
光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年2月) <巴菲特>

光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年2月)
Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/12)
By VC |
February 1st, 2012 |
Translation By Autumnson Blog

The first month of 2012 is over and boy did we see Illuminati symbolism across popular culture. Here’s the January edition of Symbolic Pics of the Month featuring Demi Lovato, Nikki Minaj, Beth Ditto, Dakota Fanning and a bunch of fashion shoots. Even Warren Buffett is in there.
Super-elite, multi-billionnaire Warren Buffett at a party organized by Jay-Z. As TMZ now likes to say, he's "throwing up the Illuminati sign".
超級精英多億富翁巴菲特在Jay-Z舉辦的舞會,正如 TMZ網站現在喜歡說,他“扔上光明會的符號”。
See the Masonic symbolism on Buffett's book cover
This fashion shoot entitled "Kim & Luisa" by photographer Pierre Dal Corso appears to be heavily influenced by mind control imagery. In this pic, the model's face is painted white to match the mask she is holding. Masks are classic symbols of mind control that represent the MK slave's alter persona (masks are also used in actual mind control programming). The mask also hides one eye, another important symbol of mind control.
這由攝影師皮埃爾德爾 CORSO的時裝拍攝題為“金和路易莎”,似乎嚴重地受到精神控制圖像的影響。在這照片中,模特兒的臉被塗成白色以匹配她手裡拿著的面具。面具是古典的精神控制象徵,代表著MK精神控制奴隸的改變人物(面具亦被用作實際的精神控制編程)。面具還遮掩一隻眼睛,另一個精神控制的重要標誌。
Another pic emphasizing on the concept of the mask as an alter persona.
The model's expressionless face inside a big eye...as if she is owned by it.
Same photoshoot, again with the one eye.
Here's another mind control-inspired photoshoot by photographer BlanQ. Aptly entitled "Identity" (MK slaves lose their own identity and are programmed new ones) the shoot features the robotic models manipulated by hidden handlers. In this pic, the handler places a doll (representing the powerless slave) on the model's head, while other arms control the rest of her body.
In this one, the handlers get a bit more "grabby", demented and abusive which refers to the sexual abuse that is inflicted on MK slaves to cause dissociation.
This disturbing pic (is this still fashion) portrays the total control of handlers on the slaves. They even hide the slave's distress behind a forced (programmed) smile.
This image, used to promote Beyonce's last album, caused some controversy due to the fact that her skin color was obviously "paled". Looking further into the image, the animal prints and the blonde hair refer to Beta Programming (also known as Sex Kitten programming).
Speaking of Sex Kitten, here's another combo of blond hair and animal prints. In Nikki Minaj's video "Stupid Hoe" (the most disliked video of 2012) the rapper is shown dancing inside a cage, one of the Illuminati's favorite ways to depict female pop stars. Definitely a recurring theme.
Demi Lovato's ritualistic performance at the People's Choice Awards. Dressed in red, color of initiation, Demi performs surrounded by Masonic checkerboard patterns, the surface on which occult rituals are performed in secret societies.
黛咪洛瓦托在人民選擇獎的儀式性表演,身穿紅衣 - 入會的顏色,黛咪在共濟會棋盤圖案包圍中表演,棋盤圖案的表面是秘密社團執行神秘學儀式的地方。
Mickey Mouse ears are also a favorite way to refer to mind control in pop culture. As seen in previous articles, Natalia Kills is all about mind control.
K-Pop singer Ahn Sohee also rocks Mickey Mouse ears for no apparent reason.
Photographer Richard Burbridge also felt the need to use Mickey Mouse ears in his photoshoot. Inverted star and Baphomet head on the model's shirt.
Lady Gaga photoshoot in l'Umomo Vogue. She is depicted as a fem-bot (mind control, transhumanism, Maria from Metropolis). Funny how pop stars, idols of millions of people, are openly showed as dehumanized, robotic figures...the exact opposite of what artistic expression is about.
加加夫人在l'Umomo 時尚的拍攝圖片,她被描繪成一個女性機械人(精神控制、超人類主義、都市來的瑪麗亞)。有趣是流行明星,千百萬人的偶像,如何公開展示為非人化、機器人的的人物...正正相反於藝術表演。
An apt image to portray modern pop stars.
She does not seem to be in control of what she says.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu making the one-eye sign. Her videos PONPONPON and Tsukematsukeru (see articles here and here) are orgies of Illuminati symbolism.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu在做一隻眼睛的標誌,她的視頻PONPONPON和Tsukematsukeru(看文章在這裡這裡)都是光明會象徵主義的狂歡。
Beth Ditto is the new face of MAC. She is apparently celebrating her association with the makeup brand with a one-eyed tribute.
Actor Song Joon-ki in Vogue Korea. Vogue is a major "distributor" of Illuminati symbolism across the world.
Promotional picture for Dior
The cover of this issue of Cosmopolitan caused some controversy due to the fact that Dakota Fanning is a minor...and is surrounded with phrases such as "His best sex ever!", "Too naughty to say here!" and "Um, Vagina are you okay down there?"

Fanning was also featured in this controversial ad for Marc Jacobs holding a phallic object. Working hard to normalize pedophilia.


光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年1月)

光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年4月)



