

Poison Tap Water Exposed As Soft Kill Weapon

Anthony Gucciardi
Prisonplanet.com / ShatterLimits.com
August 6, 2010

Water fluoridation has come to refer to the addition of over 40 chemicals into the water supply that synergistically come together to wreak havoc on the body and its processes. Paul Joseph Watson and Matt Ryan recently came together to expose what water fluoridation really amounts to: disease. Scientists and doctors around the world are speaking out against water fluoridation, and its effects on the human body.
Real or perceived danger?
If water fluoridation truly is a killer, then why is it still being added to the water supply? The truth is that only about 5% of the world is current fluoridated. Of the 5% that is fluoridated, 50% of them reside in the United States. Other countries have rejected fluoridation due to a wide variety of health concerns, with one primary factor being thyroid damage.
如果水加氟真的是一個殺手,那麼為什麼它仍然被添加到食水供應?真相是世界目前只有約 5%被加氟。 那被加氟的5%,其中50%住在美國。其它國家已拒絕加氟,由於各種各樣的健康問題,其中一個主要因素是甲狀腺損害。
Studies have shown many times over that fluoride really does pose a threat to the body. Even if there were only a few studies proving that fluoride is harmful, then the government should act to protect the people. If the government felt that the studies were conducted improperly, then an independent investigation should be funded. There really is no excuse for not examining the issue further. Supporters of fluoridation would most likely argue that there is no necessity to investigate fluoridation further, and that there is no implication that fluoride is unsafe for general consumption.
This argument would be somewhat effective if there were not so many studies highlighting the harmful effects of fluoride. In addition to the studies, officials from around the globe have been calling for an end to fluoridation since its inception. The Department of Health in New Jersey found that areas with fluoridated water had between two and seven times higher bone cancer rates than communities that were not fluoridated. In another famous study, neurotoxicologist and former Director of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix found that even moderate levels of fluoride exposure led to varying degrees of brain damage. The damage was caused due to fluoride building up in the brain.

What is more shocking is that even the offspring of the studied animals were affected. While the doses were relatively low, the animals experienced permanent effects to the brain that were similar to ADD symptoms. Other studies throughout the past 50 years have linked fluoride to osteoarthritis, inhibited thyroid function, decreased sperm count, cancer, decreased strength, and much more. One of the most recent studies found that fluoride may not help teeth at all .
更令人震驚的是,即使是被研究的動物後代都受到影響。雖然劑量是相對地低,動物經歷大腦的永久性影響是相似ADD的症狀。其它在過去 50年的研究已聯繫氟至骨關節炎、甲狀腺功能抑制、精子數量減少、癌症、降低力量等等。其中一項非常最近的研究發現,氟可能完全幫不到牙齒。
The flagship of chemical pollution

Fluoride is not the only thing in your water. Cocaine was recently found in the drinking water , along with various hormones. Unfortunately, traces of cocaine may be the least of your worries. Other toxic pollutants are often found in the drinking water across the United States. Even if you do not drink tap water directly, it can also be in many products such as soda or beer. Foods absorb water as well, and your food may be absorbing these pollutants. One of the best options to prevent against exposure to these chemicals is to purchase a high quality water filter, or get your water from a pure source such as a spring. Other pollutants typically found in the drinking water:

• Lead , which can enter the water supply through corrosive pipes or improper water treatment
• Pathogens that cause disease and are especially crippling to those with weakened immune systems
• By-products of chlorine treatment such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids , which have been linked to cancer and reproductive problems
• Arsenic , which may cause cancer, serious skin problems, birth defects and reproductive problems
• Radon , a carcinogen linked to lung cancer

It is important to remember that these pollutants can also be absorbed or inhaled by the body during showering. A high quality shower filter is a necessity for everyone who does not have a house-wide filtration system. Protecting yourself from toxic tap water is very important, but it is vital that the citizens of the world correct the problem the correct way. It is time that water fluoridation comes to an end worldwide. With many nations leading the way in the war against water fluoridation, the proper momentum has been generated. Tell everyone you know about the toxic effects of water fluoridation, and allow them to research the facts for themselves. Through peaceful and intelligent means, water fluoridation can easily be stopped.

1. Cohn PD , A Brief Report On The Association Of Drinking Water Fluoridation And The Incidence of Osteosarcoma Among Young Males, NJ Depart. of Health, Environ. Health Service, 1992, 1- 17
2. Cheng YX, IQ of children in areas of high fluorine content, Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases, Supplement 1991.
3. J Epidemiol (CL8), 1996 Dec; 6 (4): 184-91
4. Chrischilles E, Shireman T, Wallace R. Costs and health effects of osteoporotic fractures. Bone 1994;15:377-386.
5. Dambacher MA, Ittner J, Ruegsegger P. Long-term fluoride therapy of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Bone 1986;7:199-205.
6. Riggs BL, Hodson SF, O’Fallon WM, et al. Effect of fluoride treatment on the fracture rate in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. NEJM 1990;322:802-809.
7. Kleerkoper ME, Peterson E, Phillips E, et al. Continuous sodium fluoride therapy does not reduce vertebral fracture rate in postmenopausal osteoporosis (abstract) J Bone Miner Res 1989; Res 4 [Suppl]:S376.
8. Hedlund LR, Gallagher JC. Increased incidence of hip fracture in osteoporotic women treated with sodium fluoride. J Bone Miner Res 1989;4:223-225.
9. Avioli LV. Fluoride treatment of osteoporosis. Postgrad Med: a special report, 14 Sept 1987:26-2


Poison Tap Water Makes Number 1 Google Search
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Poison tap water has become the number one trending search term on Google Trends today after our efforts to bring attention to how sodium fluoride in tap water is a deadly health threat went viral.......

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