

Remote Viewing Weaponized
Posted by: Zen Gardner
March 1, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Will our enemy enter our innermost secret installations invisibly and from thousands of miles away? Will wars be fought by the conscious, bodiless armies of soldiers in a psychic battlefront?
The discovery of the energy underlying telepathic communication will be equivalent to the discovery of atomic energy. L.L. Vasilev
潛藏在精神感應傳訊之下的能量發現,將相當於原子能的發現。 L.L.·瓦西列夫
Project Stargate (SRI)

Remote viewing in any military sense really began with the Stargate at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) from the 1970s to 1995. This research project was terminated in 1996 and a new research was instituted at Stanford University named, the Cognitive Science Laboratory for the Future. Although some might see the Stargate Project ending, the present Laboratory sees itself as a continuation of the Stargate Project.
The Stargate project was not s single project but a code name for a series of sub-projects. At the height of the project there were no more than 22 remote viewers working, while towards the end there remained only three. The remote viewers were only consulted after all other intelligence sources had been exhausted. It is believed by some, as stated in May 21, 2004 article in the Daily Mail written by Monica Cafferky, entitled, The Psychic Spies, that since the attacks on 9/11 the government is using remote viewers to find the whereabouts of Bin Laden and to ascertain where and when the next attack might come.
The website for the current research project even gives information concerning missions that these viewers were engaged in.
We will cite three examples of missions they were engaged in:

1. September 1979 - NSC (National Security Council) asked about a Soviet subamarine under construction. Specifically, they were asked What is going on under this roof?” in a small piece of photo given the Receiver; the roof was (unbeknownst to the Receiver) in the [former] USSR. It was unknown that a submarine was under construction in the building until it was seen over three months later. The description given to the NSC by the viewer was the following: Very large, new submarine with 18-20 missile launch tubes and a “large flat area” at the aft end would be launched in 100 days. The reality of what was found with through other sources was two subs, one with 24 launch tubes and the other with 20 launch tubes and a large flat aft deck, were sighted in 120 days.
1. 1979年9月 - 國家安全委員會(國安會)問及一艘正在建設的蘇聯潛艇。具體來說,在給予受者的一幀小照片,他們被問到"在屋頂下那是怎麼回事?";屋頂(受者毫無所知)是在[前]蘇聯的,那時是不知道有一艘潛艇在建築物中施工,直到它在超過三個月後被看到。交給NSC的遙視者描述是:將在100天內推出的非常大、新潛艇有18-20枚導彈發射管,及在尾部有“大的平面面積”。東西的真相其後通過其它渠道在120天內發現是兩艘潛艇,一艘有24枚發射管和另一艘有20枚發射管及在船尾甲板有一大平面。
2. February 1988 - DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) asked where Marine Corps Col. William Higginswas being held in Lebanon. The viewers responded, Higgins was in a specific building in a specific South Lebanon village. The reality of the situation turned out to be a released hostage later said Higgins had probably been in that building at that time.

3. January 1989 - Pentagon asked about possible Libyan response to U.S. criticism of chemical weapons work at Rabta. The viewers responded a ship named Patua or Potua would arrive in Tripoli to transport chemicals to an eastern Libyan port. The reality of the situation - a ship named Batato arrived in Tripoli and loaded undetermined cargo, which it brought to an eastern Libyan port.

There are other missions that were practiced as far back as 1974 against the former Soviet Union.The research center even provides the method by which they score the accuracy of the viewing. For a very skeptical view of the activities of this research institute at Stanford you can read this account given by Ray Hyman, the co-founder of Modern Skepticism.

More: & Here

Remote Viewing, Psychic Abilities by C.I.A:

Remote Viewing, Psychic Abilities and Edgar Cayce. An Interview with Russell Targ.



五角大樓被爆 秘密打造通靈部隊 研究特異功能

美國的超自然秘密間諜和特異功能遠程監視 :真正的X檔案


終結 - 遙視的人類末日預測 (長片)

