

Trajectory Unclear: Feb 2013 Asteroid Will Be Within Thousands of Miles of Earth; Impact Would Be As Big As Siberian Tunguska Event; 1000 Times More Powerful Than Hiroshima
Mac Slavo
March 4th, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

In the history of the solar system, and even in human history, there are clear records of extraordinary and devastating catastrophes… On the landscapes of other planets, where the records of the past are better preserved, there is abundant evidence of major catastrophes. It’s all a matter of time scales. An event which is improbable in a hundred years, may be inevitable in a hundred million years. Even on the Earth in this century there have been bizarre natural events.

Carl Sagan
Cosmos – A Personal Voyage (1980) [video]
宇宙 - 個人之旅(1980)[視頻]
The Mysterious Tunguska Event

On June 30, 1908 an incoming meteor exploded approximately 5 miles above Siberia. The force of the air burst explosion, estimated at between 15 and 30 megatons, or about 1000 times bigger than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, was so powerful that it annihilated everything in an 830 square mile area, and reports suggest that that explosion was heard up to 1000 miles away. Because of the remoteness of the impact zone, the Tunguska Event over Siberia had very little effect on the human population in the region, but the destruction of some 80 million trees in the area shows just how powerful a blast was created.

Tunguska Explosion 30 July 1908

Should a Tunguska type event occur on our planet today, especially over a populated metropolitan area, millions would be killed instantly, with many millions more being affected by the social and economic reverberations that may result from the catastrophe.
According to NASA, there is a distinct possibility that an asteroid recently identified by star gazers in Spain could hit Earth around February 15, 2013. Based on its size and trajectory, it’s estimated that the 60 to 100 meter wide asteroid, dubbed 2012 DA14, could be similar in scope and devastation to Tunguska should it enter our atmosphere.
根據美國宇航局,有明顯的可能性一顆最近被西班牙的觀星者發現的小行星,可能約在2013年2月15日擊中地球。基於它的大小和軌跡,60至100米寬的小行星被稱為2012 DA14,估計一旦進入我們的大氣層,可能類似通古斯大爆炸的範圍和破壞。
Scientists aren’t exactly sure where on Earth the impact would occur, but they are sounding proximity warnings now:
The asteroid, known as DA14, will pass by our planet in February 2013 at a distance of under 27,000 km (16,700 miles). This is closer than the geosynchronous orbit of some satellites.
There is a possibility the asteroid will collide with Earth, but further calculation is required to estimate the potential threat and work out how to avert possible disaster, NASA expert Dr. David Dunham told students at Russia’s University of Electronics and Mathematics.
“The Earth’s gravitational field will alter the asteroid’s path significantly. Further scrupulous calculation is required to estimate the threat of collision,” said Dr. Dunham, as transcribed by Russia’s Izvestia. “The asteroid may break into dozens of small pieces, or several large lumps may split from it and burn up in the atmosphere. The type of the asteroid and its mineral structure can be determined by spectral analysis. This will help predict its behavior in the atmosphere and what should be done to prevent the potential threat,” said Dr. Dunham.
“地球的引力場將顯著地改變小行星的路徑,要求進一步嚴格的計算來估計碰撞的威脅,“鄧納姆博士說,正如俄羅斯消息報所轉錄。 “小行星可能分解成幾十小塊,或幾大堆可能從中分裂及在大氣中燃燒。小行星的類型和其礦物結構可通過頻譜分析確定,鄧納姆博士說:“這將有助於預測其在大氣層中的行為,和應當做些什麼以防備潛在的威脅。
In the event of a collision, scientists have calculated that the energy released would equate to the destructive power of a thermo-nuclear bomb.
Source: RT

How close is it? In 2005, scientists warned of the potentially hazardous asteroid named YU55, which passed within 200,000 miles of earth. In space distance terms, 2012 DA14 which will be within 20,000 miles of earth, is just a stones throw away.

It’s close, as demonstrated by the following orbit diagram from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory:

Asteroid 2012 DA14 on February 15 2013 (Distance only 27.000 kilometers!!! 82 meters!!! Impact?)
小行星2012 DA14 在2013年2月15日(距離只有27.000公里!!!82米!!!撞擊?)
2005 YU55 (November 2011年11月) distance距離: 325 000 kilometers公里

Asteroid impacts are certainly a low probability event – well, at least when we look at them in terms of human time scales. But history is replete with evidence that asteroid impacts have been responsible for massive earth changes, and that they happen fairly regularly when considered in times scales of tens of millions of years.

While the chances of earth being hit by a ‘global killer’ during our lifetime is remote, the Tunguska event and DA14′s near-earth passing next year is strong evidence that smaller impacts do happen quite regularly – perhaps at least once a century. DA14 may not be a global killer, but it is certainly large enough to destroy an entire city or region, an event that could lead to destabilization and systemic, cascading collapse in other parts of our intertwined modern day economic, financial and political systems.

We’re not suggesting that we should all panic because of DA14′s near earth passing, or even potential impact, because if this asteroid is meant to hit us there’s nothing that we as individuals on the ground here on earth can do about it. However, the US government is and has been Preparing For Unlikely Events Like War, Catastrophic Collapse of Society, and Even Asteroids, so you can feel confident knowing that you’re not a lunatic to at least consider the possibility of an asteroid impact adversely affecting life as we know it.

Take a page out of the the government’s SHTF plan. Far-from-equilibrium events do happen and as unlikely or improbable as they may be, include wide-spread natural disasters like mega Tsunamis, mega quakes, super volcanoes and asteroid impacts.

For Your Entertainment: A scene from one of our favorite doomsday movies of all time:

President: “What kind of damage [are we talking about]?”
Dan Truman: “Damage? Total, sir. It’s what we call a global killer. the end of mankind. It doesn’t matter where it hits, nothing will survive. Not even bacteria.”
Armageddon (1998) - Bruce Willis - Billy Bob Thornton
大決戰(1998) - 布魯斯·威利斯 - 比利·鮑伯·桑頓


NASA警報 - 死亡小行星2012 DA14 出人意表地可能在2013年2月15/6日撞擊地球

實踐科學家尼古拉•特斯拉(Nikola Tesla 1856-1943)

二月份在俄羅斯西伯利亞有非比尋常的強大爆炸 - 是否在重演1908年的通古斯事件?

