Iran Also Controlled by Satanists
October 4, 2010
translation by Autumnson Blog
"I live in Iran and have heard Ahmadinejad discussing the need for world order and global governance. I've also heard that his handler ayatolah mesbah yazdi is well connected to British secret service.
“我住在伊朗和已聽聞內賈德在討論新世界秩序及全球統治的需要,我亦聽說過他的辦事人阿亞圖拉 mesbah亞茲迪是與英國秘密服務常有聯絡的。
Quite frankly these people are leading the country to total financial meltdown setting the stage for acquisition of state by world financial elite. The public are told to prepare for shortages and street riots."

From a Young Iranian
(for henrymakow.com)
From the beginning of the Islamic revolution, key positions such as the judiciary were handed over to Mullahs who had no experience in running the country. Commanders of the military, engineers and doctors who opposed the regime were hanged because they were "enemies of Allah".
The Islamic revolution of Iran had nothing to do with Islam. Just like any other revolution of recent history ,it was basically aimed at handing power to a few individuals. In the case of Iran's 1979 revolution, the state was handed over to the Khomeini cult, a Muslim Brotherhood group which has direct links with foreign intelligence agencies.
One must not be so naïve as to believe Iran is an opposition against the new world order. We have TV shows made every year and fed to the public on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution showing the public that before that revolution Freemasons ran the show. It's very difficult for me to believe the notion that the British who fought Mussadeq so vigorously would suddenly give up Iranian oil and let the Mullahs take over the country's oil resources.
The true story is that the British instigated the Islamic revolution of Khomeini. The objective was to control Iran's energy by weakening it (reduce the Iranians to hunger) and to destroy Iran's religious and family oriented society.
Many of our grand Ayatollahs are also Freemasons, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and I have reliable sources that tell me they have trips to London every few month to get their orders. One of the powerful figures of the cult regime of Iran is Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi. He is the leader of a very powerful cult called the Haqqani School. Members include Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a top student of Mesbah), commanders of the revolutionary guards, the Basij militia, lawyers, judges and the heads of major news prints.
許多我們的大阿亞圖拉亦是共濟會員,即穆斯林兄弟會的成員,和我有可靠的消息來源告訴我,他們每隔數月前往倫敦去取得到他們的命令。伊朗邪教政權的一個強勁人物是阿亞圖拉 Mesbah亞茲迪,他是一個非常強大邪教的領袖稱為哈卡尼學校,成員包括:內賈德(一名Mesbah的尖子學生)、革命衛隊的指揮官們、巴斯基民兵,律師,法官和重大新聞照片中的人物。
We have evidence that the same group was behind last year's election fraud and also the harsh crisis management which came after the election that resulted to many deaths, arrests and many newspaper outlets being shut down.
LEADERSHIPAhmadinejad's internal objective is to hand over power to members of
the cult. Multibillion dollar enterprises which were state owned are
now owned by the IRGC (i.e. the Revolutionary guards.) Also infrastructural projects, oil fields, housing projects and many other are awarded to the IRGC. Any opposition such as the green movement or worker strike is handled by
the IRGC secret service and the Basij militia.
For outsiders Ahmadinejad might pose as a brave leader who dares to deny the holocaust or challenge the events of 911. He enjoys the kind of
security that Obama does in New York City and he has the chance to sit
down and talk with all major media outlets in the United States.
Meanwhile it's noteworthy that after returning from UN general
assembly, Ahmadinejad was due to address the students of Tehran
University but the plan was cancelled unexpectedly. The reason is that
the man who enjoys publicity in US does not have the guts to face
Iranian students; he simply fears that his presence might spark unrest
in the university and destroy all the "achievements" that he gained
from his trip to USA.
On that same day Ayatollah Khamenei was due to visit the city of Qom
but his trip too was canceled due to his unpopularity amongst top
religious figures and their unwillingness to attend his welcoming
Meanwhile I am not sure if Ayatollah Khamenei is a member of
the cult but we do know that his chief of staff is a member therefore
the flow of information to the leader is controlled by IRGC secret
service, subsequently his decisions and speeches are against the
Khamenei supports developments in sciences and
technologies that guarantee the survival of the cult regime. Meanwhile
he doesn't favor modernization of the country's economy and he truly
opposes raising people's living standards. To me he is in line with the
British method of controlling the masses through hardship.
Iranian people are currently experiencing difficult times and the sad
news is that they are told by government officials to prepare for even
worse. We're experiencing high inflation rate and high unemployment. Oil
revenue has fallen and the latest round of sanctions on banking and
energy sectors has made life very difficult for businesses. For
example, in order to meet local demand for fuel, refineries are told to
drastically reduce their industrial chemical productions and to refine
fuel instead.
Businesses are limited to telegraphic transaction for
foreign trade; therefore foreign currency is in high demand resulting
to higher prices on good imports. Making matters even worse, the
incompetent and inexperienced government of Ahmadinejad is planning to
overhaul the economy by increasing taxes on energy.
Iran's inefficient economy has caused serious social problems for
families and especially the younger generation. To name a few of our
social problems, we have the world's highest drug addicts based on a
UN report, high divorce and low marital rate, promiscuity of younger
generation in schools and universities, rise in abortion and AIDS,
increase of crime rate and increased belief in magic and Satanism.
I believe that the main source of these problems is that our society and
especially the young generation no longer have faith in values such as
family, religion and hard work. The cause is that the cult has taken
away our basic rights and is feeding us a version of Islam that
has led to the destruction of religion and society.
I have no doubt that Satanists are among the religious teachers in Qom since I have heard many true stories of child abuse. Our Mullah social engineers
have made the public so confused that they no longer know what is
right or wrong and therefore are ready to accept a NWO takeover.
I started reading alternative news sites such as rense.com and
henrymakow.com four years ago when I was about eighteen years old. I
lived in Europe when the attacks of 911 happened and could sense the
implications it had on Muslims of Europe and also the implications it
had on my western friends especially on the ones who were from
I remember that although they knew I were Iranian they had
the feeling that somehow I was supporting the attacks. Although I was
completely against the events and had condemned the attacks, I could
sense the huge gap that had opened between the Muslims and Christians.
I knew that the misunderstanding was because of my friends' lack of
knowledge and understanding of world events and especially the
dynamics of Middle East.
Furthermore I remember watching the shock and
awe campaign and the war on terror in general with my father in Iran.
The two events of 911 and war on terror prompted me to investigate as I
sensed there was something going on behind the scenes.
Meanwhile I've been following world events with much enthusiasm as I
know the truth with the help of alternative news sites and the truth
has set me free. I'm only 22 years old and i ask myself why should i get caught in this mess. My only way out is to escape to another country and continue my
higher education. Honestly due to difficult times which I 'm
experiencing here in my home country I've decided to look up to the
readers of these sites for help on personal matters.
I've even found a proper destination with high living standards and
low tuition fee. That place is Hong Kong, a city that is a blend of
eastern and western cultures with cheaper universities compared to
developed countries thanks to governmental subsidies. Since I live in
a middle class family I cannot manage the cost of studying in Hong
Kong. So I thought of asking for help at a place were other visitors
can understand my views since we share a common viewpoint. I'm not the
kind of person to sit back and hope for miracles therefore I'm hoping
that there might be someone out there who is reading this article and
is able to help finance my studies.
伊朗總統911陰謀論 歐美聯合國大會退席抗議
美發表國家軍事戰略 網絡戰和亞太成新戰略重點