

Trumpocalypse, The Dark Machine And A Virtual Armageddon

 August 20th, 2018
The American dream was the single most effective means of giving ordinary men and women the right to a little piece of paradise on earth along with constitutional freedoms to enjoy it.
However, beginning in the early 1900s, a powerful secret force known as the Dark Machine infiltrated the minds of men and women, erasing their memories of the American dream and replacing it with a grotesque virtual reality in which millions of people have been programmed to hate America along with its Judeo-Christian values, nationalism and capitalism.
Today, the number one threat to the Dark Machine on planet Earth is an American president named Donald Trump, a billionaire, former reality television star and the last of the “space cowboys” because of his inner belief system that allows him to transcend the “Matrix,” a virtual reality concentration camp of the mind that the human race is marching toward as part of the globalist elite’s master plan.
The Dark Machine’s new world order, whose soulless agents began secretly organizing in ancient Babylon at the time of the Tower of Babel, which Troy Anderson and I wrote about in our best-selling book, The Babylon Code, has launched what one of their leaders called a scientific revolution in the form of an unprecedented psychological coup to remove President Trump from office by force if necessary.
The Dark Machine’s Psyops
This psyops’ (psychological operations) warfare against Trump consists of an endless series of mass mind control, propaganda, social engineering and persuasion campaigns like the “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Russian collusion, the Stormy Daniels’ porn star scandal, constant minimalization of Trump’s documented successes such as America’s economic growth, endless Trump tapes that are psychologically framed to make him look bad, and the all-out mainstream media war against the president.
In addition, this psyops involves the tech giants, social media and internet censorship of conservatives and the alternative media that communicates pro-Trump messages, the “fake news” psyop in which the truly “fake news,” or corporate-controlled media, attacks true news by labeling it as “fake news,” the use of classical brainwashing techniques such as the endless repetition of negative statements and pictures of Trump, and the use of anti-Trump celebrities and authority figures in changing public opinion against Trump. These techniques were first developed by journalist Walter Lippmann in the 1920s and then by Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, in the 1930s. These methods were later used by Adolf Hitler in his rise to power in Nazi Germany.
This psyops also involves the use of comedy as a method of ridicule to demonize and dehumanize Trump. This is a major principle in scientific mind control because it gives the masses of people psychological permission to hate and entertain horrific thoughts in preparation for the next phase of mind control which is programming people to act violently.
Those in the mainstream media and social media who have quoted people saying things like, “Let’s kill Donald Trump,” or broadcasting images of comedian Kathy Griffin holding up Trump’s bloody head, or publishing actor Robert De Niro’s derogatory remarks about Trump at the Tony Awards, to one degree or another are guilty of spreading an “emotional contagion” in which strong anti-Trump emotions and hysteria are spread virally to millions of people. This is the same psyop technique that was used to create the Arab Spring in the Middle East.
My co-author Troy Anderson and I go into detail about this in our best-selling book, Trumpocalypse, in which we document and expose the plans of the Deep State to remove Trump from office.
The CIA, Media and ‘Fake News’
It’s interesting that one of the most informative articles written about the Deep State’s use of the Central Intelligence Agency to control the mainstream media was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Carl Bernstein, a former reporter at The Washington Post of Watergate fame, in a 1977 Rolling Stone article titled, “The CIA and the Media: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.”
Bernstein, a mainstream media icon, documents in his 25,000-word cover story how the CIA secretly controlled the most powerful news organizations and names in the mainstream media during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. In the article, Bernstein infers that the CIA continues to be involved in controlling the mainstream media today.
“The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception for the following principal reasons: The use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence gathering employed by the CIA,” Bernstein wrote.


