
可憐的美國 - 全景[英國廣播公司] (長片)

以利秋的葡萄園 Autumnson's Vineyard

(視頻)可憐的美國 - 全景[英國廣播公司]
Poor America - P a n o r a m a [B B C] - Broadcast Date: 13th February 2012


Poor America

With one and a half million (1.5 million) American children now homeless, reporter Hilary Andersson meets the school pupils who go hungry in the richest country on Earth. From those living in the storm drains under Las Vegas to the tent cities now springing up around the United States, P a n o r a m a finds out how the poor are surviving in America and asks whatever happened to the supposed 'government' and the Real People in charge - those who you 'don't see' pulling on the strings; and their vision and welfare for the country.
現在有150萬美國兒童無家可歸,記者希拉里·安德森會見在地球上最富裕國家的挨餓學生,從那些生活在拉斯維加斯暴風水渠中至住在美國各地現在如雨後春筍的帳篷城市。全景找出窮人如何在美國求存,及問所謂的'政府'和真正掌控的人 - 那些你看不到但在拉細繩的人 - 究竟發生什麼事情;以 及他們對國家的願景和福利。
Could this be a form of 'Social cleansing' without the need of war or disease inflicted by the orchestrators - simply a controlled bout of poverty? Or is this the forced education that only condition children to know only a certain amount of knowledge that can only ever see them progress in working environments such as confined offices within the 'Human Zoo' qualities within the desperately overcrowded cities.
難道這是一種形式的“社會清洗”,而不需要戰爭或由策劃者造成的疾病 - 僅是貧窮的受控回合?抑或這是強制教育,只是調控兒童們去知道只是某一數量的知識,永遠只能看到他們在工作環境中的進度,例如在拼命擁擠城市中的“人類動物園”素質內的禁閉辦公室。
Why are our children not educated properly - to be able to survive communally with real craft and building skills? Is the social mobility (as in other 'rich countries' such as the UK) only fairing the rich; the wealthy and the 'clever elite'; the white collar criminal, as per usual?
為什麼我們的孩子沒有正確地受教育 - 能夠以真正的工藝和建築技術公有地生存?社會流動(正如在其它富裕國家例如英國)是否祇是有錢人、富裕的人和'聰明精英'的贈品;白領罪犯,如常倒楣?

