

Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA
July 20, 2010

More information has emerged about Google’s relationship with the government and spook agencies (see PR Newswire below). The revelations should come as no surprise.
CIA-NSA connected Google has been collecting more than “streetviews” in your neighborhood.
美國中央情報局 - 國家安全局有關的谷歌在您的鄰舍一直在收集比“街景”更多的。

In 2006, Robert David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer and a former clandestine services case officer with the CIA, told the Alex Jones Show that the CIA helped bankroll Google at its inception. “I think Google took money from the CIA when it was poor and it was starting up and unfortunately our system right now floods money into spying and other illegal and largely unethical activities, and it doesn’t fund what I call the open source world,” said Steele, citing “trusted individuals” as his sources.
2006年,一個20年的海軍陸戰隊步兵、情報官員和一名前中央情報局秘密服務個案主任羅伯特大衛斯蒂爾,告訴亞歷克瓊斯節目有關中情局,幫助提供財務上的資助給谷歌在它成立之時。 “我認為谷歌當它是窮的時候,從美國中央情報局取錢及它開始起動,和不幸的是我們的系統,現在如洪水般的資金投入間諜及其它非法和很大程度上是不道德的活動,它並不資助我稱之為開源世界, "斯蒂爾說,引述”值得信賴的個人“作為他的消息來源。
Google is a key intelligence asset. It has supplied the core search technology for Intellipedia, a highly-secured online CIA system and has shared a close relationship with both the CIA, NSA, and government national security officials.
谷歌是一關鍵的情報資產,它已供應核心搜索技術給 Intellipedia,一種高度安全的網上中央情報局系统,並分享一緊密關係,與美國中央情報局、國家安全局和政府的國家安全官員。
In February, it was reported that Google and the NSA have forged a partnership after Google purportedly suffered a cyberattack in December. “This is not the first time the NSA has been tapped to help a U.S. corporation with cyber security, but the purported partnership would certainly be unique since Google’s servers house such a vast collection of user data including search histories, email, and personal documents,” reports PC World.

“Google’s connection with the CIA and its venture capital firm extends to sharing at least one key member of personnel. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, moved from his old job directly serving the CIA to become ‘Senior Federal Manager’ at Google.,” writes Eric Sommer.

In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm established by the CIA, also had a hand in creating the wildly popular social network Facebook. “The second round of funding into Facebook ($US12.7 million) came from venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager James Breyer was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel,” writes Matt Greeno

Thus it should not be shocking that Google executives are holding meetings with U.S. national security officials for undisclosed reasons, according to the Washington Post, itself a prized CIA asset under the venerable Operation Mockingbird media asset program.

Google insists its vacuuming up of WiFi network data as it gathered images for its Streetview program was a mistake, even though information “published Jan. 28 shows that the data collection program was a very deliberate effort to assemble as much information as possible about U.S. residential and business WiFi networks,” according to the press release below.

SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Citing new information about Google’s classified government contracts and the Internet giant’s admitted Wi-Spying activity, Consumer Watchdog today said it is more imperative than ever for the Energy and Commerce Committee to conduct hearings into possible privacy violations by Google.

In a letter to Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Ranking Member Joe Barton, the nonpartisan, nonprofit public interest group’s John M. Simpson wrote:

“Based on today’s Washington Post, it appears that Google holds classified U.S. government contracts to supply search and geospatial information to the U.S. government. In addition, White House records show that Google executives have been holding meetings with U.S. national security officials for undisclosed reasons. Finally, it also appears that Google’s widely criticized efforts to collect wireless network data on American citizens were not inadvertent, contrary to the company’s claims.”

“As history has repeatedly shown, alliances between the U.S. intelligence community and giant corporations that collect data on American citizens can be a toxic combination where the U.S. Constitution is concerned,” the letter said.

In a June 9 letter to the Energy and Commerce Committee, Google director for public policy Pablo Chavez asserted that Google “mistakenly included code in our software that collected samples of ‘payload data’” from private WiFi networks. But review of a patent application from Google covering the gathering of WiFi data published Jan. 28 shows that the data collection program was a very deliberate effort to assemble as much information as possible about U.S. residential and business WiFi networks.

The letter continued:

“…what the patent does show is that Google’s recent claims about how the Street View program was designed are not accurate, and that the company always intended to collect and store the ‘packets’ of wireless data that contain so-called payload information.

“The patent makes repeated reference to ‘capturing’ packets, including paragraph [0055], which states that the system will enable geolocations so long as the equipment being used ‘is able to capture and properly decode a packet…’

“This raises serious questions about whether Google has engaged in a reckless effort to amass private data without giving any thought to the possible misuse of that information, and whether it can be trusted to safeguard the information it collects from the prying eyes of the U.S. government.”

Read the patent here: http://insidegoogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/US20100020776.pdf

Read the letter here: http://insidegoogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/LtrWaxman071910.pdf

In addition, White House visitor logs show that Alan Davidson, Google’s Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs, has had at least three meetings with officials of the National Security Council since the beginning of last year. One of the meetings was with White House senior director for Russian affairs Mike McFaul, while another was with Middle East advisor Daniel Shapiro.

