
中國人已滲透美國大學,特朗普和Ted Cruz在見招拆招

中國人已滲透美國大學,特朗普和Ted Cruz在見招拆招
The Chinese Have Infiltrated American Universities and Trump and Ted Cruz Are Moving to Counter
 August 20th, 2018
In yesterday’s installment related to the presence of the Communist Chinese in many of our universities, especially at Western Kentucky University, I shared the story of an interview I conducted with a former WKU professor, in 2012, who stated that the Communist Chinese were present on her campus and were working against the interests of the American people. In the previous article, I further disclosed why I and my associate discounted the original story by this professor. Now, six years later, it would appear their account was accurate based upon new and available information.

Fortunately, after an extensive search, I found my notes on the exchange I had with a former professor of journalism at WKU and myself back in 2012. In this article, I am going to share the details of tis professor’s revelations. Their story is, in part, validated by two unlikely sources, President Trump and Senator Ted Cruz.
At the time of my telephonic interview with this professor who demanded that their identity not be revealed, I learned that WKU, at that time, was offering certificates of study related to learning about the Department of Homeland Security. There were federal funds attached to this program. Please keep in mind that this was during the Obama administration and that dramatically colors this event. When I spoke with this professor, it was the first time that I had ever heard of the upcoming GridEX drills in which DHS/FEMA were conducting a series of drills to simulate a take-down of the grid either by a cyber attack or by an EMP. These courses, according to the professor, promised to disrupt our power grid. It turns out that this professor was correct. In late 2013, I authored an article in which I expressed outrage that Obama was allowing the Chinese and the Russians to participate in the GridEx drills.
The professor told us that the closer one looked at these so-called DHS college courses, they truly did not exist and were not open to anyone but about two dozen Chinese foreign students at WKU, who according to this professors, all lived in the same house, off-campus, with a visiting Chinese professor.
The WKU professor told me that there were no courses listed, no instructors of record and phone calls of inquiry are met with denials on anything that WKU had published. Yet, the program was advertised, presumably as a cover to the fact that a significant number of mainland Chinese students were taking a course in DHS protocols. Now that I look back at this revelation, this was “the how to” of taking down our grid. The following year, and for subsequent years after that, the Chinese were invited by Obama to participate in these GridEx drills. I now know why. Obama, being the traitor that he was, was allowing these Chinese  to completely learn how to disable our grid prior to an invasion. This would have the same effect as a preemptive first strike that seeks to take out command and control.
Now that I look back at these revelations with a fresh perspective, I can clearly see that there can be no other conclusion that these courses and fake Chinese professors were no more than a false shell operation on WKU’s campus which funneled taxpayer funds to teach these Chinese Communists how to disable the American grid.
As an aside this specific professor at Western Kentucky University questioned the validity of this program and then she found herself the target of electronic harassment, in which the Bowling Green, KT. police actually found merit to the complaints and was afforded extra protection, according to the professor. It is clear that these bogus programs serve the purpose of the shell corporation designed to compromise the security of our power grid.
The interview with this professor was arranged through my former news director, Annie DeRiso. She had discovered these events through one of her contacts who facilitated the telephonic interview of which Annie was a part of. After the interview, Annie and I felt there was a lot of smoke to the interview, but the mannerisms of the professors served to detract from the believability of her claims. Now that I look back at the professor’s bizarre behavior during the interview, she was probably suffering from PTSD as a result of the attacks upon her. At the time, it appeared that she was unbalanced. At the end of the day, we decided not to run the story because we could find no collaborating information. That was then and now new facts have surfaced which are somewhat related to this professor’s story dn subsequent claims.

Communist Chinese Infiltration Into American Universities


