

Morgan Stanley Defaulted on a Loan and Walked away from Offices in Tokyo!! Gave the keys back! Biggest Default in Japan's History 3.3 Billion!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Morgan Stanley Defaulted on a Tokyo Commercial office building yesterday (April 15th) they gave the keys back!
It is the biggest default ever in Japan's History - it is worth 3.3 Billion. Morgan Stanley left their investors high and dry with this default! Will this information come to light in the U.S. MSM?
它是日本史上最大的拖欠 - 價值得33億美元。摩根士丹利因為此一違約留下他們的投資者處於困境!這信息將會否在美國的MSM曝光?
Portions from Article:

TOKYO (Reuters) – A Morgan Stanley property fund failed to make $3.3 billion in debt payments by a deadline on Friday, handing over the keys to a central Tokyo office building to Blackstone (BX.N) and other in

The $4.2 billion MSREF V real estate fund missed its April 15 deadline to repay 278 billion yen($3.3 billion) vestors, the largest repayment failure of its kind in Japan.

The refinanced debt was sold in six different tranches by Morgan Stanley to investors.

Now comes the question on WHY Morgan Stanley did this?

Commonsense says they know something we do not or they can read the writing on the wall. Tokyo is getting a major amount of radiation from the Fukushima melt down. They have decided to walk away from their investments there.

I have read this morning (16th) that planes have been chartered with the elite getting out of Japan in a more hurried fashion than before.

Here is an article on how many of the banks have left Tokyo along with other major corporations and evacuated their top personnel. It is being denied by those corporations, but with the latest news of Morgan Stanley walking away from an office building, I would wager a bet it is true.

From Article:

Foreign firms are evacuating staff from Japan, after fears of radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi plant escalated further.

German car maker BMW and car part maker Continental are among companies moving employees out of the country.

Others, including software group SAP, are moving staff to southern cities within Japan.

Workers have suspended operations at the nuclear plant after a rise in radiation levels.

Radiation levels in Tokyo were higher than normal, officials said, but not at levels dangerous to humans.

The expatriate staff of international banks, including Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered, have reportedly left the capital city.

Could this be due to information that just came out about Reactors 1, 2 and 3 (Mox Fuel) having melted?  
Full story linked here. 
Update -I have found information on the building they have walked away from.

Shinagawa Grand Central Tower
2-16-3/4, 2 Konan, Minato-ku
Tokyo Japan

Status: built Building Uses
Construction Dates - office
Began 2000 - restaurant
Finished 2003 - retail
Floor Count 32 Structural Types
Basement Floors 3 - highrise
- landing pad


