

Satanist Insider: Iran Attack "First Half of March"
February 5, 2012
by Aloysius J. Fozdyke
Translation by Autumnson Blog

[Disclaimer: While we do cannot confirm this information or endorse this point of view, we present it for your evaluation. AJF gave the world this important revelation. As he says, Satanists "feed on fear" so perhaps he is just stoking the fires.]
[免責聲明:雖然我們不能確認此信息或贊同這觀點,我們展示它給你評估。 AJF給世界這一重要揭示,如他所說,撒旦教徒以“恐懼作飼料”,故也許他只是在煽風點火。]

"Iranian missiles can hit Israel and American bases in Saudi Arabia. Try to imagine the costs of oil, the global explosion of prices and the nuclear waste. This has been planned for about nine years now with NATO. This year the American dollar dies. America will take a little longer."

Blood consecrates. Massive bloodshed releases high-grade energies.
So does fear, but on a less intense level. We harness these energies. We create paradigms. We feed the Spirits and They get stronger. We are calling in The Usher of Desecration to make the way for Vindex.
This is the oldest battle - a spiritual battle for freedom and of honour, loyalty and revenge. 'We believe in Lucifer, the everlasting Light-bringer...And in the Self...which shares His potential [and] the supreme sanctity of the Will...We look forward to His reign and the pleasures which are to come!'
這是最古老的戰鬥 - 一場為自由和榮譽、忠誠和報復的靈戰。“我們相信路西弗,永恆的光之使者...及在自我...那分享他的潛力[和]意志的至高無上神聖......我們期待著他的統治及要來的樂趣!“
We work like history. We have a public and a private face. We give the masses what they want, to the degree they can tolerate.
Theirs is a simple herd mentality built upon conformity and debasement.
For them, limitation is security. We were forced to be shepherds. They demand what we provide, for we offer explanations and hold out hope. A perfect symbiosis. The more abuse and misuse the more familiar and therefore unaware sheeple grow to it. They are expendable extras: hardwired to suffer - but without awareness. Keep them diverted from their reality, help them find answers which suit Our agenda and they are tame.

Our initiates exist for themselves and the glory of Our Hidden God. Others are simply allies, obstacles or tools.

Very quickly they will know (if not understand) where they are in the food chain. The death cries of trash have been and will remain sacrifices to bring the strength, authority, order and joy that Our Father has promised through The Usher. Now is His time, and Ours.

As Europe, Britain, America, China and the world fall apart; as the resources rich Middle East and Africa are shattered, Europe looses it fuel and the international, cleansing apocalypse begins: We are ready and well pleased.
至於歐洲、英國、美國、中國和這世界關係結束; 因為資源豐富的中東和非洲被碎裂,歐洲放鬆它的燃料,並國際、清洗的天啟開始:我們準備好及感到好高興。
Iranian missiles can hit Israel and American bases in Saudi Arabia. Try to imagine the costs of oil, the global explosion of prices and the nuclear waste. This has been planned for about nine years now with NATO. This year the American dollar dies. America will take a little longer.
Truth be told, without the unfailing help of the sheeple, their pens and their slaughterhouses could not have been built. Your democracies are a sick joke.
Without your taxes, your Freemasons, your kiddies joining the police and military, evangelical churches, the flags and parades, media; whilst not forgetting C.I. Scofield - none of what is about to happen could have happened.
沒有你們的稅,你們的共濟會員,你們的小孩加入警隊和軍方、福音派教會、國旗和遊行、媒體;同時沒忘記 C.I. Scofield - 沒有即將發生的東西是可能已經發生了的。
By sticking to the accepted plot ad absurdum we're convince the followers of Yeshua to support us. For them, the worse it gets the better it is. You guys and gals are going to be happy!

The word I have is the first half of March, but these things are obviously somewhat tentative and dependent on circumstances. Nonetheless, that's the time frame; give or take. Have no fear!

And I was never trying to convince anyone. I was just telling you.

美在伊朗周圍的大型軍事集結報告; 高達10萬部隊3月準備就緒

建造世三戰 - 伊朗誓言復仇反對歐盟禁運; 中情局預測6月戰爭!!



CNN新聞急報以色列攻擊伊朗 2012年3月19日

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  1. 版主不管英文內有何宗教語言存在,但還是要完全翻譯比較好。 支技您

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