It has also been widely reported that Google has been working in “partnership” with the National Security Agency, the very same government body that illegally intercepted the private communications of millions of Americans during the Bush administration

Google Spies, Censors Users

更新:谷歌/ YouTube已經恢復原'奧巴馬騙局'和'警權國家四'的鏈接
Watch ’The Obama Deception’ now! Send it out on your mailing lists! Send the viewcount to 7 million by tomorrow!
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Following the earlier unprecedented re-instation of The videos on YouTube, viewers have since experienced a paywall screen asking them to pay to view the film. Neither Alex Jones nor the owner of the “Changedachannel” YouTube account on which the video is hosted has authorised Google to do this, and it is likely this represents another hack attempt or an inside effort to censor the film.

Other viewers on YouTube believe that the viewcount on the video has also been frozen following Alex’s call to all infowarriors to send out the link to their mailing lists in an attempt to reach 7 million views.

YouTube is also deleting and flagging comments on the video in which users are posting the customer service phone number for the company.

Other users have pointed out that YouTube has removed the video from their favourites and deleted their previous ratings of the video.

YouTube has removed all the honors for the video. The video is no longer listed in the most discussed news and politics videos of all time even though it has over 139,600 comments.

‘Google spies’ is now the number one item on Google trends - will the company also censor this?
'谷歌間諜'目前是谷歌流行榜上排名第一的項目 - 公司亦將審查這嗎?

UPDATE 4: No sooner said than done – Google has removed the term ‘Google spies’ from Google Trends, while ‘top secret america‘, relating to today’s Washington Post expose on the vast growth of the intelligence industry (including Google’s links to it), remains in the top 20.
更新4:講快過做 - 谷歌已經從谷歌流行榜上移除術語'谷歌間諜,而'美國絕密'仍然在排名前20位裏,因今天華盛頓郵報揭露的情報行業大量增長(包括谷歌對它的聯繫)

Steve Watson
Monday July 19, 2010

Following the censorship and deletion from YouTube of a viral upload of Alex Jones’ seminal documentary, ‘The Obama Deception’, as well as a surge in google searches of the term, it has now become clear that the search engine giant is blocking specific terms related to the film.

As we reported Friday, the term ‘Obama Deception’ had surged to number one on the Google trends rankings, above Lindsay Lohan, the BP Oil Spill or the death of George Steinbrenner. What’s more, the viewcount grew by nearly 100,000 in that same single day, demonstrating the accelerated attention the film has been receiving.

Then suddenly the version of the documentary that had 6.5 million views and was linked to from all over the Internet was deleted, presumably by someone at YouTube or Google who had overriding access to the user account.

Now, the term isn’t even in the top 500 trends - it doesn’t even register when searching.

As a response Alex Jones asked his readers and listeners to search the term ‘obama deception censored’. Extremely quickly that term also hit the top spot, with links to Prisonplanet and Infowars articles we had written covering the news.
However, that term now also no longer registers on Google trends.

Users also reported that upon searching the afore mentioned terms they were directed to the following google screen
Today Alex is asking readers and listeners to search the term ‘Google spies’.

Whether you like it or not, Google is hugely influential over the distribution of content over the Internet. The blogosphere and a large section of the wider media operates according to what is trending. This was evident with ‘The Obama Deception’, which started to get scores of fresh reviews this weekend, over 18 months after its original release, solely due to its top spot on Google trends.
不管你喜歡與否,谷歌有巨大的影響力在互聯網上的內容分配,博客氣候和更廣泛媒體的一大部份在按照趨勢操作。這是明顯'奧巴馬騙局'本週末開始得到新鮮評估的分數,在原始版本發佈超過 18個月後,唯一地由於它在谷歌流行榜上的榜首位置。
We are engaged in an infowar against the controlled corporate media that continually feeds the general public pointless distractions such as the private lives of Mel Gibson and Tiger Woods – that is why exposing the censorship of meaningful material is a big deal.

We have previously had run-ins with google concerning its censorship of both Alex Jones’ official YouTube channel and items available for purchase via the Infowars Google shopping cart.

We have previously reported on Google’s connections to the intelligence community . There is also no doubt that Google will be one of the corporations at the forefront of the government’s drive to use cybersecurity as a pretext for restricting the openness of the Internet, having previously worked with the NSA and the CIA.

Watch Alex’s rallying call video on this issue:
Censorship Alert: Obama Deception Illegally Removed from You Tube


We are currently attempting to re-upload the full length HQ version of ‘The Obama Deception’ to the original director account, however, this is taking some time owing to file compression issues and the fact that the account holder now lives in a rural area.

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澳洲政府要求審查互聯網 谷歌帶頭反對

谷歌和YouTube禁制Alex Jones


(英鏈) 去到多寬?現在谷歌裝置'被發現傳送用戶位置回公司'

