

Clone farm's milk is on sale: Food watchdog investigates after dairy farmer's astonishing admission
By Sean Poulter
Last updated at 12:24 PM on 2nd August 2010

Milk from the offspring of cloned cows is secretly - and illegally - going into high street shops.
牛奶來自克隆牛的後代是秘密地 - 及非法地 - 走進高街店鋪。
Despite deep unease among consumers, the milk is not being labelled or identified in any way, leaving shoppers in the dark about what they are drinking.
The dairy farmer involved said he wanted to remain anonymous because the British public regards cloning as so distasteful that buyers would stop taking his milk.
Cloning controversy: Milk from the calves of a cloned cow is being sold illegally in Britain (file photo)

Last night the Food Standards Agency said it would investigate. It told the Mail that it believes the sale of milk from such cows is illegal under food regulations.
Research has identified serious concerns for the health and well-being of animals produced as a result of cloning. There is evidence of premature births, deformities and early death.
The cows being used to produce the controversial milk start life in the U.S. as embryos created from the eggs of cloned prize-winning Holstein cows and the sperm of normal bulls.

The embryos are frozen and flown to the UK, where they are implanted into host cows.
The resulting supersize animals can be used to produce massive quantities of milk and for breeding purposes.

Dolly the Sheep was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell

The Mail blew the whistle on this trade in 'clone farm' cows more than three years ago following the birth of Dundee Paradise on a farm in Shropshire.

Subsequently, we revealed that a total of eight such calves were born on British farms.

It now appears that milk from at least one of these animals, and possibly many more, is being sold for human consumption.

The Mail revelations in 2007 were a complete surprise to the Government's food and farming department, Defra, and the FSA, which had no knowledge of the births.

Subsequently, the EU and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) launched a major investigation in order to decide on how to handle the controversial technology.
As a result, earlier this month, Euro MPs voted in favour of a ban on meat and milk from clones and their offspring going into human food without approval. However, the regime has not yet been passed into law.

Details of the claims that clone farm milk is reaching the public appeared in the respected International Herald Tribune.
It said a British dairy farmer had admitted using milk from a cow bred from a clone as part of his daily production.
The man said he was also selling embryos from the same cow to breeders in Canada.
He said part of the reason he was staying anonymous was that he did not want to be required to get rid of a valuable cow.
An FSA spokesman said: 'Since 2007 the FSA interpretation of the law has been that meat and products from clones and their offspring are considered novel foods and would therefore need to be authorised before being placed on the market.

'As the UK authority responsible for accepting novel food applications, the agency has not received any applications relating to cloning and no authorisations have been made.
'The agency will, of course, investigate any reports of unauthorised novel foods entering the food chain.' European experts have not identified a food safety risk associated with cloning.

But some campaigners claim it could allow new diseases to pass from farm animals to humans.

The RSPCA and Compassion in World Farming (CiWF) are among a number of groups opposed to farm animal cloning for food. The chief policy adviser to CiWF, Peter Stevenson, said: ' I would be appalled if milk from a clone offspring cow is coming into the food chain in the UK.

'As the farmer has acknowledged, the public is deeply concerned about this and does not want it.
'If this is happening, it demonstrates that there are very serious loopholes in the way food production is policed in this country.
'The Government has known these animals were in the country for at least three years, but it appears to have done nothing to ensure any milk or meat is not reaching the public.'
A study conducted by the FSA found widespread opposition to clone farming and food. Dr Steve Griggs, who led the research, said: 'The majority of people came to the conclusion that they would not want to eat such food. The overwhelming majority either did not want it or were unsure.
'They struggled to identify any convincing benefits for them as consumers.
'There were concerns about the ethical side of animal cloning, indeed whether we have the moral right to go down this road.'

● Do you know who the farmer is? If so, contact the Daily Mail newsdesk on 020 7938 6000 or news@ dailymail.co.uk.


(明報)2010年8月3日 星期二 05:10
【明報專訊】英國 有奶農承認出售複製牛後代所產出的牛奶,英國食品標準管理局(Food Standards Agency)正加緊調查有關奶品的下落,指售賣複製牛或其後代產的奶品,屬犯法行為。


《國際先驅論壇報》引述一匿名奶農報料,指他的複製牛胚胎來自美國 ,由獲過獎的荷斯坦複製牛卵子和普通牛的精子結合而成。胚胎冷凍後,運送到英國植入母牛體內,生產出的複製牛後代,就用以榨取牛奶,但有關奶品未有任何特別標籤與天然奶品區別,就在英國市場售賣。

該名奶農又指出,曾把部分胚胎運往加拿大 。據報,2007年英國曾有8頭複製牛後代出生,牠們較普通牛產更多奶。但有研究質疑,複製動物存在衛生和健康隱患,可能會出現早夭或畸形。

歐盟 議會早前投票禁止出售複製動物及後代的肉類和奶製品。根據歐盟法例,複製動物製成的食品,在銷售前必須先通過安全評估並得到認證。但負責評估這些新興食品的英國食品標準管理局直言指出,有關的複製牛後代奶品,從未經當局檢定。



英國揭發有美國複製牛奶流入市場後,當地食品標準管理局發現,美國複製牛後代早已非法流入英國,其中一隻於去年 7月屠宰,估計已被全數食用,另一隻則於上周二,但至今仍存放農場雪櫃內,但第三隻牛所產的牛奶可能已進入巿場。


克隆動物食品引爭議 歐盟稱對人體無害


