
Lady Gaga 在 Alexander McQueen和精神控制的路線前進

Lady Gaga Channels Alexander McQueen and Mind Control
By VC |
April 18th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Monarch Programming suit

The “butterfly suit” is by Alexander McQueen, a fashion designer who’ve died tragically (and rather mysteriously) last year. His work could be the subject of an entire article as it was laced with occult and mind control themes. He was described by Pseudo-Occult Media as “the elite’s fashion designer”. Here are some examples of his symbolic works:
Monarch butterflies crowding the head
One-Eye Monarch Butterfly
Occult ritual-themed fashion show
McQueen as the “white rabbit”, an important theme in Monarch mind control referring to Alice in Wonderland.
Mind Control-themed shoot for McQueen by Nick Knight, director of Gaga’s Born This Way (do you see the connections?). One eye missing, blank stare, brain has been meddled with.
由加加的這方式出生的導演Nick Knight,為麥奎因的精神控制主題的拍攝(你看到之間的關係嗎?)。一隻眼睛失去、發白的凝視、大腦已被干預了。
Spring 2011 Ad campaign. The Monarch theme continues

About Lady Gaga’s “horns” and McQueen:
“First of all, they’re not prosthetics,” she said. “They’re my bones … They’ve always been inside of me, but I have been waiting for the right time to reveal to the universe who I truly am.” The singer said the ridges rise up when inspiration strikes – and that she’s not alone. “We all have these bones! They’re the light from inside of us.”
“首先,它們不是假肢,“她說。 “它們是我的骨...它們一直都在我身內,但我一直在等待正確時機對宇宙顯露真正的我。“該歌手說當靈感來到隆起部份就升起來 - 而且她並不孤單。 “我們全都有這些骨!它們是從我們裡面來的光。“
Interrogated more firmly, Gaga did admit the facial horns are part of a “performance-art piece”, with “body modification” being “part of the overarching analysis of Born This Way”. But she denied the use of any plastic surgery, and made no mention of subdermal implants. “I am an artist, and I have the ability and the free will to choose the way the world will envision me,” she said.
質詢更加強硬,加加確承認了面上的角是“表演藝術作品“的一部分,以“身體改造“作為”這方式出生的總體分析的部分。“但她否認使用任何整容手術,並沒有提到皮下植入物。 “我是一位藝人,和我有能力和自由意志去選擇世界將設想我的方式,“她說。
Gaga also claims that the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen is the composer of her latest single, released on 11 February. “Right after he died, I wrote Born This Way.” She was particularly struck when the release date for the song turned out to be the anniversary of McQueen’s death. “When I heard that, I knew: I didn’t even write the fucking song! He did!”
加加亦聲稱,已故的時裝設計師 Alexander McQueen,是她2月11日發行的最新單曲的作曲家。 “緊接著他死後,我寫了這方式出生。“她的印象特別深刻,當歌曲的發行日期竟然是 McQueen死亡的週年。 “當我聽到那,我知道:我甚至不會寫那他媽的歌!他做的!“
“I think he planned the whole thing,” she continued. “He’s up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away.”
“我認為他策劃整件事情,“她繼續說。 “他在天堂...“
Interesting choice of words.


Lady Gaga "這方式出生" - 光明會宣言

Lady Gaga - Born This Way (光明會分析)

Lady Gaga - 這方式出生 在千禧年後的魔鬼國度

Johnnie Walker 機器人廣告:光明會和精神控制帝王蝴蝶


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