
海洋生物學家聲稱美國海岸衛隊參與 Corexit噴灑

海洋生物學家聲稱美國海岸衛隊參與 Corexit噴灑
Marine biologist claims US Coast Guard involved in Corexit spraying

By Stephen C. Webster, on 07-06-2010 00:37
Published in : Agenda, Politics
A marine biologist working with a group of environmentalists to save sea turtles claims the U.S. Coast Guard is involved in spraying a toxic chemical dispersant over the Gulf of Mexico; and he says it has already traveled inland.

"Do I think there's dispersants coming in and mixing with our everyday lives?" Dr. Chris Pincetich asked, speaking with a group of activists.
"Absolutely," he pronounced.
Pincetich, a marine biologist and toxicologist who works with the Sea Turtle Restoration Project, was speaking to a group of activists who call themselves Project Gulf Impact.
Video of the interview quickly made its way to the Internet, where it has sparked renewed concern about the oil dispersant substance Corexit, being sprayed over the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the worst environmental accident in human history. Up until last week that dubious distinction was held by the Ixtoc underwater well disaster in 1979.
訪問的視頻迅速上傳互聯網,在那它引發重新的關注關於油劑物質 Corexit,被噴灑在墨西哥灣上空尾隨着人類歷史上最嚴重的環境事故。直到上週,可疑的區別被Ixtoc的1979年水下井災難握有。
BP, the oil company responsible for a broken deep-water well that has been gushing oil and gas unabated since April 22, has been dumping massive amounts of the chemical stock ever since the disaster began as a way of keeping the oil off the water's surface. Thinned by dispersant, the oil mixes with the water column and forms underwater plumes that are less likely to wash ashore or be measured by satellite photography.
BP是那石油公司負責一破爛的深水井,自4月22日已一直有增無減地湧出石油和天然氣,已傾倒 大數額的化學物貯量自從災難開始,作為一種方式保持石油離開水面。被分散劑減薄,石油混合水體和形成水下羽狀物,會較少可能冲洗上岸或被衛星攝影測量。
After initially approving Corexit, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency retracted its allowance and ordered BP to stop dumping thechemical substance by Sunday, May 23. BP ignored the order, as it had purchased more than a third of the world's supply of Corexit. Nalco Co., formed in-part by a longtime member of BP's board of directors, is in process of mass producing more in Sugarland, Texas.
在初步批准Corexit後,美國環境保護局收回它的允許,並在5月23日星期日下令BP停止傾倒化學物質。英國石油公司忽視命令,因為它已購買了全球的Corexit供應的超過三分之一 。納爾科公司,部分由BP董事會的老成員 成立,在得克薩斯州舒格蘭大規模生產過程更多的。
The EPA followed up on May 26 by ordering BP to reduce the volume of Corexit output by 75 percent. Again, BP did not comply, according to CNN.
環保署 5月26日跟進下令英國石油公司減少Corexit的生產量百分之75,再次,英國石油公司沒有遵守,根據美國有線電視新聞網。
"Before May 26, BP used 25,689 gallons a day of the chemical dispersant Corexit," the network reported on July 2. "Since then, CNN's analysis shows, the daily average of dispersant use has dropped to 23,250 gallons a day, a 9 percent decline."
“在5月26日之前,英國石油公司 一天用25,689加侖的化學消油劑 Corexit,”網絡 7月2日報導。 “從那時起,美國有線電視新聞網的分析顯示,每天分散劑的平均使用已下降到23,250加侖一天,下降百分之九。”
The EPA's Web site claims the agency and the Coast Guard are tightly monitoring BP's use of Corexit; it does not say that the Coast Guard is actively participating in the deployment thereof. 美國環境保護局的網站聲稱,機構和海岸警衛隊正在嚴密監控BP的Corexit使用,它並沒有說海岸警衛隊正積極參與其中的部署。

"The Federal Government reserves the right to discontinue the use of this dispersant method if negative impacts on the environment outweigh the benefits, and the Coast Guard’s Federal On-Scene Coordinator has the authority to make daily decisions regarding any request by BP to adjust the use of dispersant," the agency declared, even after its own orders were so obviously ignored.

"The exact makeup of [Corexit] is kept secret under competitive trade laws, but a worker safety sheet for one product, called Corexit, says it includes 2-butoxyethanol, a compound associated with headaches, vomiting and reproductive problems at high doses,"Pro Publica noted.

