

NASA Announces 'Forbidden Zones'...On Moon!
2011年9月19日 下午 11:33:29
Feeling the pressure of mounting investigations launched by citizen activists concerning alien structures and artifacts on the Moon and Mars, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration has made a bold and incredible move: NASA has announced No-Fly Zones on the Moon.
Although the space agency claims the purpose of the No-Fly Zones are to preserve and protect the historic landing sites of the Apollo astronauts, some question why the zones happen to include regions where heavy attention has been focused—areas where purported alien technology is lying scattered across the lunar soil.
An alleged alien artifact photographed near an Apollo landing site.

According to official archives more than three dozen Lunar historical sites exist. It may be more than coincidence that many of the strange anomalies and structures are near, or in the same region as, all the Apollo landing and early Lunar space probe sites like Surveyor.
據官方檔案有超過 36處月球的歷史地点存在,它可能是多於巧合有很多奇怪的異常和結構在附近,或在同一區域,正如所有的阿波羅登陸和早期的月球太空探測地點如測量師隕石坑。
Photo taken by LRO of a large artificial structure at Rima Hadley not far from where Apollo 15 landed.
由LRO拍的相片有一大型人工結構在瑪哈德利,離阿波羅 15號登陸不遠的地方。

A portion of the NASA statement declares: Apollo 11 and 17 sites [shall] remain off-limits, with ground-travel buffers of 75 metres and 225 meters from each respective lunar lander.
美國宇航局聲明的部分宣佈:阿波羅 11號和17號地點 [將]仍保持沒有限制,以75米作地面旅遊的緩衝區 ,及225米從各有關的月球著陸器。
Aerial view of alleged complex at Gassendi Crater.

Despite the pronouncement, international attorneys do not believe the space agency has the authority to enforce such a proclamation, nor claim any regions offbounds by nature of “U.S. government property on the moon.” They argue that the United Nations 1967 Outer Space Treaty takes precedence and that no nation can lay claim to any portion of the Moon.
Apollo 12: Photo taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC).
阿波羅 12號:由NASA的月球勘測軌道器照相機(LROC)所拍攝的照片。

Despite that, NASA is desperate other countries will abide by its announcement—after all, more than 40 years of cover-up is at stake as well as the reputation and future funding of the currently beleagured agency.

One of the many structures that just 'happens' to be in the No-Fly Zone.

While NASA takes pains that it's only doing this to protect astronauts' discarded food and feces, the argument itself is specious. The real purpose of the No-Fly Zones—alleged by some researchers—is to dissuade upcoming lunar missions by other countries including Japan, India and China from "spilling the beans" on what's really up there.

Space probes from the European Space Agency have already uncovered the fraud NASA perpetrated for decades about the real color of the Martian sky.

A Japanese lunar space probe uncovered astounding evidence of the alleged base that exists on the far side of the Moon. Some insiders swear that America has a secret military base on the Moon and present evidence to support their charge.

Meanwhile, some NASA insiders have blown the whistle on the space agency and claim they have personally seen photographs and other evidence of artifacts, machinery—even cities—documented by robot and manned space mission from both the U.S. and former Soviet Union.

Photo of alleged American Moonbase. Notice the structures in the square-walled 'crater.'

Publicly, NASA says they were moved to act because of the announcement by Google's Lunar-X Prize. The Internet giant has created a contest awarding a monetary prize to the first private company that can land a robotic craft on the Moon, travel across the surface and transmit clear images. Google has sweetened the pot with the offer to add bonus money for a landing close to any of the Apollo sites.

Whether any of the up-and-coming spacefaring nations will abide by NASA's No-Fly Zones—especially if they discover hard evidence of ancient alien artifacts—is unknown. They probably won't abide by the NASA restrictions.

But unquestionably, the worried space agency desperately hopes they do.


登月地點受保護 美國宣佈為“國家寶藏”

