
666你準備好獸印沒有? 2013年3月23日

666 Are You Ready For The Mark Of The Beast?
2012年2月15日 上午 09:19:11

你準備好被植入RFID晶片嗎? 2013年3月23日是那日期!
Are you ready to have your RFID Chip Implanted? 3/23/2013 is your date!
By Fred Brownbill
Constitution Legal Watch
February 14, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
This new Health Care (Obamacare) law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it. polidics.com/news/another-hidden-secret-in-obamacare-rfid-chip-implants.html
這新的醫療保健(Obamacare)法律,要求在我們所有人植入RFID晶片。這種晶片將不僅含有你的個人資料與追踪能力,而且它也將被鏈接到您的銀行帳戶。及看這,新法律的1004頁(規定了該晶片的時序),讀取,和我引述:“頒布之日後不遲於36個月”。它現在是土地的法律及到2013年3月23日,我們全部人都被要求在我們的皮膚底下有一塊RFID晶片,而這晶片將連接到我們的銀行戶口,以及有我們的個人記錄和內置追踪能力。 polidics.com /新聞/另一個隱藏的秘密在醫療保健法案-RFID芯片-植入.html

On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday.
Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”
新法律的1004頁(規定了該晶片的時序),讀取,和我引述:“頒布之日後不遲於36個月”。H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
H.R. 3200 2521節,1001頁第1款。
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’)
to facilitate analysis of post-market safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on
a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
病人上;“及是- ”第三類裝置; 或“第二類可植入的裝置,生命支持或維持生命”

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act:
A class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”

Class III devises are items such as breast implants, pacemakers, heart valves, etc. A Class II device that is implantable is, as you seen from the FDA, an implantable radio frequency transponder, RFID chip. From breast implants, to pacemakers, to RFID chips which one is the only possible one that can used for the stated purpose in section B which is, “for linking such data with the information included in the registry”? As we know from subsection A, the information in the registry is the name of a device. In plain speak, we are in a clear way being told that our electronic medical records are going to be linked to a class II implantable device!

“The Secretary to protect the public health; shall establish procedures to permit linkage of information submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A, remember subparagraph A is the class 2 implantable device reference) with patient safety and outcomes data obtained under paragraph (3, which is electronic medical records); and to permit analyses of linked data;”

Continuing on to page 1007, in the STANDARDS, IMPLEMENTATION CRITERIA, AND CERTIFICATION CRITERIA section, the secretary of health and human services is given full power to intact all mandates from the laundry list of to-do items in the creation process of the registry as well as dictate how the devises listed in the National Medical Device Registry are to be used and implemented.

“The Secretary of the Health Human Services, acting through the head of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, shall adopt standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for the electronic exchange and use in certified electronic health records of a unique device identifier for each device described in paragraph 1 (National Medical Device Registry), if such an identifier is required by section 519(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360i(f)) for the device.”


666 Mark of the Beast Setup Worldwide By 2017? - Perry Stone
2017年全球設置666獸印? - 佩里史通


共濟會對孩童"植入晶片" 和RFID 晶片在2013年給所有美國人



醫院病人現在正被植入“電子紋身”獸印 :亞歷瓊斯電視


獸印 (世界市場崩潰,迎向獸印時代)




2 則留言:

  1. 今次真是很麻煩 !!!!!

    本來想深入一點了解這宗事件,但很多reference都變了死 Link !




  2. 很多reference都變了死 Link ?這裡的?