However,Fast Company magazine added: "in a statement to the Gulf Oil Disaster Recovery Group, toxicology expert Dr. William Sawyer elaborated on the risks associated with Corexit. According to Sawyer, Corexit is also known as deodorized kerosene--a substance with health risks to humans as well as sea turtles, dolphins, breathing reptiles, birds, and any species that need to surface for air exchanges."

Breathing dispersant fumes is what's thought to have sickened and number of spill response workers. Crew members aboard three separate vessels "reported experiencing nausea, dizziness, headaches and chest pains," according to the Coast Guard. Instead of ensuring workers had adequate access to respirators, BP CEO Tony Hayward claimed workers had fallen ill from food poisoning. Fishermen who've since joined the cleanup effort have been discouraged from wearing proper breathing equipment, allegedly because BP wants to stem the tide of "hysteria" over the disaster.

The chairman of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council called Corexit "worse than oil." However,at the end of June the EPA concluded a round of testing on the substance and declared Corexit to be "slightly toxic," but actually not worse than oil.

The New York Times reported:

Lab workers determined what concentration of dispersant was needed to kill half the fish or half the shrimp in the sample, measured in parts per million, and then classified the products in rather broad categories. Corexit, which becomes lethal to half the shrimp or fish at 130 parts per million, was labeled “practically nontoxic,” and dispersants that killed half the shrimp or fish in concentrations between 19 and 55 parts per million were labeled “slightly toxic.” The worst-ranking, Dispersit SPC 1000, killed half the aquatic life at 2.9 parts per million and was classed as “moderately toxic.’’

To the contrary, Yobie Benjamin with the San Francisco Chronicle wrote:

Corexit 9500 is a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the Nalco of Naperville, Illinois (who by the way justhired some expensive lobbyists). Corexit is is four times more toxic than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500 at only 2.61ppm).

In a report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. titled"Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview" Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed.

The substance is thought to become even more toxic when mixed with salty, oily water at high temperatures, such as those found on the Gulf's surface in the middle of summer.

Likewise, Dr. Pincetich argued that his background in toxicology and testing pesticides on marine life gives him a unique perspective on the EPA's measurement process.

"People need to realize that their water, their air, the sand they're walking on, the things they're touching when they wake up in the morning -- are coated with this stuff," he said. "If you see it in a high concentration, it looks like radiator fluid. It is not a pretty sight. The stuff is toxic. The tests say 'no effect'. I can tell you from managing those tests as a professional that you need to know exactly what test gave you what effect that you tested. So, if it was no effect on the survival of seven days of the fish, what happened to that fish at 10 days? That was my doctoral thesis."

He continued: "The pesticides that killed no fish at 96 hours, which is the EPA deadline -- 90 percent of them died two weeks later. These were embryonic salmon. There are a lot of chemical effects that are not being measured by the standard EPA tests."

Pincetich specifically cautioned that no matter how carefully Corexit is sprayed, the chemicals will always drift inland, or simply evaporate and return in condensation.

"[Corexit] basically disrupts the natural ability of oil to bond with itself," he said. "Oil bilipid layers next to each other are the very basis of life. Each of us is made out of cells. Those cells are nothing more than an oil layer surrounding ourproteinsand RNA and all the othermoleculestalking to each other. You put in a chemical that disrupts that basic biological structure and you are putting yourself at risk from umpteen effects."

The Coast Guard has banned reporters from getting near oil spill sites: a move that's been called an assault on the First Amendment. If indeed the guard is actively assisting BP in violating the EPA's order to significantly reduce Corexit output -- and if they've begun taking up night-time spraying missions on the company's behalf, as Dr. Pincetich claims -- then their reasons for shutting out the media become much easier to assume.

Dreadful as it sounds, the scenario would seem to lead reasonable observers in wondering why a foreign corporation is directing a branch of America's military.

Salon writer Glenn Greenwald opined similarly in a recent slight to what he called the "BP/Government police state," saying: "The very idea that government officials are acting as agents of BP (of all companies) in what clearly seem to be unconstitutional acts to intimidate and impede the media is infuriating. Obviously, the U.S. Government and BP share the same interest -- preventing the public from knowing the magnitude of the spill and the inadequacy of the clean-up efforts -- but this creepy police state behavior is intolerable."

This video was published to YouTube by Project Gulf Impact on July 4, 2010.
BP OIL SPILL HEALTH EMERGENCY! DIRE! MUST BE WATCHED! Corexit Being Sprayed From Coast Guard Planes!
BP油溢健康應急!可怕!必須加以監視! Corexit被海岸警衛隊飛機噴灑!


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