

Report: Israel chief rabbi says Obama must free Pollard if he wants another term
Yona Metzger tells congregants in a Shabbat sermon that Jews who voted for Obama are disappointed, and U.S. president should release Pollard as mark of good faith.
Published 09:22 17.04.11
By Haaretz Service
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger, told congregants in a Sabbath sermon that if U.S. President Barack Obama seeks reelection, he must release Jonathan Pollard, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.

In the sermon delivered at Yeshurun Synagogue in Jerusalem on Saturday, Metzger told said there was a feeling that many American Jews that had supported Obama in the last election were disappointed in him, in no small part because of Obama's indifference to Pollard.
週六在耶路撒冷 Yeshurun​​猶太教堂發表的講道,梅茨格告訴說有一種感覺,許多美國猶太人在上次選舉支持奧巴馬都對他失望,在很大程度上是由於奧巴馬對波拉德的冷漠。
Israel's Chief Rabbinate Yona Metzger.

A civilian employee for the United States Navy, Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 on charges of spying for Israel. He is incarcerated at a federal jail in North Carolina.
波拉德是美國海軍的一位文職僱員,於 1987年被判處終身監禁,被指控為以色列從事間諜活動。他是被關押在北卡羅萊納州的聯邦監獄。
"If Obama wishes to dictate Israeli policy, he must show that he has mutual interests with Israel," Israel Radio quoted Metzger as saying. The rabbi reportedly added that these "mutual interests" should be shown through releasing Pollard.
Pollard's release has long been a bone of contention between Isael and its chief ally. In January, the Prime Minister's Office sent a letter to Obama requesting the convicted spy's release on humanitarian grounds. This marked the first formal request by Israel for the release of Pollard.
"Even though Israel was in no way directing its intelligence efforts against the United States, its actions were wrong and wholly unacceptable," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote in the letter. "Both Mr. Pollard and the Government of Israel have repeatedly expressed remorse for these actions, and Israel will continue to abide by its commitment that such wrongful actions will never be repeated."

Pollard's health has reportedly been in decline, and he has been hospitalized on several occasions. Last month, he cancelled a meeting with Israel Social Affairs Minister Moshe Kahlon because he was feeling ill.
The United States responded to Netanyahu's announcement of his decision to send the letter by saying only that Pollard at present is still incarcerated.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has raised this from time to time, both in his current incarnation and in his previous incarnation," State Department Spokesman Philip Crowley said. "All I can tell you is Jonathan Pollard remains in prison."





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