

Solomon's Temple in Brazil would put Christ the Redeemer in the shade

Huge replica planned for Sâo Paulo would be twice the height of the iconic statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro
Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro
Wednesday 21 July 2010 20.05 BST
Church members say the planned temple would be twice the height of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. Photograph: Danny Lehman/Corbis
教會成員說,計劃的聖殿將會是里約熱內盧基督救世主雕像的兩倍高度 。攝影:丹尼雷曼/考比斯

One of the world's largest and most controversial Pentecostal churches has been given permission to build a $200m (£130m) replica of Solomon's Temple in Brazil's economic capital, São Paulo.
世界上其中一個最大和最有爭議性的五旬節教會,已被獲准興建一 所2億美元(1.3億英鎊)的所羅門聖殿複製品,在巴西的經濟首都聖保羅市。
The 10,000 capacity "mega-church", which is the brainchild of Brazil's Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, will also house a replica of the Ark of the Covenant and be built according to "biblical orientations".
According to the Estado de São Paulo newspaper, planning permission was granted this week and church officials say it should be completed in four years.
"We are preparing ourselves to build the temple, in the same mold as Solomon's," the church's leader and founder, Bishop Edir Macedo said in a televised service, posted on his blog. "[Solomon's] Temple … used tonnes of gold, pure gold ...We are not going to build a temple of gold, but we will spend tonnes of money, without a shadow of doubt."
“我們在準備自己去建造聖殿,以所羅門聖殿的相同模具,”教會的領袖和創始人,埃迪爾馬塞多主教在一電視服務說,張貼在他的博客上。 “[所羅門]聖殿 ...使用數公噸黃金,純金 ...我們不是蓋一所黃金聖殿,但我們會動用噸計的錢,懷疑也不用懷疑。”
Macedo said his church had signed an $8m contract to import stones from Israel. "We have signed the contract and commissioned the stones that will come from Jerusalem, just like the ones that were used to build the temple in Israel; stones that were witnesses to the powers of God, 2,000 ago," he said. "It is going to be a knock-out, it is going to be beautiful, beautiful, beautiful — the most beautiful of all. The outside will be exactly the same as that which was built in Jerusalem."
馬塞多說他的教會已簽署一份 800萬美元合同從以色列進口石頭。 “我們已經簽署合同和監督石頭來自耶路撒冷,就像那些在以色列被用來建造廟宇的,2,000年以前見證上帝權力的石頭,”他說。 “它將是一個淘汰,它將是美麗的、美麗的、美麗的 - 所有中最美麗的,外面將完全相同於那建在耶路撒冷的。”
The 55-metre high temple, the equivalent of an 18-storey building, would tower over central São Paulo and be "twice the height of [Rio's] Christ the Redeemer statue", the blog said.

The project, drawn up by Brazilian architect Rogério Silva de Araújo, includes a car park for 1,000 vehicles, TV and radio studios, and classrooms for 1,300 children.

Founded in Brazil in 1977, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God claims an estimated 8 million followers in 180 countries worldwide, with a TV channel and a free newspaper, the Folha Universal, which it says has a weekly print run of 2.5m. The church claims its leader's blog receives up to 4m hits a month.

The church supports so-called "prosperity theology" – by which acts of faith including donations are rewarded with material wealth.

In 2009, São Paulo's public prosecutor accused 10 senior members of the church, including Macedo, of siphoning off billions of dollars of donations to buy cars and property. Macedo, who denied the charges, owns a $45m private jet.





