

5 Biggest Revelations of Wikileaks Documents

More By Max Fisher
on July 26, 2010 9:34am

Six years' worth of secret U.S. documents relating to the war in Afghanistan have been released by Wikileaks, an Iceland-based website that collects and distributes such information. Some news organizations were given the tens of thousands of documents several weeks early so that they could sift through the files and prepare their coverage. The revelations are sure to spark wide debate about the U.S. role in Afghanistan and the nature of the ongoing war. Here are what currently appear to be the five biggest things we've learned so far.
6年價值有關阿富汗戰爭的秘密美國文件,已經由維基解密公佈 ,一冰島為基地專門收集和分發這些資料的網站。幾星期前一些新聞機構被給予以萬計的文件,以便它們能篩選文件和準備他們的報導。揭示是肯定會引發廣泛的辯論對美國在阿富汗的角色和持續戰爭的性質。下面是目前看來最大的五項事情我們迄今知道的。

•Pakistani Intelligence Possibly Aiding Taliban

The New York Times reports(紐約時報報導),
"Americans fighting the war in Afghanistan have long harbored strong suspicions that Pakistan’s military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a year from Washington for its help combating the militants, according to a trove of secret military field reports made public Sunday." The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is said to be involved in "a network of Pakistani assets and collaborators that runs from the Pakistani tribal belt along the Afghan border, through southern Afghanistan, and all the way to the capital, Kabul." This network may be working "with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders." [Is Pakistan's spy service finally on our side?]

•Drones Less Effective Than Claimed

Der Spiegel reports(德國明鏡週刋報導),
"the secret memos reveal the drawbacks of a weapon that has been lauded by the US military as a panacea, a view shared by the president. In his short time in office, Barack Obama has unleashed double the number of drone missions ordered by his seemingly trigger-happy predecessor, George W. Bush. ... But they are not always reliable. According to official reports, 38 Predator and Reaper drones have crashed while on combat missions in both Afghanistan and Iraq. ... each drone crash necessitates elaborate -- and dangerous -- salvage operations." [Should spy drones be used against the oil spill?]

•30 Years Later, Taliban Still Have Stingers

During the anti-Soviet Afghan War of the 1980s, the U.S. helped the Afghan insurgents secure stinger missiles. After the Soviet military withdrew and during the civil war of the 1990s, which is when the Taliban first emerged, the U.S. attempted to recover all of the missiles. But the New York Times reports, "The Taliban have used portable heat-seeking missiles against allied aircraft, a fact that has not been publicly disclosed by the military. This type of weapon helped the Afghan mujahedeen defeat the Soviet occupation in the 1980s." [Why Pakistan blocked Facebook and Youtube.]

•U.S. and Afghan Officials Covering Up Civilian Deaths

The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder finds "at least 144 separate incidents" of civilian casualties "and subsequent cover-ups." He writes, "The failed special forces attempt to kill Abu Layth Ali Libi, which resulted in the deaths of civilians, suggests the willingness of some provisional governors to collude with the official storyline. ... There is a reference to a CIA paramilitary operative shooting at 30 yards a blind woman, something that was duly reported back to headquarters."

•Bin Laden Match-Making for Insurgents

The Guardian reports(衛報報導),
"Insurgent reportedly given Arab wife by Bin Laden for his explosive exploits." The original military report reads, "So-called ABDULLAH is the brother of Kari NAJIMULLAH and is married to an Arab. His wife was a present by Osama BIN LADEN because ABDULLAH is an infamous specialist for RC IEDs." That last term means radio-controlled improvised explosive devices.

美軍說謊 掩飾濫殺300平民
(明報)2010年7月28日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】爆料網站「維基解密」公開美軍阿富汗 戰爭9萬頁機密資料,令舉世震驚。《衛報》根據該網站提供的報告,昨披露更多美軍濫殺平民及說謊掩飾的內情,包括美軍在2007年一次針對塔利班 高層的空襲,殺死多達300名阿富汗平民,但美軍卻對外聲稱當時已「確認附近區域沒有阿富汗平民」。

2007年8月,美軍特種部隊在阿富汗赫爾曼德省(Helmand)北部村莊增兵,準備暗殺兩名塔利班高級指揮官伊克萊斯(Mullah Ikhlas)和副手蓋蘭德里(Qalandari),兩人在美軍的追殺名單「位列前茅」。伊克萊斯更被指是塔利班在阿富汗南部的軍事指揮。


英國 發言人陸軍中校梅奧(Charlie Mayo)曾稱,當時「擊中一個塔利班大型集會」,但實情卻是美軍非但錯炸平民,更錯認目標人物伊克萊斯。美軍在空襲後才發現,伊克萊斯可能從未出席集會。

阿富汗斥北約 炸村誤殺52平民

戰事以來,盟軍接連錯炸濫殺,造成大量平民死傷。聯合國 指阿富汗去年最少有2412名平民死於戰亂,是2007年有統計以來傷亡最慘重的一年。阿富汗政府昨稱,上周北約火箭襲擊阿富汗南部一村莊,造成52平民死亡,死者包括多名婦孺,但北約調查員否認其事,聲言北約和阿富汗部隊上周五在村莊以南遇襲,以直升機開火還擊,根據地面觀察及情報消息,盟軍在襲擊中殺死6名武裝分子,包括一名塔利班指揮官。


Julian Assange: 為什麼世界需要維基解密





