemtrails are real. The "smoke" we can see is neither a fuel dumping nor a contrail. The chemtrails, in fact, is iridescent too. Don't listen to hoaxers who repeat that this document is false or similar lies.
一名機師從他的駕駛艙拍攝一化學飛機:視頻顯示一架飛機在加拿大上空從噴嘴擴散病毒拖曳。錄像是一無可辯駁的化學和秘密行動的證明,是一個大膽的機師提供給公眾,以圖證明病毒拖曳是真的。 我們可看到的"煙"既不是燃料傾倒,也不是凝結拖曳,事實上病毒拖曳亦是燦爛光輝的。不要聽 騙子/五毛重複這證明是假的,或類似的謊言。

